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" The circumference of every circle is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees ; and each degree into 60 equal parts, called minutes ; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds ; and these into thirds, &c. "
The Element of Geometry - Page 90
by John Playfair - 1836 - 114 pages
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A Treatise of Algebra in Two Books: The First Treating of the Arithmetical ...

Philip Ronayne - Algebra - 1717 - 478 pages
...PARTI. .•;.-. . ... Of TRIGONOMETRf. f * r*" . У ;: "> •" ^ Definitions. ï; Д Circle is fuppofed to be ^* divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees, and each Degree into 60 equab Pans>calledMinutes,?md each Minute into 60 eqpal Parts1 called Seconds , ÖV. Any Partien -of...
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The Description, Nature and General Use, of the Sector and Plain-scale ...

E. S., Edmund Stone - Compasses (Mathematical instruments) - 1721 - 60 pages
...greateft Semitangent, or that of 1 80 Degrees, is infinite. The Circumference of every Circle is fuppofed to be divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees ; and each Degree in 60 equal Parts, called Minutes, &c. This Number was chofen by Geometricians for the Diviiion of...
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A Compleat Treatise of Practical Navigation Demonstrated from It's First ...

Archibald Patoun - Navigation - 1734 - 568 pages
...into two equal Parts, and is double the Radius. 1 6. The Circumference of every Circle is fuppofed to be divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees ; and each Degree is divided into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes ; and each Minute into 60 e?ual Parts, called Seconds;...
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A Treatise of Algebra in Two Books: The First Treating of the Arithmetical ...

Philip Ronayne - Algebra - 1738 - 458 pages
...I. Of DEFINITIONS. i. A Circle is fuppos'd to be r\ divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees j and each Degree into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes...and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds 5 t£c. Any Portion \ of whofe Circumference is called an Arch, and is meafured by the Number of Degrees...
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The Theory and Practice of Gauging, Demonstrated in a Short and Easy Method ...

Robert Shirtcliffe - Gaging - 1740 - 322 pages
...Ancients divided the Circumference of a Circle into 360 equal Parts, each of which they called a Degree ; and each Degree into 60 equal Parts called Minutes ; and each Minute into 60 Parts called Seconds, and fo on to thirds, fourths, &c. every Arch of a Circle, being denoted by the...
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The Description, Nature and General Use, of the Sector and Plain-scale ...

Edmund Stone - Mathematical instruments - 1746 - 62 pages
...greatefi Semitangent, or that of 180 Degrees, is infinite. The Circumference of every Circle is fuppofed to be divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees...and. each Degree into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes, &V. This Number was chofen by Geometricians for the Divifion of a Circle^ becaufe it may be divided...
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The Young Mathematician's Guide: Being a Plain and Easy Introduction to the ...

John Ward - Mathematics - 1747 - 492 pages
...of that Arch. IPIane ^Trigonometry. I. A Circle is -tJL vidcd into DEFINITIONS. fuppos'd to be di-. 360 equal Parts, called Degrees ; and each Degree...and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds, &V. Any Portion of whofe Circumference is called an Arch, and is meafured by the Number of Degrees...
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The Young Mathematician's Guide: Being a Plain and Easy Introduction to the ...

John Ward (of Chester.) - Mathematics - 1747 - 516 pages
...the Secant ofthat Arch. IPlane I. Л Circle is DEFINITIONS. fuppos'd to be divided into 360 ecjual Parts, called Degrees ; and each Degree into 60 equal...and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds, ÜV. Any Portion of whofe Circumference is called an Arch, and is meafured by the Number of Degrees...
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Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical: With the Construction and Application of ...

Thomas Simpson - Logarithms - 1748 - 84 pages
...fuppofed divided into fome afligned Number of equal Parts. 2. The Periphery of every Circle is fuppofed to be divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees;...and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds, or fecond Minutes, &c. B G 3. Any Part AB of H the Periphery of the Circle is called an Arch, and is...
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A New Introduction to the Mathematicks: Being Essays on Vulgar and Decimal ...

Benjamin Donne - Algebra - 1758 - 430 pages
...called a Day ; which Day they fubdivided into 24 equal Parts called Hours, and each of thefe again into 60 equal Parts called Minutes, and each Minute into 60 equal Parts called Seconds, &c. Further, the Time which is elapfed between the Inftant when the Sun is in the Equinox, or firlt Point...
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