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subjunctive in principal
clauses, 113; in dependent
clauses, 158-64.
subordinate conjunctions, 92.
substantives, see nouns.
substantive clauses, subj. in,

suffire, conjug., 77.
suivant, prep., 138 (d).
suivre, conjug., 76; with de,
136 (c), Obs. 1.
superlative, formation of, 21-
22; foll. by subj., 162 (b).
supine in Lat. French in-
finit., 139.
supposé, agreement of, 148,

Obs. 2.

[blocks in formation]

tien, le, 33, 167, Obs.
time, adv. of, 82 (b); time
when, expr. by à, 134 (b);
by de, 137.

toi, use of, conj. pron., 30-31;
disj. pron., 32, 165.
ton, ta, tes, 10-12.
toucher, constr., 180.
toujours, conj., 92 (a); invers.
after, 107 (a).

tous, agreeing with gens, 97

tout, 37 (b).
tout-à-coup, invers. after,
107 (c).

tout au plus, invers. after,
107 (a).

tout ce qui, with part. art.,
118, Obs. 3.
toutefois, conj., 156 (b) 3.
tout-puissant, fem. and pl.
of, 96.

towns, names of, with art.,
116 (e).

traire, conjug., 75.
transitive verbs, with acc.,

126; with dat., 130-1.
travers (au), 90; 138 (a), 1.
trees, names of, m. 98, A, 2.
treuve, archaic, 81 (e).
trop de, 82 (c), 118.
tu, use of, 165.


uncertainty, verbs of, with
subj., 160 (c).

unique, l', foll. by subj., 162

user, constr., 180.


vain, en, vainement, invers.
after, 107 (a).
vaincre, conjug., 76.
valoir, conjug., 72.
veiller, constr., 180.
venir, conjug., 69; placed

first, 107, Obs.; with de or
à, 143.

venir à, constr., 32 (7).
verbs, classification of, 38-39;
agreement of, 102-5; invers.
of, 106-7; with different
constructions, 180; requir-
ing no prep. before foll.
infin., 181; requiring de
before foll. infin., 182; re-
quiring à before foll. infin.,

verbal adjective = participle,

verbal stems, gender of, 99, A.
verbal phrases, without art.,
120 (a).

vers, 90; 138 (a, b).
vêtir, conjug., 67.
vieil, vieux, 20 (ƒ).
vite, adv., 83.
vivre, conjug., 79.
voici, prep., 90; constr. of,
126 (a), Obs. 3.
voilà, 90; construct. of, 126
(a), Obs. 3.

voir, conjug., 72; with dat.

of pers., 131; with infin., 140.
votre, 10-12; le vôtre, 33.
vouloir, conjug., 72; with
infin., 140 (c); with subj.,
160 (a).

vowels, 3; pronunciation of,
93, I.

vu, agreement of, 148, Obs. 2.

[blocks in formation]



With reference to the Sections in which they occur.

a, an, indef. art., 7-8; un, une,
12, 13, 119.

a, distributive, par, 90; 138

able, to be, 144, VI.
about, to express approxima-
tion, 25 (h); about it, 28 (2);
de, 87 (k); vers, 90; to be,
111 (b), Obs. 3; 136 (e), 2.
above, ad., 82 (a), 90.
according, as, 92 (a); -to, 138

accordingly, adv. conj., 107

accustom to, 32 (7).

ache, tooth-, etc., 134 (c).
across, 138 (a).

admittance, no, 113 (A.)
affect, to, 119 (b), 1.
afraid, to be, 112 (a), 2; 160, I.
(b), Obs.

after, prep., 90; adv. conj.,
92 (d); 110 (f) Obs.; 138
(a, b, d).

against, 90, 138 (a).
ago, 136 (a), 2.

all, 37 (b).

all the same, to be, 132, 2.
allow to, to, 126 (c) Obs.; 144,
VI.; 150 (a); 160, I. (α).
already, 82 (b); with invers.,
107 (c).
although, 92 (b).
among, 90, 138 (a).
another, 37 (b), 124 (d).
any, partitive, 8, 12; pron.,
en, 28 (4), 37 (a), 118; de,
87 (d).

anybody, any one, 37 (c).
anybody, not, 58.
anyhow, adv. conj., 107 (a),
156 (b).

anything, 37 (c); -like, 118,
Obs. 3.

apology, to make an, 119 (a),

appeal, to, 32 (7).

appear, to, 107 (c), Obs.

appearance, 124 (d).

apply to, 113 (A.)

are there, 28 (4).

as many, as much, 82 (c).

as soon as, 110 (f), Obs.; 111

as you like it, 111 (b).
as for me, 136 (b).

as, conj. repeated, 176 (b).
ask, to, 126 (c), (130 (c), 143 (a).
astonished, to be, 160, I. (b).
at, chez, 32 (6); de, 88 (b, e);
en, 89 (a); à, 138.
at any rate, 92 (a).

