| Philip Ronayne - Algebra - 1738 - 458 pages
...DEFINITIONS. i. A Circle is fuppos'd to be r\ divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees j and each Degree into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes ; and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds 5 t£c. Any Portion \ of whofe Circumference is called an Arch, and is meafured by the Number of Degrees... | |
 | John Ward - Mathematics - 1747 - 492 pages
...-tJL vidcd into DEFINITIONS. fuppos'd to be di-. 360 equal Parts, called Degrees ; and each Degree into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes ; and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds, &V. Any Portion of whofe Circumference is called an Arch, and is meafured by the Number of Degrees... | |
 | Thomas Simpson - Logarithms - 1748 - 84 pages
...Periphery of every Circle is fuppofed to be divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees; and each Degree into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes ; and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds, or fecond Minutes, &c. B G 3. Any Part AB of H the Periphery of the Circle is called an Arch, and is... | |
 | Joseph Fenn - Mathematics - 1769 - 524 pages
...conceived to be divided into 360 equal parts, ivbicb are (ailed DEGREES ; and each of tbefe degrees into 60 equal parts, called MINUTES ; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called SECONDS 6fr. in con/equence of this bypotheßs, У the correfpondence eßabliflied between the arches, У the... | |
 | Joseph Fenn - Mathematics - 1769 - 538 pages
...to be divided into 360 equal parts, -which are callea DEGREES ¡ and each of tbefe degrees into ¿o equal parts, called MINUTES ; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called SECONDS &c. in confequence of ibis bypotheßs, У the correjpondence eßablijhed bet-ween the arches, У the angles,... | |
 | John Ward - Mathematics - 1771 - 510 pages
...DEF INITIONS. Circle is fuppofed to be divided into 360 equal Parts called Degrees ; and each Degree into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes ; and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds, &c. Any Portion of whc/e Circumference is called an Arch, and is mcaof Degrees it contains.' 2. A Chord... | |
 | John Wright (Mathematician) - Perspective - 1772 - 300 pages
...fuppofed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees; each degree ifr fuppofed to be divided into 60 equal parts, called minutes ; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called feconds, &c. 5. Any angle HRB at the centre of a circle, is faid to be an angle of as many degrees,... | |
 | Benjamin Donne - Geometry, Plane - 1775 - 336 pages
...Semicircle, or 2 Rt. ¿.s, and 90 Degrees a Quadrant, or Rt L. j) each Degree is fuppofed to be divided into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes, and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds, &c. Hence it is plain, that in une' qual Circles, as well as in equal, equal Angles are fubtended by an... | |
 | Euclid - 1781 - 542 pages
...tan.ngles HKB, ABC will \.E arc right ; therefore rill• 360 equal parts called degrees, and each degree into 60 equal parts called minutes, and each minute into 60 equal parts called feconds, &c- And as many degrees, minutes, feconds, &c. as are contained in any arch, of fo many degref.s... | |
 | John Hamilton Moore - Nautical astronomy - 1791 - 558 pages
...Circles, whether great or fmall, are divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees ; and each Degree into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes ; and each Minute into 60 equal Parts called Seconds, &c. A Semicircle is 180 Degrees, and a Quadrant contains 90 Degrees. A Right Angle contains 90 Degrees... | |
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