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(For English Words and Phrases, see Index II.)

The numbers refer to the Sections, not to the Pages.

§§ 1 to 100 contain the ACCIDENCE; §§ 101 to 183 the SYNTAX.


à, 4, 88; sign of dat., 129-35;
denoting place, 138 (a);
time (b); manner (c); re-
spect (d), 180; before In-
finit., 142-3; 183.
ablative, 6, 129, 135-6.
absoudre, conjug., 79.
abstract nouns, pl. of, 15;
with def. art., 116 (a).
abuser, constr., 180.
accents, 2.

accommoder, constr., 180.
accusative, 6; double, not
used in Fr., 176 (c), 126-8;
absolute, 128, Obs.
acheter, conj., 60 (b).
acquérir, conjug., 69.
adjective, possess., 10, 12.

demonstr., 11, 12.
adjectives of quality, fem. of,
19-20; comparison of, 21-2;
place of, 23, 123-4; used
adverbially, 83, Obs. 3;
compound, fem. and pl. of,
95, 96; list of irreg. fem.,
96; used partitively, 118,
Obs. 3; agreement of, 122;
used as pred. compl., 126
(b), Obs.; gov. dat., 132;
taking inf. with de or à,
144 (c).
adjective clauses, subjunct.
in, 162.
adverbs, 82-5; of quantity, 9,
12, 118; with dat., 132; of
affirmation and negation,
151-5; place of, 179.
adverbial clauses, subjunct.
in, 163.
adverbial compl., direct, 128;
indirect (with a), 134; with
de, 137.
adverbial phrases, without
art., 120 (a).


adverbial relation, 125-56.
affection, verbs of, with subj.,
160 (b).
affirmation, adv. of, 85.
afin de, 92 (d), 144 (b).
afin que, 92 (b), 163 (a).
agir de, s', 64 (b).
agreement of adj., 122; of
part. pres., 146; of part.
perf., 147-50.
aïeul, plur. of, 14.

Engl. poss. adj., 117, 130 (b); repetition of, 12 (a). article, indef., 7, 12, 115, 119-20.

partit., 8, 12, 115, 118.
assaillir, conjug., 68.
asseoir, conjug., 73.
assez, with de, 118.
assister, constr., 180.
assortir, conjug., 67.
astreindre, conj., 74.

aigre-doux, fem. and pl., 96. asyndeton, 156.
aigu, fem of, 19.
ail, pl. of, 14.

aimer à, with infin., 142.
ainsi, invers. after, 107 (c);
156 (b), 5.
ainsi que, 91.

air, avoir l', 122 (b), Obs. 2.
aller, conj., 65.
alphabet, 1.

à moins de, 92 (d), 144 (b).
à moins que . . . ne, 92 (b).
amour, gender of, 97 (a).
anomalous verbs, 65-81.
anterior, past, use of, 110 (f).
à peine, 92 (a); invers. after,
107 (a).

apercevoir, conjug., 70, 180.
à plus forte raison, invers.

after, 107 (a); apostrophe, 4.
apparaître, placed first, 107,


apparoir, conjug., 73.
appât, pl. and f., 14.
appeler, conj., 60 (a), 180.
applaudir, constr., 180.
apposition, without art., 119
(c), 120 (a).

apprendre à, with infin., 142.
approcher, constr., 180.
après, 90; denoting place,
138 (a); time (b); with
infin., 144 (b).
article, def., 5, 6; use of,

115-21; omission of, 120;

à travers, 90.

atteindre, conjug., 74, 180.
attendant que, en, 92 (b);
with subj., 163 (b).
attendu, agreement of, 148,
Obs. 2.

attendu que, 92 (a).

attributive relation, 114-24.
aucun, 37 (b); 152 (b), 2.
au-dessous, au-dessus, 82
(a), 90.

au lieu de, 92 (d).

au moins, invers. after, 107

auprès de, do., 138 (a), 1.
aussi, invers. after, 107 (a).
aussi bien, conj., 156 (b).
aussi longtemps que, fut.
after, 111 (a).
aussitôt que, fut. after, 111

autant de, 82 (c).
au travers de, 90.
autre, 37 (b); foll. by ne,
153 (b).
autrui, 37 (c).
auxiliary verbs, 51-4; of
mood, 140.
avant, 90, 138 (b).
avant de, 92 (d), 144 (b).
avant que, with subj., 92 (b),
163 (b).
avec, 138 (a), 1, place; time
(b); manner (c).

