91 92 D. CONJUNCTIONS. I.-Co-ordinative, i.e. Conjunctions which link Words or Co-ordinate (In dependent) Clauses : Et le riche et le pauvre. Ainsi que le soleil dissipe les nuages, Il est encore très jeune, et néanmoins il est fort sage. Tantôt il veut une chose, tantôt il en veut une autre. Both the rich and poor. He is neither prodigal nor avaricious. but he is very ignorant. He is still very young, and nevertheless he is very well behaved. Sometimes he wants one thing, another time he wants something else. Plus la haine est injuste, plus elle The more unjust hate is, the more est cruelle. cruel it is. II.-Subordinative, i.e. Conjunctions which link Subordinate (Dependent) Clauses with the Principal Sentence: (a) With the following Verb in the Indicative or Conditional; as, Je ne sais pas si elle viendra. Je ne savais pas si elle viendrait. Si elle arrive pendant mon absence. Il y a deux ans que (=depuis que) je ne suis venu en France. I do not know whether she will come. I did not know whether she would come. Quand (même) je le voudrais, je ne le Though (even if) I would, I could pourrais pas. Or Je le voudrais que je ne le pourrais pas. lors même qu'il contredisait. Peut-être* ne viendra-t-il pas. S'il n'est pas riche, du moins* not do it. When he comes, tell him even when he contradicted. Though he has not succeeded, at any rate he has done his duty. Though he be not rich, at least he is in easy circumstances. * After the above Adverbial Conjunctions, as also after encore, even then; aussi bien, à plus forte raison, with still more reason; tout au plus, at most,-the Verb, as a rule, is placed before the Subject. Les hommes se jugent mal, parce qu'ils se méconnaissent. Puisque vous le voulez, faites-le donc! Je ferai comme vous dites. Il faut battre le fer pendant qu' (tandis qu') il est chaud. Men misjudge each other, because they do not know each other. Since you wish it, do it then. I shall do as you say. One must strike the iron while it is hot. J'en userai avec lui selon qu'il I shall treat him according as he en usera avec moi. treats me. Il s'amuse, tandis que nous travail- He amuses himself whilst we on the lons. contrary are working. Il vous ressemble fort, si ce n'est qu' He bears a strong likeness to you, only il est plus petit. he is shorter. Attendu que mes ordres s'y opposent. Inasmuch as it is contrary to my instructions. Restez ici tant que vous voudrez. Stay here as long as you like. (b) With the following Verb in the Subjunctive, see § 164-5: as, Je le dis, afin que vous le sachiez. I say it in order that you may know it. Come nearer, in order that I may speak to you. Approchez que (= afin que) je vous parle. On le fera, quoique vous en disiez. It shall be done, whatever you may say. Je vous le dis, quoique vous le I tell it to you, though you know it sachiez déjà. Bien qu'il soit pauvre, il est content. Que sert d'amasser à moins qu'on Pour peu que vous m'aimiez. Où que vous soyez, j'irai vous rejoindre. already. Although he is poor he is content. In case she should be ill. Without it ever being known. What is the good of hoarding unless If you love me ever so little. Il mourut avant que la révolution He died before the Revolution broke éclatât. Cachez-vous, de crainte qu'il ne vous trouve. Malgré qu'il en ait. out. Hide yourself lest he should find you. In spite of him. Cachez-lui votre dessein, de peur Conceal your design from him, (de crainte) qu'il ne le traverse. Amuse-toi en attendant qu'il vienne. lest he should thwart it. Amuse yourself until he comes. (c) With the Verb in the Indicative to denote an accomplished fact, or in the Subjunctive to denote a contingency: as, Que cela soit, je n'en disconviens pas. That this is so I do not dispute. He worked so that his master is satis- Let him work so that his master may be satisfied with him. You write so that one cannot decipher your writing. Do write so that one may read it. * que standing for si requires the verb in the Subjunctive, though si itself does not. (d) With the Verb in the Infinitive: as, Il le fais afin de vous obliger. I do it to oblige you. Il est assez riche pour se passer cette He is rich enough to gratify this fancy. fantaisie. Réfléchissez toujours avant d'agir. A moins d'être fou, il n'est pas pos- Après avoir déposé la couronne. Tais-toi, de crainte de l'offens Loin de me remercier, il m'a dit des injures. Always reflect before acting. It is not possible to argue thus, unless one be a fool. Act instead of playing. After having resigned the crown. Do be silent lest you should offend him. Faute d'avoir été prévenu à temps. For want of having been informed in Je mourrai plutôt que de le souffrir. Je le ferai de manière à le satisfaire. time. I will rather die than submit to it. I shall do it so as to satisfy him. 93 APPENDICES. I. REMARKS ON PRONUNCIATION. N.B.-Any attempt to represent French sounds by English letters must necessarily prove futile and misleading. The few English equivalents here given must be distinctly understood to be merely approximate. Our aim is to supply carefully classified material, rather than Rules. I. SIMPLE VOWEL SOUNDS. 1. a is sounded long ( = English a in far, rather) : : (a) if it has a circumflex :-château, gâteau, blâmer, etc. longer still if the last syllable is mute :-âme, âne, grâce, ils blâment. (b) before -r, -re :-char, phare, cigare. (c) in the endings :-las, passer, passion, cadre, mare, barre, tard, l'art, fable, base, gaze, rage. [Short in- étable, table; ailleurs, caillou; chasse, masse, terrasse; and in the pret.-inflection, as: parlas.] 2. a is sounded short : if it has no circumflex (see however 1, b, c), especially when initial or Observation 1.-A word may be affected in its quantity by its position :- 3. e atonic has a dull sound (e sourd) : (a) in monosyllables :—je, me, te, le, se, ne, que, etc. (b) in the first or inner syllables of words of two or more syllables :mener, tenir, retour, second, petit, etc. except in the cases mentioned below in 4 (a); (c) in the suffixes-noble, arbre, boucle, sucre, souffle, soufre, aveugle, maigre, peuple, propre, notre, pauvre. 4. e atonic is silent : ach'ter; jouerai = (a) in the inner syllable of a word, after a cons. which it requires no effort |