| John Clarke - Best books - 1731 - 388 pages
...Argument mould be managed as a Mathematical Demonftration. The Connection and Dependance of Ideas mould be followed, 'till the mind is brought to the Source on which it Bottoms, and obferves the coherence all along. — The ftudy of Mathematicks would mew Men the neceffity there is... | |
 | William Duncan - Logic - 1748 - 380 pages
...managed as a Mathematical Demon^" flratioi) , the Connection and Dependence of C 225 ) «« Ideas Should be followed, till the Mind is brought «* to the Source on which it bottoms, and can trace ** I hs Coherence through the whole- Train of Proofs•' It is in the general obfervable, .that the... | |
 | Robert Dodsley - Education - 1758 - 588 pages
...fhould be managed as ** a Mathematical Demonstration, the Connection and Depen" dence of Ideas (hould be followed, till the Mind is brought ** to the Source on which it bottoms, and can trace the Co" herence through the whole Train of Proofs. It is in the ge*' neral obfervable, that the Faculties... | |
 | John Locke - 1801 - 168 pages
...should be managed as a mathemar tical demonstration, the connection and dependance of ideas should be followed till the mind is brought to the source on which it bottoms, and observes the coherence all along ; though in proofs of probability, one such train is not enough to... | |
 | J. JOHNSON - 1801 - 376 pages
...argument should be managed as a mathematical demonstration ; the connexion and dependence of ideas should be followed, till the mind is brought to the source on which it bottoms, and observes the coherence all along, though in proofs of probability one such train is not enough to settle... | |
 | William Duncan - Logic - 1802 - 256 pages
...argument should be managed as a mathematical demonstration, the connexion and dependence of ideas thould be followed, till the mind is brought to the source...through the whole train of proofs. It is in the general observable, that the faculties of our souls are improved and made useful to us just after the same... | |
 | William Duncan - Logic - 1802 - 254 pages
...argument should be managed as a mathematical demonstration, the connexion and dependence of ideas should be followed, till the mind is brought to the source...through the whole train of proofs. It is in the general observable, that the faculties of our souls • are improved and made useful to us just after the same... | |
 | William Duncan - Logic - 1802 - 244 pages
...argument should be managed ts a mathematical demonstration, the connexion and dependence of ideas should be followed, till the mind is brought to ' the source on which it bottoms, and can trace the cohe. rence through the whole train cf proofs. It is in the general observable, that the faculties... | |
 | John Locke - 1802 - 308 pages
...argument should be managed as a mathematical demonstration, the connection and dependance of ideas should be followed till the mind is brought to the source on which it bottoms, and observes the coherence all along ; though in proofs of probability, one such train is not enough to... | |
 | John Locke - Intellect - 1802 - 184 pages
...should he managed as a mathematical demonstration, the connection and dependance of ideas should he followed till the mind is brought to the source on which it bottoms, and observes the coherence all along ; though in proofs of probability, one such train is not enough to... | |
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