Of this series there have now been published forty-two Volumes, each of which contains, in addition to the papers and solutions that have appeared in the Educational Times, about the same quantity of new articles, and comprises contributions, in all branches of Mathematics, from most of the leading Mathematicians in this and other countries.
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ALDIS, J. S., M.A.; H.M. Inspector of Schools. ALLEN, Rev. A.J.C., M.A.; St. Peter's Coll., Camb. ALLMAN, Professor GEO. J., LL.D.; Galway. ANDERSON, ALEX., B.A.; Queen's Coll., Galway. ANTHONY, EDWYN, M.A.; The Elms, Hereford. ARMENANTE, Professor; Pesaro. BALL, ROBT. STAWELL, LL.D., F.R.S.; Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin. BASU, SATISH CHANDRA; Presid. Coll.,Calcutta. BATTAGLINI, GIUSEPPE; Professore di Mate- matiche nell' Università di Roma. BAYLISS, GEORGE, M.A.; Kenilworth. BELTRAMI, Professor; University of Pisa. BERG, F. J. VAN DEN; Professor of Mathematics in the Polytechnic School, Delft. BESANT, W. H., D.Sc., F.R.S.; Cambridge. BHUT, ATH BIGAH, M.A.; Delhi. BICKERDIKE, C.; Allerton Bywater.
BIDDLE, D.; Gough H., Kingston-on-Thames. BIRCH, Rev. J. G., M.A.; London. BLACKWOOD, ELIZABETH; Boulogne. BLYTHE, W. H., B.A.; Egham. BORCHARDT, Dr. C. W.; Victoria Strasse, Berlin. BOSANQUET, R. H. M., M.A.; Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford.
BOURNE, C. W., M.A.; Bedford County School. BROOKS, Professor E.; Millersville, Pennsylvania. BROWN, A. CRUM, D.Sc.; Edinburgh. BROWN, Prof.COLIN; Andersonian Univ. Glasgow. BUCHHEIM, A.,M.A., Ph.D.; Schol. New Coll.,Oxf. BUCK, EDWARD, M.A.; Univ. Coll., Bristol. BURNSIDE, W. S., M.A.; Professor of Mathe- matics in the University of Dublin. CAPEL, H. N., LL.B.; Bedford Square, London. CARMODY, W. P., B.A.; Clonmel Gram. School. CARR, G. S., B.A.; Endsleigh Gardens, London. CASEY, JOHN, LL.D., F.R.S.; Prof. of Higher Mathematics in the Catholic Univ. of Ireland. CAVALLIN, Prof., M.A.; University of Upsala. CAVE, A. W., B.A.; Magdalen College, Oxford. CAYLEY, A., F.R.S.; Sadlerian Professor of Ma- thematics in the University of Cambridge, Member of the Institute of France, &c. CHAKRAVARTI, BYOMAKESA, M.A.; Professor of Mathematics, Calcutta.
CHASE, PLINY EARLE, LL.D.; Professor of Phi- losophy in Haverford College. CLARKE, Colonel A. R., C.B., F.R.S.; Hastings. COATES, W. M., B.A.: Trinity College, Dublin. COCHEZ, Professor; Paris.
COCKLE, Sir JAMES, M.A., F.R.S.; Bayswater. COHEN, ARTHUR, M.A., Q.C., M.P.; Holland Pk. COLSON, C. G., M.A.; University of St. Andrew's. CONSTABLE, S.; Swinford Rectory, Mayo. COTTERILL, J. H., M.A.; Royal School of Naval Architecture, South Kensington. CREMONA, LUIGI; Direttore della Scuola degli Ingegneri, S. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome. CROFTON, M. W., B.A., F.R.S.; Prof. of Math. and Mech, in the R. M. Acad., Woolwich. CULVERWELL, E.P.,B.A.; Sch. of Trin. Coll..Dubl. CURTIS, ARTHUR HILL, LL.D., D.Sc.; Dublin. DARBOUX, Professor; Paris. DAVIS, J. G., M.A.; Abingdon
DAVIS, R. F., B.A.; Wandsworth Common. DAWS N, H. G., B.A.; Baymount, Dublin. DAY, Rev. H. G.,M.A.; RichmondTerr,, Brighton. DEY, Prof. NARENDRA LAL, M.A.; Calcutta. DICK, G. R., M.A.; Fellow of Caius Coll., Camb. DOBSON, T., B.A.; Hexham Grammar School. DROZ, Prof. ARNOLD, M.A.; Porrentruy, Berne. DUPAIN, J.C.; Professeur au Lycée d'Angoulême. EASTERBY, W., B.A.; Grammar School, St. Asaph. EASTWOOD, G., M.A.; Saxonville, Massachusetts. EASTON, BELLE; Lockport, New York. EDWARD, J., M.A.; Head Mast., Aberdeen Coll. EDWARDES, DAVID; Erith Villas, Erith, Kent. ELLIOTT, E. B., M.A.; Fell. Queen's Coll., Oxon. ELLIS, ALEXANDER J., F.R.S.; Kensington. EMTAGE, W. T. A.; Pembroke Coll., Oxford. ESCOTT, ALBERT, M.A.; Head Master of the Royal Hospital School, Greenwich. ESSENNELL, EMMA; Coventry.
