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(b) answering to the English of, or to

Case (see § 5-6).

-'s, sign of the Possessive

(1) After Nouns; (2) Adjectives or Adverbs; and (3) Verbs: as, L'amour d'une mère est inaltérable A mother's love is unalterable.

(Subj. Gen.)

L'amour du gain est une passion Greed of gain is a passion.

(Obj. Gen.)

Le titre de roi (Descript. Gen.)
Un verre de vin (Partitive Gen.)

La science du bien et du mal (Object.

Digne de confiance.
Désireux de plaire.
Indépendamment de . . .

Parler de la guerre.
Se repentir de sa faute.

The title of king.

A glass of wine.

The knowledge of good and evil.

Worthy of confidence.
Desirous of pleasing.
Independently of..
To speak of the war.

To repent of one's fault.

(c) answering to an English Adjective (see § 120-121):

Les vins de France (Gen. of quality).

La porte du jardin.

Une montre d'or.

French wines.

The garden gate.

A gold watch.

(d) answering to the English some or any, expressed or understood

(see § 8).

Donnez-moi du pain (de bon pain).

Avez-vous de la chance?

Non, je n'ai pas de chance.

Give me some bread (good bread).
Have you any chance?

No, I have not any (no) chance.

(e) answering to the English for, after (1) Nouns, (2) Adjectives, or (3)

Verbs: as,

Le respect des autels (Object. Gen.)

Il est reconnaissant de vos bontés.
Je réponds de sa probité.

Sauter de joie.

Respect for altars.

He is grateful for your kindness.
I answer for his honesty.

To jump for joy.

In Adv. Phrases: de crainte de, for fear of; de longtemps, for a long time (past).

(f) answering to the English with, especially after Adjectives and Verbs expressing an affection of the mind, or fulness and its contraries (see § 136): Il est ivre de bonheur. He is intoxicated with happiness.

Les rivières sont remplies de poisson. The rivers are filled with fish.
Il frémit de rage.

On le couvrit de honte.

(g) answering to the English by, action in the Passive Voice;

Il est honoré de ses concitoyens.

Il est plus grand de trois pouces.

He trembled with rage.

They covered him with shame.

especially after Verbs denoting mental as,

He is honoured by his citizens.

He is taller by three inches.

In Adv. Phrases: de jour, de nuit, de beaucoup; by day, by night, by far.


(h) answering to the English on (or off), especially after Verbs of playing,

feeding; as,

Jouer de la harpe.

Vivre de légumes.

Etre de service.

To play on the harp.

To live on vegetables.

To be on duty.

In Adv. Phrases: de ce côté, on this side; de ma part, on my part.
In Titles: De l'usure, on usury.

(i) answering to the English in :— L'homme le plus savant de la ville.

Sain de corps et d'esprit.

The most learned man in the town.
Sound in body and mind.

In Adv. Phrases: De cette manière, in this manner; d'un air maussade, sulkily; jamais de ma vie, never in my life.

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à: (for a systematic treatment of à as the sign of the Dative Case, and answering to the Lat. ab and ad, see Synt. § 129).

(a) answering to the English to (Indir. Object. see § 130, a):

Il donne son bien aux pauvres.

Avez-vous répondu à sa lettre ?

He gives all he has to the poor.

Have you replied to his letter?

(b) answering to the English to, at, in (compl. of Intrans. Verbs and Ad

jectives, § 134):

Ils vont à Paris.

Le palais appartient au roi.

La copie est conforme à l'original.

Il est (va) à l'école.

La vache est à l'écurie.

Jouer aux cartes.

They are going to Paris.

The palace belongs to the king.

The copy is conformable to the original.
He is in (is going to) school.

The cow is in the stable.

To play at cards.

(c) answering to the English from after Verbs of taking, asking, etc. (see

§ 130, b):

On a pris la montre à cet homme. They have taken the man's watch from him.

(d) answering to the English for, to denote duty, office, etc. :—

C'est à lui d'agir.

It is for him to act.

(e) answering to other Prepositions in numerous adverbial Phrases :—


genoux; à cheval; à pied.

à la mode; à la française.

à sa demarche; au poids.

à midi; à ces mots.

on the knees; on horseback; on foot. in fashion; in the French fashion. by his gait; by weight.

at noon; at these words.

(f) before Nouns used adjectively to qualify other Nouns (see § 16, b, 3):—

La boîte aux lettres.

The letter-box.

89 Dans and en (in, inside, at), compared :

Dans in a determinate sense,

(with a determinate adj.) :—

En in a general sense, (without a determinate adj.):—

(a) With regard to place, answering to the question where? as,

Dans la France méridionale.

In Southern France.

Dans notre voyage.
In (during) our journey.
Dans la guerre de Crimée.
In the Crimean war.
Dans la ville de Paris.
Inside the city of Paris.
Dans la prison de St. Mazas.
In the prison of St. Mazas.
Dans cette bataille il fut tué.
In this battle he was killed.
Il est dans votre secret.
He is in your secret.

Dans sa fureur il ne ménagea rien.
In his fury he spared nobody.

