3√109, 15. 30. √97, 12√93, 72√3. 936√3. 32. 6√3, 56√26, 503}. 31. 4√39, 504√3, 33. 4√10, 72√39, 672√3. 34. 150. 35. 320. 36. 840. 37. 700, 1568. 38. ‡√57, 640√3. 39. 42√91, 624√3. 40. 108, 21√39. INDEX TO DEFINITIONS. Acute angle, § 27. diedral angles, § 428. Alternation, § 235. of a cylinder, § 540. of a frustum of a cone, Apothem of a regular polygon, Arc of a circle, § 142. Axis of a circle of a sphere, § 567. of a circular cylinder, § 546. of a frustum of a pyramid, Base of a cone, § 553. of a polyedral angle, § 452. of a spherical pyramid, § 589. of a parallelogram, § 104. of a spherical segment, § 662. of a truncated prism, § 472. of a zone, § 662. Central angle, § 148. of a parallelogram, § 111. of a regular polygon, § 341. of a sphere, § 561. Chord of a circle, § 147. Circle, § 142. | Diagonal of a polygon, § 118. circumscribed about a poly- § 587. inscribed in a polygon, Diameter of a circle, § 142. Extremes of a proportion, § 229. Indirect method of proof, § 50. Face angles of a polyedral angle, Inscriptible polygon, § 151. § 452. Faces of a diedral angle, § 428. of a polyedral angle, § 452. Figure symmetrical with respect Figures symmetrical with respect Foot of a line, § 397. Fourth proportional, § 231. in a frustum of a cone, Generatrix of a conical surface, of a cylindrical sur- Geometrical figure, § 12. Geometry, § 13. Great circle of a sphere, § 567. of a frustum of a cone, of a prism, § 466. of a pyramid, § 502. Lateral edges of a prism, § 466. of a pyramid, § 502. Limit of a variable, § 186. Locus of a series of points, § 141. |