EVANS, Professor, M.A.; Lockport, New York. FICKLIN, JOSEPH; Prof. in Univ. of Missouri. FINCH, T. H., B.A.; Trinity College, Dublin. FORTEY, H., M.A.; Bellary, Madras Presidency. FOSTER, F. W., B.A.; Chelsea. FOSTER, Prof.G.CAREY, F.R.S.; Univ.Coll., Lond. FRANKLIN, CHRISTINE LADD, M.A.; Prof.of Nat.
Sci. and Math., Union Springs, New York. FUORTES, E.; University of Naples. GALBRAITH,Rev.J.,M.A., Fell.Trin.Coll., Dublin. GALE, KATE K.; Worcester Park, Surrey. GALLATLY, W., B.A.; Earl's Court, London. GALLIERS, Rev. I., M.A.; Kirkstead Rectory, Norwich.
GALTON, FRANCIS, M.A., F.R.G.S.; London. GENESE, Prof., M.A.; Univ. Coll., Aberystwith. GERRANS, H. T., B.A.; Stud. of Ch. Ch., Oxford. GLAISHER, J. W. L., M.A., F.R.S.; Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
GOLDENBERG, Professor, M.A.; Moscow. GRAHAM, R. A., M.A.; Trinity College, Dublin. GREENFIELD, Rev. W. J., M.A.; Dulwich College. GREENSTREET, W. J., B.A.; Framlingham. GREENWOOD, JAMES M.; Kirksville, Missouri. GRIFFITH, W.; Superintendent of Public Schools, New London, Ohio, United States. GRIFFITHS, G. J., M.A.; Fell. Ch. Coll., Camb. GRIFFITHS, J., M.A.; Fellow of Jesus Coll., Oxon. GROVE, W. B., B.A.; Perry Bar, Birmingham. HADAMARD, Professor, M.A.; Paris. HAIGH, E., B.A., B.Sc.; King's Sch., Warwick. HALL, Professor ASAPH, M.A.; Washington. HAMMOND, J., M.A.; Buckhurst Hill, Essex. HARKEMA, C.; University of St. Petersburg. HARLEY, Harold, B.A.; King's Coll., Cambridge. HARLEY, Rev. R., F.R.S.; Huddersfield College. HARRIS, H. W., B.A.; Trinity College, Dublin. HARRIS, J. R., M.A.; Clare College, Cambridge. HART, Dr. DAVID S.; Stonington, Connecticut. HART, H.; R.M. Academy, Woolwich. HAUGHTON, Rev. Dr., F.R.S.; Trin. Coll., Dubl. HENDRICKS, J. E., M.A.; Des Moines, Iowa. HEPPEL, G., M.A.; The Grove, Hammersmith. HERBERT, A.,M.A.; King Alfred's Sch., Wantage. HERMAN, R. A., M.A.; Trin. Coll., Cambridge. HERMITE, CH.; Membre de l'Institut, Paris. HILL, Rev. E., M.A.; St. John's College, Camb. HINTON, C. H., M.A.; Cheltenham College. HIRST, Dr. T. A., F.R.S.; Director of Studies in the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. HOLT, J. R., M.A.; Trinity College, Dublin. HOPKINS, Rev. G. H., M.A.; Stratton, Cornwall. HOPKINSON, J., D.Sc., B.A.; Kensington. HUDSON, C. T., LL.D.; Manilla Hall, Clifton. HUDSON, W.H.H.,M.A.;Prof.in King'sColl., Lond. INGLEBY, C. M., M.A., LL.D.; London. JENKINS, MORGAN, M.A.; London. JOHNSON, W. E., B.A.; King's Coll., Cambridge. JOHNSON, Prof., M.A.; Annapolis, Maryland. JOHNSTON, SWIFT; Trin. Coll., Dublin. JONES, H. S., M.A.; Llanelly. JONES, L. W., B.A.; Merton College, Oxford. KEALY, J. A., M.A.; Wilmington, Delaware. KENNEDY, D., M.A.; Catholic Univ., Dublin. KIRKMAN, Rev. T. P., M.A., F.R.S.; Croft Rect. KITCHIN, Rev. J. L., M.A.; Heavitree, Exeter. KITTUDGE, LIZZIE A.; Boston, United States. KNISELY, Rev. U.J.; Newcomerstown, Ohio. KNOWLES, R., B.A., L.C.P.; Tottenham. KOEHLER, J.; Rue St. Jacques, Paris. LACHLAN, R., B.A.; Lewisham. LARMOR, J., M.A.; Queen's College, Galway. LAVERTY, W. H., M.A.; Public Examiner in the University of Oxford.
