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A. B. Meyer Academy altitude anaesthetic anemometers animals atmospheric conditions attack bicarbonate bite bitten blood Blue Hill Observatory cage Camp Lazear carbon dioxide carbonic acid cause cent Chamberlin climate cloud observations coast cocaine Columbia Barracks contaminated continents crania Cretaceous Cuba Culex dart-bearers disease disinfection door earth Eeed effect elevation eminent epidemic especially evidence experimental experiments fact fomites genius germ glaciation gout hair Havana Helices hypothesis important infected inoculation insanity intellectual investigation islands journals kites land lime Luzon Malay meetings ment mental METEOROGRAPH mild monkeys mosquitoes mountain movements national biographers Negritos occur ocean organization period Philippines Pleistocene present probably Professor propagation pulled quito records relation Remsen result scientific skulls snails special societies spinal Surgeon U. S. A. temperature theory tion tribes University waters weather wind yellow fever yellow fever patients yellow-fever patients