[blocks in formation]

at it, relat. adv., y, 27; 134 clear, 124 (c)
(a, b); 136 (g).
at least, 92 (a).

at one time another, 156 (b),

at the house of (home), con-
strued, 32 (6), 138.

at which, 35 (e).
avoid, to, 153 (a).

bad, 22.


bareheaded, barefooted, 122 (a).
be, to, aux. v., 40-1; conjug.,
53-4, 61-2, 64 (a).

be to, to, 110 (3), Obs. 1; 111
(b), Obs. 4.

be it so, 113 (a); to be for, 133.
because, 92 (a), 176 (b).
beckon, to, 136 (c).
become, to, 119 (c), 3.
before, adv., 82 (a).
before, conj., 92 (b, d), 176 (b).
before, prep., 90; 138 (a, b).
behind, adv., 82 (a), 90, 138 (a).
believe to be, to, 119 (c), 3; 126
(b); 170, I. (c), 2.
below, adv., 82 (a); prep., 90,
138 (a).
beneath, 90, 138 (a).
besides, adv.-conj., 107 (a);
conj., 156 (b), 1.
best, better, adj., 22; adv., 84.
between, 90, 138 (a, b).
beyond, 90.

[blocks in formation]

approve of, to, 160, I. (a), 161. but, 156 (b), 3; -even, 156 (b), 3.

[blocks in formation]

but who not, 162 (a).
by, de, 87 (e); de, or par, 136
(c) Obs. 1; 138; par, with
infin., 144 (a); with verb in
-ing, Fr. en, with pres.
part., 146, III.

by the pound, à, 134 (a), Obs.
by-the-bye, 156 (b), 3, Obs.

[ocr errors]

cognisable, to be, 136 (j).
cold, 117 (b).

come, to, 32, 7; 107 (c) Obs. ;
-from, 117, A.; 136 (j); to
-and, 140 (c).

common with, in, 118, Obs. 3.
commonest, 22, Obs. 5.
concerned, to be, 64 (b).
concerning, prep., 138 (d).
conformable to, 132, 1.
consent, to, 160, I. (a), Obs.
consequently, adv.-conj., 92
(a), 107 (a); 156 (b), 5.
contrary to, 90.
course of, in the, 138 (b).
credited with, to be, 140 (b).


deaf ear, to turn, 119 (b), 1,

dear, 124 (c).

deep, construed, 25 (d).
deference to, 113 (a).
deficient in, to be, 143 (a).
deny, to, 160, I. (c).
deserving, to be, 142 (b), 1; 160,
I. (b).
difficult, to do, 143 (b), 2.
dine out, to, 89 (a).
do, aux. v., 57-59.
done, a thing to be, 142 (b), 1.
doubt, to, 160, I. (c).
downright, 124 (c).
during, 138 (b).
duty, to be one's, 136 (j); to
think it one's, 144, VI.


each, 37 (a and c); each other,
37 (b); distributive, 117 (b),
2; 138 (b).
early, 137 (a).
eating and drinking, 116 (c).
either, 37 (b), 91;...
or, 156
(b), 2.

enclosed, 122 (b).
enough, to have, 140 (ƒ), Obs. 1.

enter, to, 107 (c), Obs.
essentially, 166, Obs.
even if, 92 (a); 112 (b), Obs.
even then, 107 (a).
events, at all, 107 (a).
ever, 152(b); ever so little, 92 (b).
every, 37 (a and b); rendered
by def. art., 116 (d); every-
body, every one, 37 (b and c).
everything, 120 (b).

expect, to, 130 (c); 176, Obs. 2.

