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" ... we may truly say nature gives us but the seeds of it; we are born to be, if we please, rational creatures, but it is use and exercise only that makes us so, and we are indeed so no farther than industry and application has carried us. "
A New Introduction to the Mathematicks: Being Essays on Vulgar and Decimal ... - Page xi
by Benjamin Donne - 1758 - 372 pages
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Posthumous Works

John Locke - Commonplace-books - 1706 - 352 pages
...Mathematicians, as to make them reafonabje Creatures ^ for though we all call our felves fo, becaufe we1 are born to it if we pleafe, yet we may truly fay...the Seeds of it ^ we are born to be, if we pleafe., rational Creabut 'tis Ufe an4 Exercife only that nukes makes us fo, and we are indeed fo no farther...
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An Essay Upon Study: Wherein Directins are Given for the Due Conduct Thereof ...

John Clarke - Best books - 1731 - 388 pages
...Reafonable Creatures. ' For tho' we all call our felves fo, * becaufe we are Born to it, if we ' pieafe ; yet we may truly fay, Nature ' gives us but the Seeds of it ; we * are Born to be, if we pieafe, Rati' onal Creatures ; but 'tis ufe and ' Exercife only that makes us fq ; ' and we are indeed...
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The Elements of Logick: In Four Books ... Design'd Particularly for Young ...

William Duncan - Logic - 1748 - 380 pages ourfelves fo, becaufe we are born to it, if we " pleafej yet we may truly fay, Nature gives ua " but the Seeds of it. We are born to be, if we *' pleafe, rational Creatures; but 'tis Ufe and Exer** cife only that makes us fo, and we are indeed fo, ». L...
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The preceptor: containing a general course of education [ed. by R ..., Volume 2

Preceptor - 1758 - 590 pages
...reafonable Creatures ; for though we *' all call ourfelves fo, becaufe we are born to it, if we pleafe j *' yet we may truly fay, Nature gives us but the Seeds of it. " We are born to be, if we pleafe, rational Creatures ; but 'tis *' Ufe and Exercife only that makes us fo, and we are indeed " fo, no...
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The Preceptor: Containing a General Course of Education. Wherein ..., Volume 2

Robert Dodsley - Education - 1758 - 588 pages
...rcafonab'e Creatures; for thouch we " ail call ouifelvcs fo, becaufe we are born "to it, if we pleafc ; " yet we may truly fay, Nature gives us but the Seeds of it. " We are born to be, if we pleafc, rational Creatures ; but 'tis ", Ufe and Exercife only that makes us fo, and we are indeed...
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The Elements of Logick: In Four Books

William Duncan - Logic - 1770 - 380 pages
...tures j for though we all call ourfelves fo, beI « caufe " caufe we are born to it, if we pleafe j yet we •" may truly fay, Nature gives us but the Seeds " of it. We are born to be, if we pleafe, ra" tional Creatures ; but 'tis Ufe and Exercife «' only that makes us fo, and we are indeed fo, "...
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An essay on mechanical geometry, explanatory of a set of models

Benjamin Donne - 1796 - 118 pages make them mathematicians as to make ihem reafonable creatures ; for, though we all call ourfelves fo, becaufe we are born to it, if we pleafe, yet, we may truly fay, nature gives us but the feeds of it. We are born to be, if we pleafe, rational creatures, but it is ufe and exercife only that...
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An essay concerning human understanding; with Thoughts on the ..., Volume 3

John Locke - Knowledge, Theory of - 1801 - 342 pages make them mathematicians, as to make them reafonable creatures ; for though we all call ourfelves fo, becaufe we are born to it if we pleafe, yet we may truly fay Nature gives us but the feeds of it ; we are born to be, if, we pleafe, rational creatures, but it is ufe and exercife only...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: With Thoughts on the Conduct of ...

John Locke - 1801 - 952 pages make them mathematicians, as to make them reafonable creatures ; for though we all call ourfelves fo, becaufe we are born to it if we pleafe, yet we may truly fay Nature gives us but the feeds of it ; we are born to be, if we pleafe, rational creatures, but it is ufe and exercife only...
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The conduct of the understanding

John Locke - 1801 - 168 pages
...for \ though we all call ourselves so, because we are born to it if we please, yet we may truly say nature gives us but the seeds of it; we are born to be, if we please, rational creatures, but it is use and exercise only that makes us so, and we are indeed so...
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