NEW WORKS-PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. IMPROVED LIST. MR. WEALE'S NEW SERIES OF RUDIMENTARY WORKS FOR BEGINNERS. MR. WEALE has prepared for publication, in a neat and convenient size, a Series of original and useful Volumes, by the most esteemed writers, forming a Rudimentary Course for the easy comprehension of the leading principles of various Sciences. It has been remarked that "those who are in the ship of Science ought to remember that the disciples cannot arrive without the aid of boats." Popular treatises are to Science what boats are to large ships; they assist people in getting aboard; but as no one would trust himself to a weak or inefficient boat, so no one ought to begin the study of Science with an imperfect guide. It sometimes happens that popular treatises are made to appear easy by the omission of those very details which are most essential to be known: they state results without going through the necessary processes by which those results are gained: they deal largely in facts, and leave principles untouched. The only method of avoiding this error is to confide to men, who are masters of their respective subjects, the task of drawing up Popular Introductions to the several branches of Science. The Publisher trusts that the following list of names will be a sufficient guarantee to the Public that what he proposes to attempt in the cause of Popular Instruction will be done well, and that these little treatises will fully answer the purpose for which they are intended, namely, to become convenient and accurate Guide-Books in Government and other Schools, and in Popular Institutions generally, while their low price will place them within the reach of all classes earning their daily bread, to many of whom a knowledge of the elements of Science is a positive gain in the common pursuits of life, as well as a means of winning from gross tastes, and presenting to the mind noble and worthy objects of study. The First Series, several volumes of which are amply illustrated, may be had complete in demy 12mo, neatly bound in cloth; and, for the convenience of purchasers, the several Subjects are published separately at the following prices : RUDMIENTARY CHEMISTRY, by Professor Fownes, F.R.S., &c., third edition, vol. ii. Price. 18. 18. 18. 1s. 1s. MECHANICS, by Charles Tomlinson 18. ELECTRICITY, by Sir Wm. Snow Harris, F.R.S., &c. CIVIL ENGINEERING, by Henry Law, C.E. vol. i., second edit. 18. RUDIMENTARY ARCHITECTURE (Styles-their several examples), by Talbot PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN IN ARCHITECTURE, by E. Lacy vol. ii. PERSPECTIVE, by Geo. Pyne, Artist, Author of "Practical Price. 18. 18. 18. 1s. 18. SECOND SERIES OF RUDIMENTARY WORKS FOR BEGINNERS. With Engravings to each, at 1s. per Volume, the Set complete, each neatly bound in cloth, separately, Price. 1s. RUDIMENTARY ART OF BUILDING, by E. Dobson, C.E., Assoc. Inst. 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It has been observed by Bonnycastle, in the Preface to his admirable Elementary Work on Algebra, that "Books of Rudiments, concisely written, well digested, and methodically arranged, are treasures of inestimable value, and too many attempts cannot be made to render them perfect and complete." To carry out this new Series successfully and methodically, the most eminent men in scholastic erudition and elementary instruction have been selected, under the able management and editing of Mr. JAMES HANN, Mathematical Master of King's College, London, who, with the co-operation of the following gentlemen, will produce a set of books that shall be efficient both for public and self-instruction : W. S. B. WOOLHOUSE, F.R.A.S., Actuary of the National Loan Fund, Author of several Scientific Works. HENRY LAW, Civil Engineer, Editor and Author of several Professional Works. JAMES HADDON, Arithmetical and Second Mathematical Master, King's College, London. The Subjects are as follows: Price. ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON ARITHMETIC, with Numerous Mathematical and 18. A PRACTICAL SYSTEM OF BOOK-KEEPING, with Concise Modes of Calcula- ELEMENTS AND PRACTICE OF MENSURATION AND GEODESY THE WHOLE SYSTEM OF LOGARITHMIC TABLES, for Reference and Practice THEORY AND PRACTICE OF NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY AND NAVIGATION 15. 18. 18. • 1s. vol. ii. 1s. The whole illustrated by numerous Woodcuts. FOURTH SERIES OF RUDIMENTARY WORKS FOR BEGINNERS. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON COTTAGE BUILDING, or Hints for Improving the Dwellings of the Labouring Poor, by Charles Bruce Allen, Architect TUBULAR BRIDGES, GIRDER BRIDGES, ART OF MAKING FOUNDATIONS, CONCRETE WORKS, &c., 3 RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON LIMES, CALCAREOUS CEMENTS, MORTARS, TREATISE ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF LIGHTHOUSES, DITTO, the Continuation of the same subject LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, describing them Sailors and Engineers ART OF SHIPBUILDING, THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES, THE PRACTICE, with Plates, by 18. 15. SAILOR'S SEA-BOOKS, Directions 18. J. Peake, H. M. 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The whole forming a most useful and instructive Library of general Instruction, illustrated by numerous engravings. |