The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Volume 47

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A. and C. Black, 1849 - Science

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Page 256 - ... tails. Perhaps it is not too much to hope that future observation, borrowing every aid from rational speculation, grounded on the progress of physical science generally (especially those branches of it which relate to the...
Page 197 - A Manual of Botany : being an Introduction to the Study of the Structure, Physiology, and Classification of Plants.
Page 371 - ... this Report, Dr. Smith states that the pollution of air in crowded rooms is really owing to organic matter and not merely carbonic acid ; that all the water of great towns contains organic matter; that water purifies itself from organic matter in various ways, but particularly by converting it into nitrates, — that water can never stand long with advantage unless on a large scale, and should be used when collected or as soon as filtered.
Page 44 - ... been able to bring them to the test of such experiments as would confirm or refute them; and should therefore have delayed the publication of them until these experiments had been made, if you, sir, and some other of my philosophical friends had not thought them as plausible as any other conjectures which have been formed on the subject ; and that, though they should not be verified by further experiments, or approved of by men of science in general, they may perhaps merit a discussion, and give...
Page 42 - During the last summer also, a friend of mine gave some account of them to M. Lavoisier, as well as of the conclusion drawn from them, that dephlogisticated air is only water deprived of phlogiston ; but at that time so far was M. Lavoisier from thinking any such opinion warranted, that, till he was prevailed upon to repeat the experiment himself, he found some difficulty in believing that nearly the whole of the two airs could be converted into water.
Page 349 - It will not only render the study of Geography more attractive, but actually show it in its true light, namely, as the science of the relations •which exist between nature and man throughout history ; of the contrasts observed between the different parts of the globe; of the laws of horizontal and vertical forms of the dry land, in its contact with the sea ; of climate, &c.
Page 386 - NEWTON, of the Office for Patents, 66 Chancery Lane, in the county of Middlesex, civil engineer, " certain improvements in steam-boilers," being a communication from a foreigner residing abroad.
Page 375 - I discovered chromate of iron disseminated in these rocks ; and ten or fifteen miles farther south (near the city of Harmanjick) there is an abundant deposit of this mineral. A circumstance worthy of remark, is, that this chromate of iron (the first that has been discovered in Asia Minor) is found in serpentine as elsewhere. This important fact can explain to a certain extent the formation of this chromate. It is well known that serpentine contains all the elements of chromate of iron, which, during...
Page 248 - AD 1618 is stated to have been attended by a train no less than 104° in length. The comet of 1680, the most celebrated of modern times, and on many accounts the most remarkable of all, with a head not exceeding in brightness a star of the second magnitude, covered with its tail an extent of more than 70° of the heavens, or, as some accounts state, 90°.
Page 380 - America, the consumer really eats more than half a pound of gypsum and indigo : — and I have little doubt that in many instances Prussian blue is substituted for indigo. And yet, tell these green tea drinkers that the Chinese eat dogs, cats and rats, and they will hold up their hands in amazement and pity the taste of the poor Celestials. In five minutes from the time of the colour being thrown into the pan the desired effect was produced.

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