avoir, conj. of, 51-2; with | collective noun-subj., agree-

dat., 133 (1).

avoir, y, 64.


bas, used as adv., 83, Obs. 3.
battre, conjug., 77.

beau, bel, belle, 20 (ƒ).

beaucoup de, 82 (c), 118.

bénir, 60.

bétail, pl. of, 14.

bien, compared, 84.


ment with, 104.
collective nouns, def. art.
with, 116 (a).
colour, adj. of, 96.
combien de, 82 (c).
command, verbs of, with
subj., 160 (a), 180.
comme, comment, 82 (d).
common nouns, 98, I., 4.
comparative, 21-22.

comparison of adj., 21-22; of
adv., 84.

bien-aimé, fem. and pl. of, complex sentences, 156-164.

bien que, 92 (b), 163 (c).
bientôt, invers. after, 107 (c).
boire, conjug., 78.
bon, comp., 22, 84; used as
adv., 83, Obs. 3.
bouillir, conjug., 67.
brief, fem. of, 20.
brièvement, adv., 83.
bruire, conjug., 80.


car, conj., 157 (b) 4.
cardinal numbers, 25 (a, c).
cas que, en, with subj., 163

à cause de, 138 (d).

ce, cet, cette, dem. adj., 11,

ce, demonstr.

pron., 34;
comp. with il. 34; agreem.
of verb with, 103 (a); use
of, 168
ceci, cela, 34 (b); with part.
art., 118, Obs. 3; use of, 169.
ceindre, conjug. 74.
cela, 34 (b); 118, Obs. 3; 169.
celui-ci, celui-là, 34 (c).
celui, celle, ceux, 34 (d); use
of, 170.
celui-ci, celui-là, 34; use of,


ce n'est pas que, with subj.,
163 (c).

cependant, conj., 91; 156 (b),


ce qui, relat. pron. absol.,
35 (e); use of, 172.
certain, 37 (a).
cesser, ne, without pas, 155.
chacun, 37 (c).
changer, conj., 60; with de,
136 (c); 167 (b), Obs.; 180.
chaque, 37 (a).

châtain, fem. and pl. of, 96.
cher, used as adv., 83, Obs. 3.

chez, 32, 6; 138 (á), 1.

choir, conjug., 72.

ciel, pl. of, 14.

ci-inclus, agr. of, 122.
ci-joint, agr. of, 122.

clair, used as adv., 83, Obs. 3.
clair-semé, fem. and pl. of,

clore, conjug., 80.

collective numbers, 25 (h).

compound nouns, formation
of, 16; pl. of, 17; gender of,
99 A.
compris, agreement of, 148,
Obs. 2.

concernant, prep., 138 (d).
concession, foll. by subj.,
163 (c).

days, names of, m., 98, II. A.
(3); of week, with def. art.,
116 (d).

de, 4; to denote dimensions,
25 (d); various uses of, 87;
with def. art. used partit.,
118; comp. with à, par,
136 (c), Obs. 2; sign of gen.,
use of, 135-7; denoting
time, 138 (a) 2; manner,
(c); cause (d), 180; before
Infinit., 141-3, 182.
décevoir, conjug., 70.
déchoir, conjug., 72.
dedans, dehors, 82 (a).
de dessus, 90.
défier, constr., 180.
definite article, 6; equal to
Engl. pos. adj., 117, 130 (b);
Engl. indef. art., 119 (b);
with genitive, 121; omitted,
121, Obs. 2.


def., art. and pers. pron.
Engl. poss. pr., 167.
déjà, 82 (a); inversion after,
107 (c).

delices, gender of, 97 (a).
demander, with à or de, 143,


concessive clauses, foll. by
subj., 160-2; condit. in, 112
(b); subj in, 113 (a).
concevoir, conjug., 70.
conclure, conjug., 78.
conditional, conj., 44; use of,
112; conditional, after verbs
of enacting, 160 (a), Obs. 2;
160 (c); condit. clause, with
subjunct., 113 (c), 160-2.
conduire, conjug., 75.
confire, conjug., 77.
conjugation, regular, 40, 64; demonstr. adj., 11, 12.
irregular, 65, 81.
conjunctions, 91-92.
conjunctive mood, use of, 113.
conjunctive pers. pron., 31.
connaître, conjug., 78.
consonants, 1; 93, IV.
construire, conj., 75.
contraindre, conjug., 74.
contre, 90; 138 (a), 1.
convenir, constr., 180.
co-ordinate sentences, 156.
coudre, conjug., 79.
countries, names of, with art.,
116 (c), 117 A.
courir à, conjug., 69; constr.,
32 (7).