[blocks in formation]

-fold, 25 (f).

follow, to, 107 (c), Obs.
fond of, to be, 142 (a).
foot, on, 134 (a).
for, prep., de, 87 (e); à, 88 (d);
adv.-conj., 163 (a); refer-
ring to time, 92 (a); de,
136 (f, h); depuis, pour,
138 (b, d); not-, 153 (a);
-it, 28 (5).

for all that, 156 (b), 3.
for, conj., 156 (b), 4.
for want of, 92 (d).
forbearance is not acquittance,

168 (b).
forbid, God, 113 (a).
formerly, 82 (b).
fortnight, 153 (a).

from, de, 87 (a), 138 (a); à, 88
(c), 130 (b); sur, depuis, 90;
after verbs of taking, à,
130 (c), 136 (a-j).
from beyond, 138 (a), 2.
from it, from there, relat.
adv., en, 28 (1).
from the top of, 90.
front of, in, 90.


gait, by his, 134 (a).
genius, of, 124 (d).
gentleman, 167 (d), Obs.
get a thing done, to, 140 (e).
get rich, to, 120 (a), 5.
give credit for, to, 130 (b).
glad, to be, 141 (c); 160, I. (b).
go to, to, 117 (A.); -away, 66.
good, 22; for, to be, 132, 1.
grant, 113 (a).
gratifying, to be, 143 (b), 1.

half, 25 (e), 122 (b); half..
half..., 156 (b), 6, Obs.
happen, to, 64 (b), 143 (a).

hard, to hit, 83, Obs. 3.
hard to, to be, 142 (b), 2.
hardly, conj., 92 (a); 107 (a);
110 (f), Obs.; 152 (b).
hardly ever, 58.
hasten, to, 32 (7).
have, to, conjug., 51-2, 56; -to,
110, 3; -done, 113 (A.); a
thing done, to, 140 (f); to-
to, 142 (a).

he, subj., 26; 34 (a), 2; -who,
34 (d); -alone, lui, 32;
predic., 29, 168 (a), 171.
hear, to, 131, 140 (f); with
past part., 150 (a).
hence, relat. adv., en, 28 (1);
with inversion, 107 (c).
her, pers. pron. 26, 30; with
prep., 32.

her, possess. pr., 10, 117 (a,
b), 130 (b).

here, with inversion, 107 (c);
is (are), 90; I am, etc.,
126 (a), Obs. 4; 140 (e).
hers, 33.
herself, 63.

high, construed, 25 (d).
him, 26, 30; with prep., 32.
himself, 63, 166.
his, poss. pron., 10, 33, 117
home (at), construed, 32 (6),
(a, b), 130 (b), 167 (a, d).


honoured, to be, conjug., 62.
hope, to, 144, VI.
house of, at the, 32 (6).
how? 82 (d); how is it that?


how long? 64; how many, how
much? 82 (c).


I, with a verb, je, 36; stand-
ing alone, or after prep.,
moi, 52.

f, 92 (a); rendered by que,
92 (c); repeated, 176 (b);
with fut. and condit., 111
(b), Obs. 1; -I live, 146 (d).
in, after superl., 22, Obs. 7:
de, 87 (i), 136 (c, j), 137.
(b); à, 88 (b), 138; dans,
en, 89.

in, with names of countries,
117 (A.); with verb in -ing
= Fr. & with infin., 142 (b),
2; 142 (b), 3; 143 (b).
indebted for, to be, 136 (h).
indifferent, 124 (c).
in order that, 92 (b), 163 (a).
in order to, 92 (c).
-ing, verbal form in, 40, 41,

49, 55.

inside, 82 (a), 89 (b).
insist, to, 45; 160, I. (a).
instead of, to stand, 136 (e) 1,

intend, to, 141 (b).
into, 138.

it, subj., 26; obj., 26, 30;
with prep., 27-8, 30-1;

[blocks in formation]

lady, young lady, 167 (c), Obs.
last, 124 (d).

late, adj., feu, 122 (b).
least, less, adv., 84.

least, at, adv. conj., 107 (a).
leave for, to, 117 (A.)
left, 22, Obs. 1.

less, adv., 21, 22, 82 (c).
lest, conj., 92 (b, d), 163, (a),
let, aux. verb, 47, 111 (b)
176 (b).
113 (a), 131; 142 (b), 1.
life and death, in, 134 (c), Obs.3.
lifetime, in one's, 137 (a).
like, prep., 138 (d).
like, as I, 134 (a), Obs.
little, adv., 82 (c); adj. and
adv., comparis. of, 84; with
proper nouns, 116 (c).
long, construed, 25 (d), 136
(j); to be-, 110 (b); longer,
22, Obs. 1.

