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Cor. 2. Similar arcs, as AB and DE, are like parts of the circumferences to which

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to each other as the squares of their radii.

Scholium. The term infinite, employed above, is to be understood in its limited technical sense. When it is proposed to make the number of sides of the polygons infinite, by the method indicated in the Scholium of Proposition VII., it is simply meant to make that number so great that the difference between the areas of the circle and polygon shall be less than any appreciable quantity. We have seen (P. XII.), that when the number of sides 16384, the areas differ by less than the millionth part of a unit. By increasing the number of sides, a still closer approximation may be had.


The area of a circle is equal to half the product of its circumference and radius.

Let O be the centre of a circle, OC its radius, and

ACDE its circumference: then will

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duct of its perimeter and apothem, whatever may be the number of its sides (P. VIII.).

If the number of sides be made infinite, the polygon will coincide with the circle, the perimeter with the circumference, and the apothem with the radius: hence, the area of the circle is equal to half the product of its circumference and radius; which was to be proved.

Cor. 1. The area of a sector is equal to half the product of its are and radius.

Cor. 2. The area of a sector is to the area of the circle,

as the arc of the sector to the circumference.


To find an expression for the area of any circle in terms of its radius.

Let C be the centre of a circle, and CA its radius. Denote its area by area CA, its radius by R, and the area of a circle whose radius is 1, by " (P. XII., S.).

Then, because the areas of circles are to each other as the squares of A their radii (P. XIII.), we have,

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That is, the area of any circle is 3.1416 times the square of the radius.


To find an expression for the circumference of a circle, in terms of its radius, or diameter.

Let C be the centre of a circle, and CA its radius. Denote its circumference by circ. CA, its radius by R, and its diameter by D. From the last Proposition, we have,

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circ. CA = 25.R, or, circ. CA D.


That is, the circumference of any circle is equal to 3.1416 times its diameter.

Scholium 1. The abstract number 7, equal to 3.1416, denotes the number of times that the diameter of a circle is contained in the circumference, and also the number of times that the square constructed on the radius is contained in the area of the circle (P. XV.). Now, it has been proved by the methods of Higher Mathematics, that the value of is incommensurable with 1; hence, it is impossible to express, by means of numbers, the exact length of a circumference in terms of the radius, or the exact area in terms of the square described on the radius. We may also infer that it is impossible to square the circle; that is, to construct a square whose area shall be exactly equal to that of the circle.

Scholium 2. Besides the approximate value of 1, 3.1416, usually employed, the fractions 22 and 온도를 are also used, when great accuracy is not required.





1. A straight line is PERPENDICULAR TO A PLANE, when it is perpendicular to every line of the plane which passes through its FOOT; that is, through the point in which it meets the plane.

In this case, the plane is also perpendicular to the line.

2. A straight line is PARALLEL TO A PLANE, when it cannot meet the plane, how far soever both may be produced. In this case, the plane is also parallel to the line.

3. TWO PLANES ARE PARALLEL, when they cannot meet, how far soever both may be produced.

4. A DIEDRAL ANGLE is the amount of divergence of two planes.

The line in which the planes meet, is called the edge of the angle, and the planes themselves are called faces of the angle.

The measure of a diedral angle is the same as that of a plane angle formed by two lines, one drawn in each face, and both perpendicular to the edge at the same point. A diedral angle may be acute, obtuse, or a right angle. In the latter case, the faces are perpendicular to each other.

5. A POLYEDRAL ANGLE is the amount of dit gence of several planes meeting at a common point.

This point is called the vertex of the angle; which the planes meet are called edges of the the portions of the planes lying between the called faces of the angle. Thus, S is the vertex of the polyedral angle, whose edges are SA, SB, SC, SD, and whose faces are ASB, BSC, CSD, DSA.

A polyedral angle which has but

three faces, is called angle.



he lines in angle, and edges are




A line may be drawn perpendicular to apne from anv point of the plane, or from any point without the plane.


If a straight line has two of its points in a plane, it will lie wholly in that plane.

For, by definition, a plane is a surface sun, that if any two of its points be joined by a straight line, that line will lie wholly in the surface (B. I., D. 8).

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Cor. Through any point of a plane, an infinite number of straight lines may be drawn which will lie in the plane. For, if a line be drawn from the given point to any other point of the plane, that line will lie wholly in the plane.

Scholium. If any two points of a plane be joined by a straight line, the plane may be turned about that line as an

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