LAWRENCE, E. J.; Ex-Fell. Trin. Coll., Camh. LAX, W. G., B.A.; Trinity College, Cambridge. LEIDHOLD, R., M.A.; Finsbury Park. LEUDESDORF, C., M.A.; Fel. PembrokeColl., Oxon. LEVETT, R., M.A.; King Edw. Sch., Birmingham. LOWRY, W. H., M.A.; Blackrock, Dublin. MACDONALD, W. J., M.A.; Edinburgh. MACFARLANE, A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E.; Ontario. MACKENZIE, J. L., B.A.; Gymnasium, Aberdeen,
EVERETT, J.D., D.C.L.; Professor of Natural Phi- MACMAHON, Capt. P. A.; R. M. Academy.
losophy in Queen's College, Belfast.
MACMURCHY, A., B.A.; Univ. Coll., Toronto.
MCALISTER, DONALD, M.A., D.Sc.; Cambridge. MCCAY, W. S., M.A.; Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Dublin. MCCLELLAND, W. J.,B.A.; Prin.of SantrySchool. MCCOLL, H., B.A.; 73, Rue Sibliquin, Boulogne. MCDOWELL, J., M.A.; Pembroke Coll., Camb. MCINTOSH, ALEX., B.A.; Bedford Row, London. MCLEOD, J., M.A.; R.M. Academy, Woolwich. MCVICKER, C. E., B.A.; Trinity Coll., Dublin. MALET, Prof., M.A.; Queen's Coll., Cork. MANNHEIM, M.; Prof. à l'Ecole Polytech., Paris. MARKS, SARAH; Cambridge Street, Hyde Park. MARTIN, ARTEMAS, M.A., Ph. D.; Editor & Prin- ter of Math. Visitor & Math. Mag., Erie, Pa. MARTIN, Rev. H., D.D., M.A.; Edinburgh. MATHEWS, G. B., B.A.; Univ. Coll., N. Wales. MATZ, Prof., M.A.; King's Mountain, Carolina. MEE, W. M., B.A.; Belturbet.
MERRIFIELD, J., LL.D., F.R.A.S.; Plymouth. MERRIMAN, MANSFIELD, M.A.; Yale College. MEYER, MARY S.; Girton College, Cambridge. MILLER, W. J. C., B.A., (EDITOR); The Paragon, Richmond-on-Thames. MINCHIN, G.M.,M.A.; Prof. in Cooper's Hill Coll. MITCHESON, T.,B.A.,L.C.P.; City of London Sch. MONCK, HENRY STANLEY, M.A.; Prof. of Moral Philosophy in the University of Dublin. MONCOURT, Professor; Paris. MOON, ROBERT, M.A.; Ex-Fell. Qu. Coll., Camb. MOORE, H. K., B.A.; Trin. Coll., Dublin. MOREL, Professor; Paris.
