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" When first the marriage knot was tied Betwixt my wife and me, My age did hers as far exceed As three times three does three ; , But when ten years and half ten years We man and wife had been, Her age came up as near to mine As eight is to sixteen. Now... "
A New Introduction to the Mathematicks: Being Essays on Vulgar and Decimal ... - Page 270
by Benjamin Donne - 1758 - 372 pages
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Arithmetick in Epitome: Or, A Compendium of All Its Rules, Both Vulgar and ...

William Webster - Arithmetic - 1740 - 266 pages
...wa« ty-d Betwixt my wife and me ; My age did her-s as far exceed, As three times three does three. But after ten and half ten years, We man and wife...; Her age came up as near to mine, As eight is to fixteen. *- - • — Now, pray, What were our ages on the wedding-day ? Firft, fupptfe her 3.i then...
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Arithmetic, in All Its Parts, Vulgar and Decimal: As Also, Tables of Coins ...

William Craighead - Arithmetic - 1757 - 584 pages
...was ty'd, Betwixt my wife and me ; JMy age did her's as far exceed, As three times three does three. But after ten and half ten years, » We man and wife had been ; •.Her аде саше up as near to mine, As eight is to fixteen. U. • Now, pray, What w»re our ages on...
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Arithmetical Collections and Improvements: Being a Complete System of ...

Anthony Birks, John Birks - Arithmetic - 1766 - 642 pages
...was ty'd, Betwixt my wife and me, My age did her's as far exceed, As three times three doth three : But after ten and half ten years We man and wife had...been, Her age came up as near to mine, As eight is to fixteen : Now tell me (you who can) I pray, What were our ages on the wedding-day I Suppofe the wife's...
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Arithmetic in Epitome: Or, a Compendium of All the Rules, Both Vulgar and ...

William Webster - Arithmetic - 1767 - 264 pages
...was ty'd Betwixt my wife and me, My age did her's as far exceed, As three times three does three. Eut after ten and half ten years, We man and wife had...been, Her age came up as near to mine, As eight is to fixteen. • • Now, pray, What were our ages on the wedding-day ? Firft, fuppofe her 2l then he muji...
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Arithmetic, Rational and Practical: Wherein the Properties of ..., Volume 3

John Mair - Arithmetic - 1772 - 376 pages
...marriage-knot was tied Betwixt my wife and me, My age did hers as far exceed, As three times three does three ; But after ten and half ten years, We man and wife...been, Her age came up as near to mine, As eight is to fixteen. Now, Tyro, fk'1ll'd in numbers, fay, What were our ages on the wedding-day I Anfwer. Sir,...
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The Diarian Repository; Or, Mathematical Register: Containing a Complete ...

Mathematical recreations - 1774 - 734 pages
...marriage knot was tied Betwixt my wife and me, My age to her's we found agreed As nine doth unto three. But after ten and half ten years, ', • We man and.../-• Her age came up as near to mine, As eight is to fixteen. Now tell me if you can, I pray, What was our age o'lh marriage day ? /• jfnfoser. Let M...
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The Diarian Miscellany: Consisting of All the Useful and ..., Volume 1

Charles Hutton - Mathematics - 1775 - 382 pages
...was ty'd Betwixt my wife and me, Mine age did hers as far exceed As three times three, doth three: But after ten and half ten years We man and wife had beenj. Her age came up as near to mine As eight is to fixteen. Now tell me, if you can, I pray,. What...
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The diarian miscellany: consisting of all the useful and ..., Volume 1

Ladies' diary - 1775 - 438 pages
...was ty'd ', Betwixt my wife and me, Mine age did hers as far exceed As three times three, doth three: But after ten and half ten years We man and wife had beenj Her age came up as near to mine As eight is to fixteen. Now tell me, if you can, I pray, What...
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The Tutor's Guide: Being a Complete System of Arithmetic; with Various ...

Charles Vyse - Arithmetic - 1785 - 356 pages Wife and me, My Age did her's as far exceed As three Times three does three ; But when ten Years, and Half ten Years, We Man and Wife had been, Her Age came up as near to mine As eight is to iixteen. , Now, tell me, I pray, . What were our Ages on the Wedding Day ? 9. A Gentleman finding feveral...
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An Essay on Mathematical Language: Or, An Introduction to the Mathematical ...

Giovanni Alberto Baselli - Mathematics - 1787 - 476 pages
...age to her's we found agreed, As nine doth unto three : But after ten and half ten years, We «¡an and wife had been, Her age came up as near to mine, As eight is to fixteen. Now tell me, if you can, I pray, What was our age o'th' marriage day ? Anf. The man's age...
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