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Harvard College Library

Gift of

Miss Longfellow, Mrs. Dana, and Mrs. Thorp, 9 Jan.1895.

ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1854, by


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York.


49 Ann Street.

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Chase's "English Serfdom and American Slavery"-
Inge's "The American Planter"-James's "The Church
of Christ not an Ecclesiasticism"-Brown's Philosophy
of Physics-Bassuett's Outlines of a Mechanical Theory
of Storms-Campbell's Works-Hitchcock's Outline of
Geology-Hempel's Manuals of Homeopathy. 383

The Barclays of Boston-Harris's Epic of the Starry

Heavens-Maurice's Theological Essays Californian

Monthly Magazine-Freleigh's Homeopathy-Stereo-

types of Bryant's Poems-Hempel's Homœopathy-Ro-

get's Thesaurus of English Words-Herbert's Transla-

II. English Literature.

Forbes's "Norway and its Glaciers"-Bartlett's "Pil-

grim Fathers"-Cherry and Violet - Mrs. Bray's

"Peep at the Pixies"-The Church of England.

Rowland's Work on the Human Hair-The Athenæum-
Dickens' Readings-New English Magazines.
Books on the Eastern Question-Colonel Chesney's Cam-
paigns of 1828-129--O'Brien's Danubian Principalities in
1853-Cunningham's Buddhist Monuments of Central
Asia-Arnold's Poems-Blackie on Mr. Ruskin and
Greek architecture.


F. Tennyson's Days and Hours Lady Bulwer's Be-
hind the Scenes--Miss Mitford's Atherton-Chorley's
Modern German Music-Milman's History of Latin
Christianity-Col. Markman's Shooting in the Hima-

III. French Literature.

Cochet's "La Normandie Souterraine "-French Copyright
Litigation-Edgar Quinet's "Les Esclaves"-Viollet le
Duc's "Dictionnaire Raisonné "- De Barante's "Con-
vention "- Gustave Planche in the "Revue des Deux
Mondes "-Zando's "Russie en 1850 "-Tegoborski's
"Etudes sur les Forces Productives de la Russie "-Viol-
let le Duc's "Jeune Homme en 1797 "-Tallandier's Es-
says Regnier's Œuvres complètes--Arago's Posthu-
mous Works-Villemain's Autobiography-French Trans-
lation of Dante.



Troussac's Meteorology-The Revue des Deux Mondes-
Bellegarrigue's Femmes d'Amerique--Mirecourt's Com-
temporains Hommes des Lettres, &c-Lamartine's His.
tory of the Constituent Assembly-Keimozan's Napoleon
--Catalan's Manuel des Honnetes Gens-The Atheneum
Française on Lucretia Maria Davidson-Killemain's Sou-
venirs-Noble Action of Bèranger-Abbe Fellar's l'Eg-
lise dans l'Amerique du Nord-Sagliers Olympia-The
Academy of Science in Paris and Dr. Brainard.
Villemain's Souvenirs Contemporains-Literary Treaty
between France and Spain-Cousin's History of the Sa-
loons of the Seventeenth Century-Geruzez's Essais d'
Histoire Littéraire-Souvestre's Causeries Historiques et
Littéraire-Fremy's Journal d'une Jeune Fille-Thier-
celin du Mariage Civil et du Mariage Religieux-He-
quet's History of Madame de Maintenon-Saxous'
Etudes Littéraires-The Atheneum Francais on Haw-
thorne's Blithedale Romance-The Compte Rendu of
the Academy of Science on Aluminum-Saint Bonnet
De l'affaiblissement de la Raisor-Texier's Contes et
Voyages-Garneau's Histoire du Canada-Wey's Les
Anglais Chez eux.


Tschudi's "Thierleben der Alpenwelt "-Kaestuer's The-
atreleitung-Haxo on Raising Fish-Von Raumer's

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A Magazine of Literature, Science, and Art.