(b) With regard to time, answering Cela arriva dans la même année. That happened in the same year. Je finirai ce travail dans quinze jours. I shall finish this work within a fortnight.

Dans huit jours. In a week.

Dans, in, inside, within :

Le parc du Régent est dans Londres (dans la ville de L.).

Regent's Park is inside London.

Dans la maison il y a une cuisine.
In the house there is a kitchen.
Il y a cent lits dans cet hôpital.
There are 100 beds in this hospital.

Il demeure en France.

He lives in France.

Ils sont en voyage.

They are on a journey.

Ces tribus sont toujours en guerre.
These tribes are always at war.
Je crois que nous dînerons en ville.
I think we shall dine out.

Il passa toute sa vie en prison.
He passed nearly all his life in prison.
Des troupes rangées en bataille.
Troops drawn up in battle array.
Dites-le-lui en secret.

Tell it him in secret.

Le taureau harcelé entra en fureur. The goaded bull became furious. to the question when? how long? as, Victor Hugo est né en 1802. Victor Hugo was born in 1802. Je finirai ce travail en quinze jours. It will take me a fortnight to complete this work. [week. D'aujourd'hui en huit jours. To-day

A, at, in, present at :— Mon ami est-il à Londres ?—Il n'est plus à la ville, il est à la campagne. Is my friend in L.?—He is no longer in town; he is in the country. Est-il à la maison ?

Is he at home?

Le poète Gilbert mourut à l'hôpital. The poet Gilbert died in a hospital.

The other Prepositions

90 Avant, before, with regard to time

or order :-

Je me lève avant six heures. I rise before six o'clock.

Je le désire avant tout.

I desire it before everything.

compared :—

Devant, before, with regard to

La fontaine est devant l'hôtel.
The fountain is in front of the hotel.
Allez droit devant vous.

Go straight before you.

Après, after (time or order) :

Il arriva après nous.

He arrived after us.

Entre, between, among:

Soit dit entre nous.

Be it said between ourselves.
Ces animaux s'entre-déchirent.
These animals devour each other.

Sur, on, upon, over, from

Le château est bâti sur le rocher.

The castle is built on the rock.
L'armée est sur pied.

The army is on foot.
L'aigle planait sur la vallée.

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[blocks in formation]

De-dessus, from the top of:

Enlevez la poussière de-dessus ces livres.

Remove the dust from these books.

Au-dessous (de), dessous, below, beneath, under :—

J'ai cherché dessus et dessous le lit.
I looked on the bed and under it.
Au-dessous de la taille moyenne.

Cet emploi est au-dessous de lui.
This office is beneath him.

Par-dessous, under, underneath :—
Un cilice par-dessous les vêtements.
A hair-shirt under the garments.
Envers, towards (as regards feeling):—
Il est charitable envers les pauvres.
He is charitable to the poor.

Contre, against, contrary to :Marchons contre l'ennemi. Let us march against the enemy. Cela est contre son habitude. That is contrary to his habit.

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Which way?—This way.
Par bonheur le train s'arrêta à temps.
Fortunately the train stopped in time.
Où allez-vous par cette pluie-là ?
Where are you going in this rain?
Il a fait cela par crainte.
He did that through fear.
Deux fois par semaine. Twice a week.

Voici, here is, here are:-
Voici le percepteur (les percepteurs).
Here is the tax collector (here are

the tax collectors). Nous voici quatre.

Now there are four of us.
Je vous apporte l'ordre que voici.
I bring you this order here.
Me voici; que voulez-vous ?
Here I am; what do you want?
Nous voici à la fin de l'hiver.
Now we are at the end of winter.
Voici venir le printemps.
Now the spring is coming.

Voici de quoi se composait son bagage.

This is what his luggage consisted of.

Auprès de, near, with, to :— La rivière passe auprès de cette ville. The river flows near that town. Il a libre accès auprès du prince. He has free access to the prince. Votre mal n'est rien auprès du sien. Your complaint is nothing to his. Il m'a noirci auprès du ministre. He has traduced me in the opinion of the minister.

Dès, from


to start from:·
Dès aujourd'hui. From to-day.
Dès lors. From that time.
Dès longtemps. Long ago.
Dès ce soir. This very evening.

A travers; au travers de, across, athwart, through :

Ils allèrent à travers (les) champs.
They went through the fields.
Il se fit jour au travers des ennemis.
He cut his way through the enemies.
Au travers des vitres.

Through the window-panes.

Je vois clair au travers de tout cela. I can see through all that.

Voilà, there is, there are:-
Voilà l'homme que vous demandez.
There is the man you want.
Ah, vous voilà déjà de retour!
Oh, here you are again!
Les beaux sentiments que voilà !
Fine sentiments these are!
Vous voulez de l'argent; en voilà.
You want money; there is some.
Le voilà qui arrive.

There he comes.
Voilà qu'on sonne !

There! some one is ringing.

Du pain et du lait, voilà son déjeuner de tous les jours.

Bread and milk, that is his breakfast every day.

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