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" I said above, that the faculties of our souls are improved and made useful to us, just after the same manner as our bodies are. Would you have a man write or paint, dance or fence well, or perform any other manual operation dexterously and with ease?... "
A New Introduction to the Mathematicks: Being Essays on Vulgar and Decimal ... - Page xi
by Benjamin Donne - 1758 - 372 pages
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Posthumous Works

John Locke - Commonplace-books - 1706 - 352 pages ? What then fhould be done in the Cafe ? I anfwer, we fhould always remember what I faid above, that the Faculties of our Souls are improved and made...Fence well, or perform any other manual Operation dextroufly and with eafe, let him have never fo much Vigour and Activity, Supplenefs and Addrefs naturally,...
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The Elements of Logick: In Four Books ... Design'd Particularly for Young ...

William Duncan - Logic - 1748 - 380 pages
...It is in the general obfervable, .that the Faculties t* of our Souls are improved and made ufefulto us, ** juft after the fame manner, as our Bodies are' or " fence well, or perform any other manual Opera" tion, dexteroufly and with Eafe? Let him have " ever fo much Vigour and Activity, Supplenefs...
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The Preceptor: Containing a General Course of Education. Wherein ..., Volume 2

Robert Dodsley - Education - 1758 - 588 pages
...the Faculties of pur Souls are improved '* and 122 Of REASONING. Book III. " and made ufeful to ns, juft after the fame manner, as our " Bodies are. Would...fence well, or perform any other manual Operation, dex" teroufly and with Eafe ? Let him have ever fo much Vigour ** and Activity, Supplcnefs and Addrefs...
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The preceptor: containing a general course of education [ed. by R ..., Volume 2

Preceptor - 1758 - 590 pages
...the ge'' «tal obfervable, that the Faculties of our Souls are improved «' and made ufeful to ns, juft after the fame manner, as our " Bodies are. Would...fence well, or perform any other manual Operation, dex" teroufly and with Eafe? Let him have ever fo much Vigour " and Activity, Supplenefs and Addrefe...
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The Elements of Logick ...

William Duncan - Logic - 1759 - 382 pages
...ftration, the Connection and Dependence of " Ideas t o':i '* Ideas mould be followed, till the Mind ft brought " to the Source on which it bottoms, and or " fence well, or perform any other manual Opera— 4t tion, dexteroufly and with Eafe? Let him have " ever fo much Vigour and Activity, Supplenefs...
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The Elements of Logick: In Four Books

William Duncan - Logic - 1770 - 380 pages
...«* be managed as a Mathematical Demonftra«* tion, the Connexion and Dependence of " Ideas fhould be followed, till the Mind is " brought to the Source...any other manual Operation, " dexteroufly and with Eafe ? Let him have ever. ** "fo much Vigour and Activity, Supplenefs and " Addrefs naturally, yet...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Volume 2

John Locke - Knowledge, Theory of - 1796 - 558 pages the cafe ? I anfwer, we fhould always remember what I faid above, that the faculties of our fouls are improved and made ufeful to us, juft after the...perform any other manual operation dexteroufly and with eafe; let him have ever fo much vigour and adivity, fupplenefs and addrefs naturally, yet nobody expects...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: With Thoughts on the Conduct of ...

John Locke - 1801 - 952 pages
...this cafe ? I anfwer, we Ihould always remember what I faid above, that the faculties of our fouls are improved and made ufeful to us, juft after the...perform any other manual operation dexteroufly and with eafe ; let him have ever fo much vigour and aftivity, fupplenefs and addrefs, naturally, yet nobody...
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An essay concerning human understanding; with Thoughts on the ..., Volume 3

John Locke - Knowledge, Theory of - 1801 - 334 pages this cafe ? I anfwer, we mould always remember what I faid above, that the faculties of our fouls are improved and made ufeful to us, juft after the...perform any other manual operation, dexteroufly and with eafe ; let him have ever fo much vigour and activity, fupplenefs and addrefs, naturally, yet nobody...
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The conduct of the understanding

John Locke - 1801 - 168 pages
...said above, that the faculties of our souls are improved and made useful to us, just after the same manner as our bodies are. Would you have a man write...fence well, or perform any other manual operation dexterously and with ease, let him have ever so much vigour and activity, suppleness and address natufally,...
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