THERE may, perhaps, be among our

readers, especially the younger por. tion of them, some who are not as conversant as they would desire, with every particular of the early life and character of him whom it is our pride and happiness to call the Father of our Country. For the benefit of such we propose to give one or two papers about his boyhood, thinking that the little that is known of a life so interesting and important to us and to the world, can never be brought before the public in too many forms. With no ambitious but rather a patriotic aim we do this. It is a character we love to contemplate, to dwell upon; one that we think Americans of the rising race might profitably study more closely than they do. We find many intelligent persons who have only a very vague notion of the Washington they admire; they take for granted his perfections, but put off the examination into him to some other time, or perhaps lack courage to attack the large volumes in which authentic lives of him are mostly shrouded. But our Monthly travels as on the wings of the wind; and modest and unassuming as it is, wins easy way into parlors and workshops, ships and factories, wherever our tongue is spoken. Let it then be the bearer of a few words about our country's hero, words so few that every body will find time to read them, just to give a zest to real, full, satisfactory histories now existing or soon to be. We shall make use of all the authorities within our reach, not even rejecting tradition, which is often the vehicle of important truth where character is to be estimated. We dare not promise any thing new, but we shall try VOL. III.-1

to omit nothing that is interesting or illustrative; and if, on this modest plan, as may well happen, we fail to be "graphic," we shall be provided with what will more than supply the deficiency, in the aid of Mr. Darley's unfailing pencil, which is to accompany our sketches with such lifelike presentation of striking points and incidents as our readers will know how to value.

Fortunately for us, Washington needs no embellishment from his biographer, nor invention in his illustrator. A simple recital of facts best shows the distinction between him and common men. It may be said that this difference is not discernible in his youth; that he was a boy among boys, and that an idea of his early excellence is merely a romantic deduction from the eminence of his virtue in after life. But even the few simple records that remain, plainly show that he was marked from the beginning; and the theory that his youth gave no promise of his future, seems to us as little sustained by wisdom and experience as the wildest notions of a precocious virtue would be. It is only to be regretted that the discernment of those about him should not have sufficed to make them treasure up every fact of his conduct and every particular of his conversation, that we might at least have tried to train up other boys to be the Washingtons of our days of peace and prosperity.

Washington was born in the State of Virginia, county of Westmoreland, at a place called Pope's Creek, near the banks of the Potomac, that happy river, whose every tree and wave seems now to be glorified by close association with his memory. The dwelling was humble

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who describe it as a plain, four-roomed farm-house, with a chimney at each end, which chimney was carried all the way up on the outside, as is the case with many a building of the same date still standing. The surrounding landscape has few features of interest, being graced with little natural variety or careful cultivation. Its trees are very ordinary trees-wild figs, pines and hemlocks; -the land has no extraordinary fertility, but shows plainly enough the effect of imperfect tillage and laissez aller habits in the people, who make one suspect that the energy and determination which might have served the entire region was absorbed by George Washington, model as he was of promptness and thoroughness in all things, from the greatest to the least. But what a charm hovers over the whole! What other spot on earth makes the soul thrill like this? A vine-leaf-a sprig of cedara pebble, from that hallowed ground, is a possession, not only to the American but to every noble heart. The poet's words, so true to nature, rise unbidden to the memory as we pace those silent fields and

woods. We do not wrest them from their highest meaning when we apply them to the place consecrated by the memory of Washington.

Call it not vain-they do not err
Who say that when the HERO dies,
Mute Nature mourns her worshipper
And celebrates his obsequies;
Who say that hill and forest lone
For the departed Chief make moan;
Through his loved groves that breezes sigh
And oaks in deeper groan reply;
And rivers teach their rushing wave
To murmur dirges round his grave.

One needs little stretch of Fancy to hear the name of Washington whispered in every breeze that ruffles the bosom of the Potomac he loved so dearly.

He always lived near it when he could. It was ever in his eye at home, and in his heart when he was absent. All his dreams of quiet happiness and he cherished such through life- were connected with its banks. It doubtless influenced his character, as every great feature of nature must influence those who study and delight in her as Washington did. His father re

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