NEW-YOR BRARY THE ELEMENT OF GEOMETRY. BOOK I. DEFINITIONS AND REMARKS. I. THE word Geometry is from the Greek, it means the measurement of the earth, and is the name of the science which treats of space, as defined by shape or extent. II. Two portions of space the same in shape, may be called similar. III. The same in extent, equal. IV. The same in shape and extent, equivalent. V. A portion of space extending in length, breadth, and thickness, may be called a solid. VI. In length and breadth, without reference to thickness, a surface. VII. In length without reference to breadth or thickness, a line. VIII. Place, without reference to extent, may be called a point. IX. A point is considered incapable of division, and not to occupy space. Χ. A solid is bounded by a surface, or surfaces. |