de manière (façon) à, with
inf., 144 (b).
demi, agr. of, 122 (b), Obs. 1.
demi-mort, -savant, fem. and
pl. of, 96.

court, used as adv., 83, Obs.


couvrir, conjug., 68.
craindre, conjug., 74; fol-
lowed by ne, 153; 160 (b),

crainte de, 92 (d).
crainte que de, 92 (b); with
subj., 163 (a).
croire, conj., 78; constr., 180;
with infin., 144, VI.; 180.
croître, conjug., 78.
cueillir, conjug., 68.


demonstrative pronoun, 34;
use of, 160-171.
dependent clauses, 157-64.
depuis, 90, 138 (b).
depuis que, present tense
after, 110 (b), 3.
derivation ruling gender, 98,

dernier, place of, 124 (d);
foll. by subj., 162 (b).
derrière, 82 (a); 90; 138 (a),


dès, 90, 138 (b).

dès que, fut. after, 111 (a).
dessous, dessus, 82 (a); au
dessous, 90.
dessous, dessus, instead of

sous (sur), lui, etc., 165.
devant, 82 (a); 90; 138 (a), 1.
devoir, conjug., 70; with in-
fin., 140 (e).
dimensions, 25 (d).
diphthongs, 93, II.
direction, expr. by à, 134 (c).
direct object, 126-8.
disjunctive pers. pron., 32;
after verbs of motion, 134
Obs. 2.

disputer, constr., 180.
donc, conj., 156 (b), 5.
dont, relat. pron., 35 (a, c, d),
36; use of, 172.

dans, comp. with en, 89; 138 dormir, conj., 67.

[blocks in formation]

droit, used as adv., 83, Obs. 3.
dû, 70.

du moins, 92 (a); invers.
after, 107 (a).
duquel, use of, 35-36, 172.
durant, 138 (b).


échapper, constr., 180.
échoir, conjug., 72.
éclore, conjug., 80.
écrire, conjug., 75.
élire, conjug., 78.
emotion, verbs of, with subj.,
160 (b).
empêcher, with ne, 160 (b),
Obs. 2.

en, prep., 28, 30-1; comp.
with dans, 89; denoting
place, 138 (a), time (b),
manner c, d); with part.
pres., 146, Obs.

en, pron., 28, 30-1; used
without art, 119 (c); en +
def. art. poss. pron. 167

en aller, s', 66.
encore, invers. after, 107 (a).
encore que, with subj., 163

enfreindre, conj., 74.
entendre, with dat. of pers.,

131; with infin., 140.
entre, prep., 90; 138 (a, b), 1.
entrer, placed first, 107, Obs.
envers, prep., 90.

espérer, conj., 60 (d).

essayer, conj., 60 (e).

est-ce que? 57.

both, 156.

[ocr errors]

faut, see falloir.
faute de, 92 (d).

faux, used as adv., 83, Obs. 3.
feindre, conjug., 74.
feminine of nouns, 95.
feu, adj., agr. of, 122.
fleurir, 60.
flour, 60.

fol, fou, 20 (ƒ).
formation of tenses, 50.
fort de, 25 (d).
fractional numbers, 25 (e).
frais-cueilli, fem. and pl. of,

[blocks in formation]

goutte, adv. of negat., 151.
grec, grecque, 20.

et et, 91; et... et, gris obscur, fem. of, 96.

éteindre, conjug., 74.
être, conj. of, 53-4; with
refl. v., 63; compl. after
without art., 119 (c); constr.
with dat., 133; used with
de, 186 (j); with infin.,
140 (b).
éviter, with ne, 160 (b), Obs. 2.
excepté, agreement of, 148,

Obs. 2.

exclure, conjug., 78.
exprès, used as adv., 83,
Obs. 2.


façon que, de, 92 (c), 163 (a).
façon à, de, with infin., 144
factitive verbs, without art.,
119 (c); constr. of, 126 (b).
faillir, conjug., 67.
faire, conjug., 77; impers.
V., 64 (a); with cogn. acc.,
116 (f), Obs.; with dat. of
pers., 131; with infin. 140.
falloir, impers. v., 64 (b);
conjug., 72; with infin.,
140 (c); with subj., 161



ne, 58, 151-4.


haïr, 60.

imposer, constr., 180.
indeclinable parts of speech,

indef. art., use of, 119;
omitted, 119 (c); used in
Engl. def. art. in French,
119 (b).