MORGAN, C., B.A.; Salisbury School. MORLEY, FRANK, B.A.; Bath Coll., Bath. MORLEY, T., L.C.P.; Bromley, Kent. MORRICE, G. G., B.A.; The Hall, Salisbury. MOULTON, J. F., M.A.; Fell. of Ch. Coll., Camb. MUIR, THOMAS, M.A., F.R.S. E.; Bishopton. MUKHOPADHYAY,ASUTOSH, M.A.; Bhowanipore. NASH, A. M., M.A.; Prof. in Pres. Coll., Calcutta. NELSON, R. J., M.Á.; Naval School, London. NEWCOMB, Prof. SIMON, M.A.; Washington. NICOLLS, W., B.A.; St. Peter's Coll., Camb. OPENSHAW, Rev. T. W., M.A.; Clifton. O'REGAN, JOHN; New Street, Limerick. ORCHARD, H. L., M.A., L.C.P.; Burnham. OWEN, J. A., B.Sc.; Tennyson St., Liverpool. PANTON, A. W., M.A.; Fell. of Trin. Coll., Dublin. PENDLEBURY, Rev. C., M.A.; London. PERRYMAN, W.; Carbrook, Sheffield. PHILLIPS, F. B. W.; Balliol College, Oxford. PILLAI, C. K., M.A.; Trichy, Madras. PIRIE, A., M.A.; University of St. Andrew's. POLIGNAC, Prince CAMILLE DE; Paris. POLLEXFEN, H., B.A.; Windermere College. POTTER, J., B.A.; Richmond-on-Thames. PRUDDEN, FRANCES E.; Lockport, New York. PURSER, Prof. F., M.A.; Queen's College, Belfast. PUTNAM, K. S., M.A.; Rome, New York. RAU, B. HANUMANTA, B.A.; Head Master of the Normal School, Madras. RAWSON, ROBERT; Havant, Hants. RAYMOND, E. LANCELOT, B.A., Surbiton. RAY, Prof. SARADARANJAN, M.A.; Dacca Coll., Bengal.
READ, H. T., M.A.; Brasenose Coll., Oxford. REEVES, G. M., M.A.; Lee, Kent. RENSHAW, S. A.; Nottingham. REYNOLDS, B., M.A.; Notting Hill, London. RICHARDSON, Rev. G., M.A.; Winchester. RIPPIN, CHARLES R., M.A.; Woolwich Common. ROBERTS, R. A., M.A.; Schol.of Trin.Coll., Dublin. ROBERTS, S.,M.A., F.R.S.; Tufnell Park, London. ROBERTS, Rev. W., M.A.; Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin.
ROBERTS, W. R.,M.Á.; Ex-Sch. of Trin. Coll.,Dub. ROBSON, H. C., B.A.; Sidney Sussex Coll., Cam. ROSENTHAL, L. H.; Scholar of Trin. Coll., Dublin. ROY, Prof. KALIPRASANNA, M.A.; St. John's Coll., Agra.
RÜCKER, A. W., B.A.; Professor of Mathematics
in the Yorkshire College of Science, Leeds. RUGGERO, SIMONELLI; Università di Roma. RUSSELL, J. W., M.A.; Merton Coll., Oxford. RUSSELL, R., B.A.; Trinity College, Dublin. RUTTER, EDWARD; Sunderland.
SALMON, Rev. G., D.D., F.R.S.; Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Dublin. SAMPSON, C. H., M.A.; Balliol College, Oxford. SANDERS, J. B.; Bloomington, Indiana. SANDERSON, Rev. T. J., M.A.; Royston, Cambs. SARKAR, NILKANTHA, M.A.; Calcutta. SAVAGE, THOMAS, M.A.; Fell. Pemb.Coll.,Camb. SCHEFFER, Professor; Mercersbury Coll., Pa. SCOTT, A. W., M.A.; St. David's Coll., Lampeter. SCOTT, CHARLOTTE A., B.Sc.; Manchester. SCOTT, R. F., M.A.; Fell. St. John's Coll., Camb. SERRET, Professor; Paris. SHARP, W. J. C., M.A.; Hill Street, London. SHARPE, J. W., M.A.; The Charterhouse. SHARPE, Rev. H. T., M.A.; Cherry Marham. SHEPHERD, Rev. A. J. P., B.A.; Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford.
