Studies in Philosophy |
The Nature of Knowledge | 1 |
Knowledge and its Objects | 37 |
The Unit of Knowledge | 63 |
9 other sections not shown
Common terms and phrases
a-priori Absolute According act of cognition act of knowledge Advaita Vedanta appearances aspect assert atman bare particular believe belonging Brahman characteristics coherent colour connection conscious subject consciousness critical realism desire distinction elements Empiricism entity essence Ethics existence external objects fact false feeling fundamental G. E. Moore Hegel Hence ideal idealistic illusory images independent individual inference infinite infinite regress judgments known latter Logic logical positivists maintain means mental merely Metaphysics monism moral naive realism nature of knowledge nature of reality neo-realists Nyaya objective idealism particular perceived perception percipient philosophers physical objects pleasure predicate presuppositions principles problems processes proposition Psychology qualities question Rāmānuja realise reason recognise regarded relation Representationism reveals Samkhya sensation sense sense-data sense-experience sense-impressions sense-organs sensible simple apprehension solipsism substance supposed supreme things thought tion true truth ultimate nature ultimate reality understand unity universal value-judgments whereas whole