long time, not for a, 110 (e).
long to, to, 143 (a).
look, to have a-, 122 (b), Obs. ;
124 (d).

look to, 146 (b); -for, 126 (a),
Obs. 3.

lose no time, to, 136 (i).
loud, to speak, 83, Obs. 3.
low, to speak, 83, Obs. 3.


make, to, to appoint, 126
(b); = to cause, 131.
make the most of, to, 140 (c).
make one's self understood, to,
140 (f).

make up for, to, 136 (h).
manner, in this, 117 (b), Obs.
many, 9, 37 (a), 82 (c); -a one,
37 (b).

matter, to, 161.
may, aux. v., 55-56, 113 (a),
162 (a); it -be, 161.
may be, adv. conj., 107 (a).
me, obj. pron., me, 26, 30;
with prep., moi, 32
mean, 124 (d).

meanwhile, 156 (b), 3, Obs.

meet with, to, 126 (a), Obs. 3.
methinks, 168 (a).
might, aux. v., 55-6.

mind for, to have a, 113 (a).
mind, to tell one's, 146, III.
mine, rendered by pers. pr.,
32 (6), 33, 167 (a).


miss, young lady, 107 (c), Obs.
mistaken in, to be, 136 (e), 1.
more (so), 22, Obs. 3; the more,
22, Obs. 4.
more, most, adv., 84.
most, at, 107 (a).

Mr., Mrs., 167 (c), Obs.
much, 9, 82 (c); compar. of, 84.
much more, adv. conj., 107 (a).
must, 64, 72, 127, 161.

must (have), 64 (b); 111 (b),
Obs. 5.

must know, 111 (b), Obs. 2.
my, 10, 12, 117 (a, b), 130 (b),


myself, 32 (4), 63.


nay, 156 (b), 3.
near, 90; 136 (b), Obs. 2; 138
necessary, to be, 45, 46, 51, 53,
64 (b).
neither, 37 (b), 91; agreement
with nouns linked by, 104
(c); nor, 154, 156 (b).
never, 58, 152 (6); without
art., 120 (b), 1.
nevertheless, 91; 156 (b), 3; 168
(b), 2; 176 (b).

new, 124 (d).

news, 118, Obs. 3.

next day, 128.

nice, to smell-, 83, Obs. 3.
no, adv., 9; indef. pr., 37 (b).
no... at all, 82 (c), 118 (b).
nobody, no one, 37 (c), 58, 152

no go, 152 (b).

no longer, 22, Obs. 1; 58.
no more, 58.

Fr. infin.

material, etc., 136; with
verb in -ing
141 (c).
off, 136 (d).

on, de, 87 (h); à, 88 (e); en,
89; sur, 90; rendered by
def. art., 116 (d); to feed-,
136 (d); -and from, 138
(a, b); the way, 146 (e);
-that account, 28 (5).
once, 25 (g).

one, numeral, 25; pron. 28
(4); the-, 34 (d), 170.
one thing, and another, to be,
140 (a).

one's self, 63, 166.


[blocks in formation]

score, 25 (h).

only, 58; adv.-conj., 92 (a); scarcity, the, 104 (a), Obs.
with subj., 162 (a).
opinion, in the, 90.
or, agreement with
linked by-, 104 (c); co-ord.
conj., 91, 156.
order a thing to be done, to,
150 (b).

other, 37 (b); others, 37 (c).
our, 10, 117 (a, b), 130 (b).
ours, 33.
ourselves, 63.

out of season, 137 (b), Obs.
outside, 82 (a); 138 (a).
out, to be, 82 (a); out of, 138 (d).
over, 82 (a), 90.

own, of one's-, 124 (c), 133, 1,
166, 167 (a, c).
own, to, 136 (e), 2.



partly, 156 (b), 6,

people, agreement with, 103
perhaps, 92 (a); adv.-conj.,
107 (a).

pity, to be a-, 161.
plainly, to speak-, 83, Obs. 3.
play at, to, 134 (a); -on, 136 (c).
please, 111 (b), Obs. 2.
possession is nine points of the
law, 120 (b), 2.
(b).pray! 141 (b).


no sooner, 110 (ƒ), Obs.
none, 22, Obs. 1; 37 (b), 152
nonsense, to be, 141 (a).
nor... either, 152 (b);
even, 156 (b).
not, 57-9, 85; either, 58; -less,
21; now, 22, Obs. 1; -only,
91; 156 (b), 3; -that, 113 (b).
nothing, 37 (c), 58, 90, 154;
-good, 118, Obs. 3.
now, 82 (b); then, 156 (b), 5;
-there is (are), 90, 140 (e).
nowhere, 37 (b).