indefinite, past, use of, 110

indefinite pron., 37.
indicative, conjug., 40-3, 50;
use of, 108-113, 158, 160
indirect interrog., foll. by
subj., 162.
indirect obj., 129-35.
infinitive present, 48; use
of, 139-46; without prep.,
140, 181; with de, 141, 182;
with à, 142, 183; after
nouns, with de or à, 144
(b); instead of subjunct,
144, V., VI.; gender of,
99, A.
instruire, conjug., 75.
instrument, expr. by à, 134
(a); by de, 136 (c).
insulter, constr., 180.
interjections, 86.'
interrogative conjug., 57-59.
interrogative pron., 36; use
of, 172-4.
interrogative sentences, order
in, 106.

intrans. verbs used transi-
tively, 126 (a), Obs. 1; with
dat., 132.

inversion of subj. and pred.,


inverted construction, 178.
issir, conjug., 69.

ivre-mort, fem. and plur.,

haut, 25 (d); used as adv., jamais.
83, Obs. 3.
hauteur, 25 (d).
hébreu, hébraïque, 20.
hériter, constr., 180.
holy days, names of, with
art., 116 (d).
hors (de), 138 (a), 1.

[blocks in formation]


ne, 58-9, 151-5.
jamais, art. omitted after, 120
jeter, conj., 60 (b).
jouer, with à, 134 (a); with
de, 136 (c), 180.
jusqu'à, 138 (a), 1.
jusqu'à ce que, with indic. or
subj., 163 (b).

juste, used as adv., 83, Obs. 3.

[blocks in formation]

Lat. masc.
98, I. 1.

French masc., | monsieur, 167 (d).

Lat. neuter = French masc.,
98, I. 2.

Lat. fem. French fem., 98,
I. 3.

le, la, les, def. art., 5-6, 12,
115-7, 119-21.

le, neutral pron., 29.

noods, use of, 108-13, 158-63.
more. more, the, 91.
motion, verbs of, with inf.,
140 (c).

moudre, conjug., 79.
mountains, names of, m., 99,
A. 4; with art, 116 (e).
mourir, conjug., 69.

léger-vêtu, fem. and pl. of, mouvoir, conjug., 71.


[blocks in formation]

mais, conj., 156 (b), 3.
mal, comp., 84.
malgré, 138 (d).

malgré que, with subj., 92
(b), 163 (c).
manière à, de, 92 (d), 144 (b).
manière que, de, 92 (c); with
subj., 163 (a).
manner, expressed by à, 134

(a); by de, 137 (b), 138 (c).
manquer, de or à, 143, 180.
mark, expressed by de, 136

masculine gender, 180, 98-100.
maudire, conjug., 77.
meaning ruling gender, 99.
measure, names of, with def.
art., 119 (b).
meilleur, adj., 22, 84; 153 (b).
même, 37 (a).

mener, conj., 60 (c).
mental qualities, names of,
with def. art., 119 (b).
mentir, conj., 67.

metals, names of, m., 99, A. (2).
mettre, conjug., 77.

mie, adv. of negat., 151.
mien, le, 33.

mien, use of, 167, Obs.
mieux, adv., 84.
mil, mille, 25 (a).
mi-parti, fem. and pl. of, 96.
moi, conj. pron., 30-1; disj.
pr., 32; emphatic, 175.
moindre, 22; foll. by ne, 153
moins de, 82 (c), 84.

moyennant, 138 (c).


naître, conjug., 78.
nasal sounds, 3; 93, III.
ne... pas, point, etc., 58 (c).
ne, adv. of negat., 151-55, 153
(a); after comparat., 152
(b); 160 (b), Obs.


que, only, 152 (b);
foll. by subj., 162 (b).
n'est-ce pas, 85.
néanmoins, 91; 156 (b), 3.
necessity, verbs of, with subj.,
160 (a).

negation, adv. of, 85, 151-55.
negative conjug., 58-9.
negative sentences, with sub-
ject, 160 (c), 162.

ni, ni
ne, 91; subject
linked by, 104 (c); art. omit-
ted after, 120 (b); in com-
plex sentences, 154, 156 (b).
nominative, 6, 101-4.
nominative absolute, 128, Obs.
non, que non, 85.
non plus, adv. of negat., 152

non que, non pas que, with
subj., 163 (c).
non seulement, conj., 156
(b), 3.

