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" ... this from him, unlefs he has been ufed to it, and has employed time and pains in fafhioning and forming his hand, or outward parts, to thefe motions. Juft fo it is in the mind ; would you have a man reafon well, you muft ufe him to it betimes, exercife... "
A New Introduction to the Mathematicks: Being Essays on Vulgar and Decimal ... - Page xi
by Benjamin Donne - 1758 - 372 pages
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Posthumous Works

John Locke - Commonplace-books - 1706 - 352 pages
...let him have never fo much Vigour and Activity, Supplenefs and Addrefs naturally, yet no body expects this from him unlefs he has been ufed to it, and has imployed Time and Pains in fafhioning and forming his Hand or outward Parts to thefe motions. Juft...
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The Elements of Logick: In Four Books ... Design'd Particularly for Young ...

William Duncan - Logic - 1748 - 380 pages
...dexteroufly and with Eafe? Let him have " ever fo much Vigour and Activity, Supplenefs and " Addrefs naturally, yet nobody expefts this from *' him unlefs he has been ufed to it, and has em** ployed Time and Pains in fafhioning and foiming " his Hand, or outward Parts, to thefe Motions....
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The preceptor: containing a general course of education [ed. by R ..., Volume 2

Preceptor - 1758 - 590 pages
...him have ever fo much Vigour " and Activity, Supplenefs and Addrefe naturally, yet nobody " expetts this from him unlefs he has been ufed to it, and "...fafhioning and forming " his Hand, or outward Parts, to thcfe Motions. Juft fo it " is in the Mind ; would you have a Man reafon well, you *' muft ufe him...
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The Preceptor: Containing a General Course of Education. Wherein ..., Volume 2

Robert Dodsley - Education - 1758 - 588 pages
...him have ever fo much Vigour ** and Activity, Supplcnefs and Addrefs naturally, yet nobody " expects this from him unlefs he has been ufed to it, and *'...employed Time and Pains in fafhioning and forming " his Ha?;d, or outward Parts, to thefe Motions. Juft fo it V is in the Mind; would you have a Man reafon...
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The Elements of Logick ...

William Duncan - Logic - 1759 - 382 pages
...him have " ever fo much Vigour and Activity, Supplenefs and " Addrefs naturally,, yet nobody expects this from.' " him unlefs he has been ufed to it, and has em" ployed Time and Pains in fafhioning and forming: " his Hand, or outward Parts, to. thefe Motions.....
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The Elements of Logick: In Four Books

William Duncan - Logic - 1770 - 380 pages
...** "fo much Vigour and Activity, Supplenefs and " Addrefs naturally, yet nobody experts this from u him unlefs he has been ufed to it, and has " employed Time and Pains in fafliioning and . ** for miRg his Hand, or outward Parts, to thefe v Motions. Juft foitisin the Mind;...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Volume 2

John Locke - Knowledge, Theory of - 1796 - 558 pages
...let him have ever fo much vigour and adivity, fupplenefs and addrefs naturally, yet nobody expects this from him, unlefs he has been ufed to it, and...hand, or outward parts, to thefe motions. Juft fo it is in the mind ; would you have a man reafon well, you muft ufe him to it betimes, exercife his...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: With Thoughts on the Conduct of ...

John Locke - 1801 - 952 pages
...dexteroufly and with eafe ; let him have ever fo much vigour and aftivity, fupplenefs and addrefs, naturally, yet nobody expefts this from him unlefs...his hand or outward parts to thefe motions. Juft fo it is in the mind ; would you have a man reafon well, you muft ufe him to it by timss, exercife his...
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An essay concerning human understanding; with Thoughts on the ..., Volume 3

John Locke - Knowledge, Theory of - 1801 - 334 pages
...vigour and activity, fupplenefs and addrefs, naturally, yet nobody expects this from him unlefs lie has been ufed to it, and has employed time and pains...his hand or outward parts to thefe motions. Juft fo it is in the mind ; would you have a man reafon well, you muft ufe him to it by times, exercife his...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: With Thoughts on the ..., Volumes 1-3

John Locke - Knowledge, Theory of - 1801 - 988 pages
...him have ever fo much vigour and activity, fupplenefs and addrefs, natural. ly, yet nobody expedts this from him unlefs he has been ufed to it, and has employed time and pains in falhioniug and forming his hand or outward parts to thefe motions. Juft fo it is in the mind ; would...
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