PROPOSITION I. THEOREM. The convex surface of a cylinder is equal to the circumference of its base multiplied by its altitude. Let CA be the radius of the given cylinder's base, and H its altitude: the the circumference whose radius is CA being represented by circ. CA, we are to show that the convex surface of H the cylinder is equal to circ, CA x H. Inscribe in the circle any regular polygon, BDEFGA, and construct on this polygon a right : prism having its altitude equal to H, the altitude of the cylinder this prism will be inscribed in the cylinder. The convex surface of the prism is equal to the perimeter of the polygon, multiplied by the altitude H (Book VII. Prop. I.). Let now the arcs which subtend the sides of the polygon be continually bisected, and the number of sides of the polygon indefinitely increased: the perimeter of the polygon will then become equal to circ. CA (Book V. Prop. VIII. Cor. 2.), and the convex sur face of the prism will coincide with the convex surface of the cylinder. But the convex surface of the prism is equal to the perimeter of its base multiplied by H, whatever be the number of sides: hence, the convex surface of the cylinder is equal to the circumference of its base multiplied by its altitude. PROPOSITION II. THEOREM. The solidity of a cylinder is equal to the product of its base by its altitude. P Let CA be the radius of the base of the cylinder, and H the altitude. Let the circle whose radius is CA be represented by area CA, it is to be proved that the solidity of the cylinder is equal to area CA × H. Inscribe in the circle any regular polygon BDEFGA, and construct on this polygon a right prism having its altitude equal to H, the altitude of the cylinder: this prism will be inscribed in the cylinder. The solidity of the prism will be equal to the area of the polygon multiplied by the altitude H (Book VII. Prop. XIV.). Let now the number of sides of the polygon be indefinitely increased: the solidity of the new prism will still be equal to its base multiplied by its altitude. But when the number of sides of the polygon is indefinitely increased, its area becomes equal to the area CA, and its perimeter coincides with circ. CA (Book V. Prop. VIII. Cor. 1. & 2.); the inscribed prism then coincides with the cylinder, since their altitudes are equal, and their convex surfaces perpendicular to the common base: hence the two solids will be equal; therefore the solidity of a cylinder is equal to the product of its base by its altitude. Cor. 1. Cylinders of the same altitude are to each other as their bases; and cylinders of the same base are to each other as their altitudes. Cor. 2. Similar cylinders are to each other as the cubes of their altitudes, or as the cubes of the diameters of their bases. For the bases are as the squares of their diameters; and the cylinders being similar, the diameters of their bases are to each other as the altitudes (Def. 4.); hence the bases are as the squares of the altitudes; hence the bases, multiplied by the altitudes, or the cylinders themselves, are as the cubes of the altitudes. : Scholium. Let R be the radius of a cylinder's base; H the altitude the surface of the base will be .R2 (Book V. Prop. XII. Cor. 2.); and the solidity of the cylinder will be ¬R2 × Н, or π.R2.H. ་ PROPOSITION III. THEOREM. The convex surface of a cone is equal to the circumference of its base, multiplied by half its side. For, inscribe in the base of A the cone any regular polygon ABCD, and on this polygon as a base conceive a pyramid to be constructed having S for its vertex: this pyramid will be a B regular pyramid, and will be inscribed in the cone. From S, draw SG perpendicular to one of the sides of the polygon. The convex surface of the inscribed pyramid is equal to the perimeter of the polygon which forms its base, multiplied by half the slant height SG (Book VII. Prop. IV.). Let now the number of sides of the inscribed polygon be indefinitely increased; the perimeter of the inscribed polygon will then become equal to circ. OA, the slant height SG will become equal to the side SA of the cone, and the convex surface of the pyramid to the convex surface of the cone. But whatever be the number of sides of the polygon which forms the base, the convex surface of the pyramid is equal to the perimeter of the base multiplied by half the slant height: hence the convex surface of a cone is equal to the circumference of the base multiplied by half the side. Scholium. Let L be the side of a cone, R the radius of its base; the circumference of this base will be 27.R, and the surface of the cone will be 2¬R×L, or πRL. PROPOSITION IV. THEOREM. The convex surface of the frustum of a cone is equal to its side multiplied by half the sum of the circumferences of its two bases. L E S D G K For, inscribe in the bases of the frustums two regular polygons of the same number of sides, and having their homologous sides parallel, each to each. The lines joining the vertices of the homologous angles may be regarded as the edges of the frus- B tum of a regular pyramid inscribed in the frustum of the cone. The convex surface of the frustum of the pyramid is equal to half the sum of the perimeters of its bases multiplied by the slant height fh (Book VII. Prop. IV. Cor.). A Odi I Let now the number of sides of the inscribed polygons be indefinitely increased: the perimeters of the polygons will become equal to the circumferences BIA, EGD; the slant height fh will become equal to the side AD or BE, and the surfaces of the two frustums will coincide and become the same surface. But the convex surface of the frustum of the pyramid will still be equal to half the sum of the perimeters of the upper and lower bases multiplied by the slant height: hence the surface of the frustum of a cone is equal to its side multiplied by half the sum of the circumferences of its two bases. Atosed Cor. Through 1, the middle point of AD, draw IKL paralJel to AB, and li, Dd, parallel to CO. Then, since_Al, ID, are equa, Ai, id, will also be equal (Book IV. Prop. XV. Cor. 2.): hence, K is equal to (OA+CD). But since the circumferences of circles are to each other as their radii (Book V. Prop. XI.), the circ. Kl=(circ. OA+ circ. CD); therefore, the convex surface of a frustum of a cone is equal to its side multiplied by the circumference of a section at equal distances from the two bases. Scholium. If a line AD, lying wholly on one side of the line OC, and in the same plane, make a revolution around OC, the surface described by AD will have for its measure AD × circ. AO+circ. DC DC), or ADx circ, IK; the lines AO, DC, IK, (circ 2 being perpendiculars, let fall from the extremities and from the middle point of AD, on the axis OC. For, if AD and OC are produced till they meet in S, the surface described by AD is evidently the frustum of a cone having AO and DC for the radii of its bases, the vertex of the whole cone being S. Hence this surface will be measured as we have said. This measure will always hold good, even when the point D falls on S, and thus forms a whole cone; and also when the line AD is parallel to the axis, and thus forms a cylinder. In the first case DC would be nothing; in the second, DC would be equal to AO and to IK. PROPOSITION V. THEOREM. The solidity of a cone is equal to its base multiplied by a third of its altitude. Let SO be the altitude of a cone, OA the radius of its base, and let the area of the base be designated by area OA: it is to be proved that the solidity of the cone is equal to area OASO. A B S D E Inscribe in the base of the cone any regular polygon ABDEF, and join the vertices A, B, C, &c. with the vertex S of the cone: then will there be inscribed in the cone a regular pyramid having the same vertex as the cone, and having for its base the polygon ABDEF. The solidity of this pyramid is equal to its base multiplied by one third of its altitude (Book VII. Prop. XVII.). Let now the number of sides of the polygon be indefinitely increased: the polygon will then become equal to the circle, and the pyramid and cone will coincide and become equal. But the solidity of the pyramid is equal to its base multiplied by one third of its altitude, whatever be the number of sides of the polygon which forms its base: hence the solidity of the cone is equal to its base multiplied by a third of its altitude. Cor. A cone is the third of a cylinder having the same base and the same altitude; whence it follows, 1. That cones of equal altitudes are to each other as their bases; 2. That cones of equal bases are to each other as their altitudes; 3. That similar cones are as the cubes of the diameters of their bases, or as the cubes of their altitudes. P* |