notre, 10-12; le nôtre, 33.
nouns, 4-18; not used in sing.,
94 (a); of foreign origin,
94 (b); with diff. meaning
in s. and pl., 94 (c); both
masc. and fem., 97 (b);
gender of, 97-100; used
with def. art., 115-21;
without art, 120.

nous, conj., pron., 30-1;
disj. pron., 32; use of, 165.
nouveau-marié, nouveau-
né, fem. and pl., 96.
nouveau, nouvel, 20 (ƒ).
nuire, 75.

nul, 37 (b): 152 (b), 2.
numerals, 25.

nu-tête, agr. of, 122 (b), Obs. 1.

object, place of, 177-8.
s'occuper, de or à, 143, 180.
moitié, conj., 156 œil, plur. of, 14.

(b), 6, Obs.
mol, mou, 20 (ƒ).
mon, ma, mes, 10-12.
months, names of, m., 99, A. 3.
montrer à, with infin., 142.

offrir, conjug., 68.

on, pers. pron., 37 (c), 165.
optative clauses,,
113 (a).
or, conj., 156 (b), 5.

[blocks in formation]

paître, conj., 78.
pâques, gender of, 97 (a).
par, prep., 90; comp. with
de, 136 (c), Obs. 2; denoting
place, 133 (a), 1; time (b),
manner (c), cause (d); with
infin., 144.

paraître, conjug., 78.
par conséquent, conj., 156
(b), 5.
par-dessous, 90.
par-dessus, 82 (a), 90.
par ici, par là, 82 (a).
par où, 82 (a).

parce que, 92 (a).
parenthetical clauses, invers.
in, 107 (b).

parmi, prep., 90; 138 (a), 1.
partant, conj., 156 (b), 5.
participer, constr., 180.
parts of body, names of, con-
str., 117, 119 (b), 130.
participles, 49; used parti-
tively, 118, Obs. 3; as pred.
compl., 126 (b), Obs.
participle perf., 147-50.
participle pres., 145-7.
partie... partie, conj., 156
(b), 6, Obs.

partitive article, 8, 9, 12, 118.
pas, adv., 85; with part. art.,

118, Obs. 2; 151-3; omitted,

pas un, ne, 37 (c); 152 (b), 2.
passé, agreement of, 148,
Obs. 2.

passer, se, constr., 180.
passive voice with de or par,
136 (c), Obs. 1.
past tenses, use of, 110.
peindre, conjug., 74.
pendant, 138 (b).
pendant que, 92 (a).
penser à, 32.

perceiving, verbs of, with
subj., 160 (c).
percevoir, conjug., 70.
personal pron., place of, 106-
107; synt. of, 165; Fr.=
poss. pron. in Engl., 167.

[ocr errors]

personne, indef. pron., 37 (c); | prepositions, 87-90; synt. of,

subj. of verb, 58 (c), Obs.;
58-9, 151-5.
persuader, constr., 180.
petit, comparison of, 22, 84.
peu, with de, 118.
peu de, adv., 82 (c); com-
parison, 84.
peu, le, agreement with, 150
(c), Obs.

peuple, agreement with, 103

peur que, de, 92 (b); with
subj., 163 (a).
peut-être, 92 (a).
phonetic laws, 81.
pire, adj., 22, 84.
pis, 84.

place, adv. of, 82 (a).
place of adjectives, 23, 123;
of pers. pron., 30-1.
place where, expr. by à, 134
(c); by other prep., 138
plaindre, conjug., 74.
plaire, conjug., 78.
pleuvoir, conjug., 71.
pluperfect, use of, 110 (f).
plural of nouns, 14-17, 94.
plural of pers. pr. for sing.,

plus, 82 (c), 84; plus... plus,
91; plus... ne, 58-9, 152-


[blocks in formation]

possess. adj., 10, 12, 167 (a).
poss. pron. used substan-
tively, 167 (a, d), Obs. 3.
possessor, dat. of, 130 (b).
pour, prep., with infin., 92
(a), 144 (b), 181; denoting
time, 138 (b), purpose (d).
pour peu que, 92 (b), 163 (c).
pour que, with subj., 163 (a).
pourquoi, with infin., 140 (f),


pourvoir, conjug., 72, 180.
pourvu que, 92 (b), 163 (c).
pouvoir, conjug., 71; with
infin., 140 (c); negat. with-
out pas, 155.
predicates, different kinds of,
101; agreement of, 102-5;
inversion of, 106-7.
predicative relation, 101-13.
premier-né, premier-venu,
fem. and pl., 96.
premier, le, foll. by subj.,
162 (b).

