| Early English newspapers - 1745 - 692 pages
...a'. ' . . concluding that if foabftrufc phenomena В rątticfiisJic killed a cog in lefs than »'. ae thefe come under the known laws of motion, it might very well be taken for granted, that the m;>re obvious appear' anees in the fame fabric arifč from fuch caufes as are within the reach of geometrical... | |
 | Richard Mead - Botany, Medical - 1747 - 376 pages
...make in an ani-* mal body ; concluding (as I thtnk^ fairly) that if fo abftrufe phaenomena as thcfe come under the known * */ laws of motion, it might...granted, that the more obvious appearances in the fame fa•* brie are owing tofuch caufes, as are within the reach of geometrical reajoning • and that... | |
 | Richard Mead - Medicine - 1765 - 308 pages
...^hofe furprifmg changes which poifons make in an animal body ; concluding (as I think, fairly) that if fo abftrufe phenomena as thefe come under the known...taken for granted, that the more obvious appearances appearances in the fame fabric are owing to fuch caufes as are within the reach of geometrical reafoning... | |
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