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

present at, 89 (b).
presume, to, 112 (a), 2.
pretend, to, 116 (ƒ), Obs.
prevail, to, 150 (d).
prevent, to, 160, I. (a).
probably, rendered by fut.
past., 111 b, Obs. 5.
provided, conj., 92 (b).
purpose, to do on-, 83, Obs. 3.
put to death, to, 120 (a), 5.


question, to be the, 64 (b).

rank, of, 124 (d).
rate, at any, 107 (a).
rather, 82 (d); -than, 92 (d).
remain, to, 107 (c), Obs.
remember, to, 141 (c).

see, to, 72, 140 (e); to- a thing
done, 140 (f), 150 (a); to-
that, 160, I. (b), Obs. 2.
seem, to, 122 (b), Obs.
send for, to, 126 (a), Obs. 3;
140 (c).

several, 37 (b), 124 (c).
shake hands with, to, 130 (b).
shall, aux. v., future, 43, 51,
53, 55, 56; imperat., 111 (b),
Obs. 2.

she, subj., 26; predic., 29 (1),
168 (a); with prep., 32;
-who, 34 (d).
shine, to, 64 (a).

short, shorter, 22, 124 (d).
should, aux. v., = condit., 44,
45, 46, 112; = subjunct.,
45-6, 160 (b), 161.
show in, to, 140 (e).
sides, from (on) all, etc., 137
signify, to, 37 (c).

since, prep., 90, 138 (b); conj.,
92 (a), 176 (b).
sit down to table, to, 140 (c).
slightest, 22.

slip, there is many a, etc., 126
(a), Obs. 1.

smack of, to, 126 (a), Obs. 2.
smell of, to, 126 (a), Obs. 2.
so, pron.-adv., 29 (2); more-
22, Obs. 3; and-, 37 (b); I
think-, 85.

so far from, 92 (d), 161.
so much, with inversion, 107

so that, conj., 92 (c), 163 (a),
176 (b); -as to, conj., 92 (d).
some, partitive, 8, 12, 87 (d),
119 (a); pron., en, 28 (4),
30-1, 37 (a), 118.
some one, 37 (c).

[blocks in formation]

subject, to that, 82 (a).

such, 37 (b), 169 (b); -men as, 117 (b), Obs. suddenly, with invers., 107 (c). suffer to be, to, 140 (f). sundry, 124 (c). surprised, to be, 45, 46. suspect, to, 160, I. (c). swim to, to, 134 (a).


take from, to, 130 (c). talk sense, to, 120 (a). taller, construed, 25 (d). teach, to, 126 (c), 142 (a). than, adv., 21; de, 136 (b), Obs. 2.

that, demonstr. adj., 11, 22. that, demonstr. pr., ce, 34 (a); cela, 34 (b); -one, 34 (c); 168 (a), 170; -which, 34(d); -is, voilà, 90; -way, 82 (a), 90. that, relat. pr., 35, 168, 169; -one, 170.

the, def. art., 5-6, 12; 120; used, 121.


the fewer, 22, Obs. 4. the... the, foll. by a compar., 22, Obs. 4.

the more

the more, 91.

the one, 34 (d), 170.

thee, obj., 26, 30; compl., 32; thee and thou, 165. their, 10, 117 (a, b), 130 (b). theirs, 33.

them, obj., 26,30; complem., 3. themselves, 63.

there, relat. adv., y, 27, 28; interj., 90; demonstr., 126 (a), Obs. 4.

there is (are), 37 (c), 64, 90. there must have been, 64. therefore, 156 (b), 5.

thereupon, with inversion, 107 (e).

these, demonstr. adj. 11; de34 (a, b); -ones,

monstr. pr., 34 (c), 168 (a) they, subj. of a verb, ils, 26; without verbs, 26; who, 34 (d), 168 (a). thine, 33.

think of, to, 32 (7); with infin. in Fr., 140 (d); with subj., 160, I. (c) 2.

