TUTOR'S GUIDE, BEING A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF ARITHMETIC WITH VARIOUS BRANCHES IN THE MATHEMATICS. IN SIX PARTS, viz. Dect 1824 To which is added, the Specific V. Chronology, or the Method IV. Mensuration of Superficies and VI. Algebra, wherein the Method TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING DIFFERENT FORMS OF ACQUITTANCES, The whole being designed for the Use of Schools, as a QUESTION Book, BY CHARLES VYSE, - AUTHOR OF THE YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S NEW GUIDE THE THIRTEENTH EDITION CORRECTED. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY JOSEPH CRUKSHANK, AND SOLD BY P. BYRNE, M. CAREY, T. & W. BRADFORD, The MONTHLY REVIEW, gives the following Account of the first Edition. "The best Method of conveying Instruction is derived from Experience; and though the Author of the TUTOR'S GUIDE does not pretend to boast of new Discoveries, yet it must be allowed that he has selected a great Variety of necessary and useful Rules for the obtaining a thorough Knowledge in those Sciences which depend upon Arithmetic: and his Book will be found particularly useful in this Respect, as it contains a very considerable Number of Questions to exemplify the Rules he has laid down, and to exercise the Attention of the Learner.- Many of them may be thought to surpass the Capacity of young Scholars: but this Circumstance is no just Objection against the Book itself: it rather recommends the Work to an after Review, when the Understanding is enlarged and ripened. The Plan and Execution of Mr. Vyse's Performance do Honour to his Judgment and Application, and entitle it to the general Notice of those who are entrusted with the Education of Youth." The CRITICAL REVIEW gives the following Ac count. "Notwithstanding there are many Books already extant, upon the same Subject, yet we apprehend that the Work before us will not be deemed either unnecessary or impertinent, after having assured our Readers it is recommended to the Favour of the Public by one of the most considerable Mathematical Writers of the present Age." Amor, Univ THE PREFACE. WHEN we consider the Utility of ARITH METIC, on which Science almost all the others do absolutely depend, we need not be surprised that so many Efforts have been made to bring this useful Branch of Learning to the utmost Degree of Perfection: and although the vast Extent of the Subject does in some Measure defeat these Attempts, yet, upon Account of its real Value and Use, it certainly merits all the Study and Pains that can be bestowed upon it. In the following Pages I have delivered the Definitions and Rules in as brief and concise a Manner as I possibly could, so as to make them general; and they follow in the same Order as specified in the Table of Contents. Thus, Book the first contains the Four primary Rules, i. e. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division, in Integers; and Reduction, ascending and descending, with the Tables of Money, Weights, Measures, &c. with which the Pupil should be well acquainted, before he proceeds to the Use of those Rules in Compound Numbers. |