SIMMONS, Rev. T.C., M.A.; Christ's Coll., Brecon. SIVERLY, WALTER; Oil City, Pennsylvania. SMITH, C., M.A.; Sidney Sussex Coll., Camb. STABENOW, H., M.A.; New York. STEGGALL, Prof. J. E. A., M.A.; Clifton. STEIN, A.; Venice. STEPHEN, ST. JOHN, B.A.; Caius Coll., Cambridge. STEWART, H., M.A.; Framlingham, Suffolk. STORR. G. G., B.A.; Blackburn. SWIFT, C. A., B.A.; Grammar Sch., Weybridge. SYLVESTER, J. J., D.C.L., F.R.S.; Professor of
Mathematics in the University of Oxford, Member of the Institute of France, &c. SYMONS, E. W., M.A.; Fell. St. John's Coll., Oxon. TAIT, P. G., M.A.; Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. TANNER, Prof. H.W.L.,M.A.; S. Wales Univ. Coll. TARLETON, F. A., M.A.; Fell. Trin. Coll., Dub. TAYLOR, Rev. C., D.D.; Master of St. John's College, Cambridge.
TAYLOR, H. M., M.A.; Fell. Trin. Coll., Camb. TAYLOR, W. W., M.A.; Ripon Grammar School. TEBAY, SEPTIMUS, B.A.; Farnworth, Bolton. TERRY, Rev. T. R., M.A., Fell. Magd. Coll.,Oxon. THOMAS, Rev.D., M.A.; Garsington Rect., Oxford. THOMSON, Rev. F.D., M.A.; Ex-Fellowof St.John's
Coll., Camb.; Brinkley Rectory, Newmarket. TIRELLI, Dr. FRANCESCO; Univ. di Roma. TODHUNTER, ISAAC, F.R.S.; Cambridge. TORELLI, GABRIEL; University of Naples. TORRY, Rev. A. F., M.A.; St. John's Coll., Camb. TRAILL, ANTHONY, M.A., M.D.; Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Dublin.
TROWBRIDGE, DAVID; Waterburgh, New York. TUCKER, R., M.A.; Mathematical Master in Uni- versity College School, London. TURRELL, I. H.; Cumminsville, Ohio. TURRIFF, GEORGE, M.A.; Aberdeen. VINCENZO, JACOBINI; Università di Roma. VOSE, G. B.; Professor of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, Washington, United States. WALENN, W. H.; Mem. Phys. Society, London. WALKER, J. J., M.A., F.R.S.; Hampstead. WALMSLEY, J., B.A.; Eccles, Manchester. WARBURTON-WHITE, R., B.A., Salisbury. WARREN, R., M.A.; Trinity College, Dublin. WATHERSTON, Rev. A. L., M.A.; Bowdon. WATSON, Rev. H. W.; Ex-Fell. Trin. Coll., Camb. WERTSCH, Fr.; Weimar.
WHITE, J. R., B.A.; Worcester Coll., Oxford. WHITE, Rev. J., M.A.; Cowley College, Oxford. WHITESIDE, G., M.A.; Eccleston, Lancashire. WHITWORTH, Rev. W. A., M.A.; Fellow of St.
John's Coll., Camb.; Hammersmith. WICKERSHAM, D.; Clinton Co., Ohio. WILKINS, W.; Scholar of Trin. Coll., Dublin. WILLIAMSON, B., M.A.; Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Dublin. WILSON, J. M., M.A.; Head-master, Clifton Coll. WILSON, Rev. J., M.A.; Rect. Bannockburn Acad. WILSON, Rev. J. R., M.A.; Royston, Cambs. WOODCOCK, T., B.A.; Wellington, Salop. WOLSTENHOLME, Rev. J., M.A., Sc.D.; Professor of Mathematics in Cooper's Hill College. WOOLHOUSE, W. S. B., F.R.A.S., &c.; London WRIGHT, Dr. S. H., M.A.; Penn Yan, New York. WRIGHT, W. E., B.A.; Herne Hill.
YOUNG, JOHN, B.A.; Academy, Londonderry.
1192. (The Editor.) In order to ascertain the heights of two
balloons (Q, M), their angles of elevation as set forth hereunder are ob-
served, at the same instant, from three stations (A, B, C) on the hori-
zontal plane, whose distances apart are AB 553, BC = 791, CA 399
yards, (Q, A) denoting the elevation of Q at A, &c. :-
1208. (The Editor.) - Show that the values of x, y, z, from the equations
x2 + 4xy + 6y2 = 28, x2+4xz+14z2 60, 3y2+2yz + 7z2 are given by 2 (5-1) (±5/2-6) (±/10-2),
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