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A Triangle may be made of them, if any two taken together be greater than the third ; but that the thing is so, make the Ang. HCK = B, and CK=CH, and draw HK, IK. then KH = FG. and because the Ang. KCI d

A; the Line KIDE. But KISHI + HK (FG); therefore DE HI + FG. In like manner, we demonftrate that any two are greater than the third, and consequently a Triangle may be made of them. Q. F. D.

Probl. PRO P. XXIII.

To make a Solid Angle MHIK of three plane Angles A, B, C, whereof any two howsoever taken







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are greater than the third; * but these three Angles * 21. 11. must be less than four right Angles.

Make AD, AE, BE, BF, CF, CG equal to one another, and make the Triang. HKI of the three right Lines HI = DE, IK = EF, KH = FG, about which describe & a Circle LHKI.

f 22. 1.

& 5.4.

In conft, & 8.1. i 21.Ι. 4 cor.

Now AD HL, the Point L being the Centre; for if AD be, or HL, then will the Ang. Ahor HLI. In like manner shall B be =, or - HLK, and C =, or 7 KLI. Whence A + B + C are * either equal k to four right Angles, or else exceed four right 13. 1. Angles, which is contrary to the Hypothefis ; therefore AD - HL.


Again, let AD be1 = HL + LM2, and 1 Schol. let LM be perpend. to the Plane of the Circle 47. 1. HKI, and draw HM, KM, IM. Then be- 12. 11. cause the Ang. HLM is a right one; there- 3 def. 11. fore MH =HL+LM2 =



PAD. There- 47. I. fore MH = AD. By the like Argument MK, P conft. MI, AD (that is, AE, EB, &c.) are equal;

-whence since HM = AD, and MI = AE, and 9 8. 1.
DEP = HI; therefore is the Ang. A =
HMI; and in like manner the Ang. IMK
= B, and the Ang. HMK = C. Whence
the solid Angle at M is made of three given
Plane Angles. Q. E. F.

[blocks in formation]





And in like manner, the other Planes of the def. 1. Parallelepipedon are Parallelograms. Therefore since AF is parallel to HG, and AD to HC, the Ang. FAD shall be = CHG; whence because AFd. HG, and AD = HC, 1 and consequently AF: AD :: HG: HC; therefore the Triangles FAD, GAH are f Similar and Equal; and so the Parallelograms AE, HB are Ex. 1. Similar and Equal. And the same may be




prov'd of the other parallel Planes.




If a folid Parallelepipedon ABCD be cut by a Plane EF parallel to opposite Planes AD, BC; it shall be as the Base AH is to the Base BH, so is the Solid AHD to the Solid BHC.

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Conceive the Parallelepip. ABCD to be continued out both ways, and take AI = AE, and

Fro the Pl EG, C

the Pla

and A

BK= EB, and put the Planes IQ, KP, parallel Ang. to the Planes AD, BC. The Parallelograms IM, 1. AH, and DL, DG, and * IQ, AD, EF, &c. are Similar and Equal. Whence the Ppp. AQ = AF; and for the fame Reason the Ppp. BPBF. Therefore the Solids IF and EP are

f. 6.






AH: BH:: AF: EC. Q. E. D.

24.11. && 9 def.

may be apply'd to any Prism. Whence


Prism be cut by a plane Parallel to
Lanes, the Section shall be a Figure
Similar to the opposite Planes.

PROP. XXVI. Probl.

a folid Angle AHIL equal to a given CDEF, at a Point A, in a given Right

[blocks in formation]


6 def. 5.

[blocks in formation]

ny point F, let fall FG perpend. to 11.11. ; and draw the right Lines DF, FE, ,CG. Make AH = CD, and the AI=DCE, and AI = CE ; and in HAI make the Ang. HAK = DCG, = CG; then raise KL perpend. to the AI, and let KL be = GF, and draw en shall the folid Angle AHIL be equal



From a right Line given AB to describe a Parallelepipedon AK Similar, and in like manner fituate to a folid Parallelepipedon given CD.

[blocks in formation]

a 26. 11.

12.6. €22.5.


1 def. 6.

24. 11.

Make a a folid Angle A of the plane Angles BAH, HAI, BAI, which are equal to FCE, ECG, FCG; also make FC: CE :: BA: AH. And CE : CG :: AH : AI, (whence by Equality it shall be FC: CG :: BA: AI) and compleat the Ppp. AK, which shall be fimilar to the given one.


For by Constr. the Pgrs. BH, FEd; and HI, EG; and d BI, FG, are similar; and fo the opposite Planes of these to the opposite Planes of those: therefore the fix Planes of the Solid AK are similar to the six Planes of the 9. def. 11. Solid CD, and confequently AK, CD are fsimilar. Q. E. F.


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