prendre, conjug., 77; constr.,



près, 90; près de, 138 (a) 1.
present indic., 40, 108-9;
subj., 45.

prétendre, constr., 180.
preterite, conjug. of, 42; use
of, 110.
prevention, verbs of, with
subj., 160 (a).
price, names of, with def. art.,
119 (b).

principal parts of verbs, 50.
proche, prep., 90.
pronouns, conjunct pers., 29-
31, 165-75; disjunct. pers.,
32, 165-6, 175; possessive,
33, 167; demonstr., 34, 168;
relative, 35, 172-3; inter-
rog., 36, 172-3; indefinite,

pronunciation, 93.
proper nouns, pl. of, 15, 117;
with def. art., 116 (b).
proportional numbers, 25 (ƒ).
puisque, 92 (a).
purpose, foll. by indic. or
subj., 162 (b), 163.


quality, gen. of, 137 (c), Obs.
quand même, 92 (a).
quantity, adv. of, 82 (c).
que, conj., 92 (a); for si, 92
(c), 163; with infin., 140(f),
Obs.; before oui, non, si,
152 (a); redundant, 168 (3),
176 (c); standing for other
conj., 176.

que, pron., 35 (a, c), 36.
que, relat. adv., use of, 174.
que... ne, with subj., 163

que voici, use of, 167 (d), Obs.
quel? pron., 36 (b).
quelconque, 37 (a).
quelqu'un, 37 (c).
quel que, quelque,

37 (a);

with subj., 163 (c).
quelque chose, with part.
art., 118, Obs. 3.
querir, conjug., 69.
qui, declined, 35 (a, c), 36.
qui est-ce qui, 36 (a).
qui que ce soit, 37 (c), 154.
qui.. ne, but 153 (a), Obs.
quiconque, 37 (c).
quint, 25 (c).

quoi, relat. pron., 35 (e);
with part. art., 118, Obs. 3;
with infin., 140 (f), Obs.,


quoi que, 37 (c), 163 (c).
quoi que ce soit, 92 (b).
quoique, conj., 92 (b); with
subj., 163 (c).


prendre garde, with ne, 160 raillerie, entendre, 121, Obs.
(b), Obs. 2.


recevoir, conjug., 70.
redoubler de, 136 (e).
reflexive verbs, 63.
relat. clause = poss. pron.
167 (d).

relative pron., 35, 172-4.
repentir, se, conj., 67.
repetition of def. art. 121, A.;
of pronouns, 175.
répondre, constr., 180.
résoudre, conjug., 79.
ressentir, constr., 180.
ressortir, conjug., 67.
rester, placed first, 107, Obs.
restreindre, conjug., 74.
result, foll. by indic. or conj.,
162 (i), 163.
rêver, constr., 180.
rien, 37 (c); 58 (c), Obs. ; 59;
with part. art., 118, Obs. 3 15

|rire, conjug., 77.


saillir, conjug., 68.
sans, 91; with infinit., 92 (d),
138 (c), 144 (b).
sans que, 92 (b); with subj.,
163 (a).

savoir, conjug., 71; with in-
fin., 140 (c); used neg. with-
out pas, 155.
saying, verbs of, with subj.,
160 (c).

seasons, names of, m. 99, A. 3.
selon, 92 (a), 138 (d).
sentir, conj., 67; with cogn.
acc., 116 (f), Obs.
seoir, conjug., 73.
sequence of tenses, 184.
servir, conjug., 67; with de,
136 (c), 1, Obs. ; 180.
seul, le, foll. by subj., 162 (b).'
seulement, non, 91.

si, adv. of affirm, 85, 152 (a).
si, conj., 92 (a); impf. after,
110; whether, fut. or
cond. after, 111 (b), Obs. 1.
sien, le, 33.

si tant est que, with subj., 163
soi, use of, 166.

soit, art. omitted
after, 120 (b).
soit que, with subj., 163 (c).
son, sa, ses, 10-12.
songer à, constr. 32 (7), 180.
sonner, constr., 180.
sorte que, de (en), with subj.
163 (a).
sortir, conj., 67.
souffrir, conjug., 68.
sounds, 3.

sourd-muet, fem. and pl., 96.
sourdre, conjug., 80.
sous, 90; denoting time, 138
(b), respect (d).

subject, recapitulated, 104
(b); different kinds of, 101;
inversion of, 106-7; simple,
103; compos., 104.

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