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" In any right-angled triangle, the square which is described on the side subtending the right angle is equal to the sum of the squares described on the sides which contain the right angle. "
The Elements of geometry [Euclid book 1-3] in general terms, with notes &c ... - Page 37
by Euclides - 1833
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Encyclopaedia Britannica; Or A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and ..., Volume 13

Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1823 - 876 pages
...the 47th of the first book of Euclid's Elements, that in, every right-angled triangle the square of the side subtending the right angle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, has immortalized his name ; and whether we consider the inherent beauty...
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The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, with a Commentary and ...

Euclid, Dionysius Lardner - Euclid's Elements - 1828 - 542 pages
...similarly described on the sides of a right angled triangle (BAC), the figure described on the side (BC) subtending the right angle is equal to the sum of the figures on the other side. From the right angle draw a perpendicular AD to the opposite side; BC is to CA as CA to CD (550),...
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University of Cambridge - 1830 - 554 pages
...Second, Third and Fourth Classes. \. IN any right-angled triangle, the square which is described upon the side subtending the right angle, is equal to the sum of the squares described upon the sides containing the right angle. 2. The sides about the equal angles of...
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The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid: With Notes

Euclid - Euclid's Elements - 1833 - 214 pages
...-to. scribed on the sides of a right-angled triangle (BAC), the figure, described on the side (BC) subtending the right angle, is equal to the sum of the figures upon the oiher sides. From the right angle draw a perpendicular AD to the opposite side: BC is to CA...
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Mathematical Problems and Examples, Arranged According to Subjects, from the ...

University of Cambridge - Mathematics - 1836 - 366 pages
...plane passing through them. 6. In any right-angled triangle, the square which is described 1830 upon the side subtending the right angle, is equal to the sum of the squares described upon the sides containing the right angle. 8. If two straight lines meeting one another...
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Popular Mathematics: Being the First Elements of Arithmetic, Algebra, and ...

Robert Mudie - Mathematics - 1836 - 542 pages
...result. The principle is as follows : In any right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse or side subtending the right angle, is equal to the sum of the squares on the sides which contain the right angle. We repeat the diagram, in order that the reader...
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Popular Mathematics: Being the First Elements of Arithmetic, Algebra, and ...

Robert Mudie - Mathematics - 1836 - 524 pages
...result. The principle is as follows : In any right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse or side subtending the right angle, is equal to the sum of the squares on the sides which contain the right angle. We repeat the diagram, in order that the reader...
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Lessons on Form: Or, An Introduction to Geometry, as Given in a Pestalozzian ...

Charles Reiner - Geometry - 1837 - 254 pages
...same parallels, the parallelogram is double the triangle. 9. In a right-angled triangle, the square of the side subtending the right angle is equal to the sum of the squares of the sides containing the right angle. 10. In obtuse-angled triangles, if a perpendicular...
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A manual of arithmetic

George Hutton (arithmetic master, King's coll. sch.) - 1844 - 276 pages
...Proposition of the First Book of Euclid, it is demonstrated, that in any right angled triangle the square of the side subtending the right angle, is equal to the sum of the squares of the sides containing the right angle. In a right angled triangle, the side subtending the...
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The Elements of Geometry, Symbolically Arranged

Great Britain. Admiralty - Geometry - 1846 - 128 pages
...THEOR. 47.1 Eu. In any rig'fit-angled triangle, the square which is described upon the hypothenuse, or side subtending the right angle, is equal to the sum of the squares described upon the sides which contain the right angle. Let ABC be a rt. angled ./^, having...
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