think it one's duty to, 144, VI. this, adj., 11, 22; pron., ce, 34 (a); ceci, 34 (b); this one, 34 (c); 167 (c), Obs. 2; 168 (a), 171.

this is what, 90. thither, relat. adv., y, 27. those, demonstr. adj., 11; pr., 34 (a and b). those who, 34 (d), 168 (a).

thou, subj. of a verb, 26; alone | or after prep., 32. though, 92 (a, b); 113, A.; 146, III. (c). thrice, 25 (g).

through, 90, 138 (a).

thus, with inversión, 107 (c). thy, 10, 117 (a, b), 130 (b). thyself, 63.

till I see you again, 134 (c), Obs. 3.

time to time, from, 137 (a). times, term of multiplic., 25 (g). tire of, to, 141 (c).

to, 6-7, 10, 87 (j), 88 (a); denoting feeling, 90; place, 138; after verbs of motion, not sign of dat., 32 (7); 134 (c), Obs. 2; with names of countries, 134 (c), Obs. 1; with Infin., 139-144; to a T, 142 (b), 3.


pers. pron., place of, 27,

30-1, 32. to-day is

89 (a). to-morrow, 82 (b). told, to be, 37 (c).

82 (b); -week,

too much, -many, 9, 82 (c). towards, 90, 138.

trouble, to take the, 143 (b), 1. true, 174 (c).

turn out, to, 82 (a). twice, 25 (g).


week, 136 (a), 2.

well, compar. of, 84; to reason
(aim)-, 83, Obs. 3; to let-
alone, 116 (c); -done, 133, 1.
well-nigh, to be, 161.
what, relat. pr., 35 (e); inter-
rog. pr., 36 (a and b); 118,
Obs. 3; 168, 173; -sort of
weather, 64 (a); -a! interj.,
119 (c) 1; -little, 150 (c).
whatever, 37 (c), 92 (b).
when, 92 (a); adv.-conj., 110
(f), Obs.; 111 (a); relat.
adv., 174, 176 (b).
whence, adv., 82 (a).
where... from, adv., 82 (a).
wherever, 92 (b).

whether, 92 (a); 111 (b), Obs.
1; 120 (b); 156 (b), 2.
which, relat. pr., 35; inter-
rog. pr., 36 (a and b); -way,
82 (a), 90.

while, whilst, conj., 92 (a);
146, III. (c); 176 (b).
who, whom, whose, relat. pr.,
35; interrog., 36 (a); 116
(f); 133, 1; 172.
whoever, whosoever, 37 (c).
whole, 37 (b).

why, 110 (f), Obs. ; with in-
finit., 140 (f), Obs. ; interj.,
156 (b), 3, Obs. ; 176 (b), Obs.
wide, construed, 25 (d).
will, aux. v., 43, 112 (b), 152
(a); -have, 160.

wish for, to, 126 (a), Obs. 3;
-to, 127.

82 wit, to 168 (a), 1.

under, underneath, adv., unless, 92 (b, d). (a), 90; 138 (a, b). until, conj., 92 (b). up to, 138 (a). upon, 90, 138. upwards of, 90. us, obj. pers. pron., nous, 26, 30; with prep., nous, 32. used, to have (be), 51, 53; 110

(c, d), Obs. 2 (ƒ).


vain in, vanity, 107 (a). vie with, to, 136 (e), 1.


wait for, to, 126 (a), Obs. 3. walk, to, 134 (a). want, to, 48, 64 (b); a great deal, 136 (i); to be -ed, 37 (c). want of, the, 150 (c). wantonly, 137 (b). warm, 117 (b). wash one's self, to, 63. way (which), that, 82 (a), 90; this-, that-, 137 (c). we, 26; emphatic, 37 (b).

with, chez, 10, Obs.; de, 87 (e); 136 (c, d, e, f, g, h); 137 (a), 138 (d); à, 129, 130 (b), 134, 138 (c); avec, 138 (a, c).

with it, 28 (2); the help of, 146 (e).

within, 89 (b), 138 (a). without, adv.-conj., 92 (b), 163 (a).

worse, worst, adj., 22; adv., 84 worthy, 124 (d).

would, aux. v., 44; 110 (c, d), Obs.; 112 (b); would-be, 166, Obs.

wretched, 124 (d). wrong, 124 (c).

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