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common radius 1; denote the first by

b, and the second by a. From M draw MP, perpendicular to CA, and MN perpendicular to CB; from N draw NP' perpendicular to CA, and


65. Let AB and BM represent two arcs, having the



NL parallel to AC.




Then, by definition, we shall have,

PM = sin (a + b), NM = sin a, and CN = cos a.

From the figure, we have,

PM = PL + LM.


From the right-angled triangle CP'N (Art. 37), we have,

or, since

P'N = CN sin b;

P'N = PL, PL cos a sin b.

Since the triangle MLN is similar to CP'N, the angle LMN is equal to the angle P'CN; hence, from the right-angled triangle MLN, we have,

[blocks in formation]

Substituting the values of PM, PL, and LM, in Equation (1), we have,

sin (a + b) = sin a cos b + cos a sin b; (A.)

that is, the sine of the sum of two arcs, is equal to the sine of the first into the cosine of the second, plus the cosine of the first into the sine of the second.

b, we may substitute - b, for b; whence,

Since the above formula is true for any values of a and

sin (a - b) = sin a cos (-b) + cos a sin (-b);

but (Art. 62),

cos (-b)

cos b, and,

sin (-b) = - sin b;


sin (a - b) = sin a cos b cos a sin b; (3.)

that is, the sine of the difference of two arcs, is equal to the sine of the first into the cosine of the second, minus the cosine of the first into the sine of the second.

If, in Formula (3), we substitute (90° - a), for a, we have,

sin (90°-a-b) = sin (90°-a) cos b-cos (90°-a) sin b;

but (Art. 63),

sin (90° - a - b) = sin [90°- (a + b)] = cos (a + b),



sin (90° - a) = cos a,

cos (90° - a) = sin a;

hence, by substitution in Equation (2), we have,

[blocks in formation]

that is, the cosine of the sum of two arcs, is equal to the rectangle of their cosines, minus the rectangle of their sines.

If, in Formula (3), we substitute - b, for b, we find,

[blocks in formation]

that is, the cosine of the difference of two arcs, is equal to the rectangle of their cosines, plus the rectangle of their


If we divide Formula (A) by Formula (3), member by member, we have,

[blocks in formation]

Dividing both terms of the second member by cos a cos b, recollecting that the sine divided by the cosine is equal to

[blocks in formation]

that is, the tangent of the sum of two arcs, is equal to the sum of their tangents, divided by 1 minus the rectangle of their tangents

If, in Formula (☑), we substitute - b, for b, recollecting that tan tan (-b) (-b) = = - tan b, we have,

tan (a - b) =

tan a tan b 1 + tan a tan b


that is, the tangent of the difference of two arcs, is equal to the difference of their tangents, divided by 1 plus the rectangle of their tangents.

In like manner, dividing Formula (3) by Formula (A), member by member, and reducing, we have,

[blocks in formation]

and thence, by the substitution of - b, for b,

[blocks in formation]

66. If, in Formulas (A), (3), (3), and (G), we

[blocks in formation]

afterwards for sin2a, its value, 1 - cos2a, we have,

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Dividing Equation (A'), first by Equation (4), and then

by Equation (3), member by member, we have,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Taking the reciprocals of both members of the last two

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

67. If Formulas (A) and (3) be first added, member to member, and then subtracted, and the same operations be performed upon (3) and (D), we shall obtain,

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