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Common terms and phrases
abundant algae animal sort asexual asexual zoospores associations asylum autophagy become beragai Bermudas birds Brahminy Kite brain breeding cahow called CASTLE HARBOR Castle Island cause cell century character conjugation Cooper's Island Darwin Dayak delicacy and complexity disease early eggs elements establishment evolution existence extinct fact faculties fauna feel fishes gametes genera Gurnet habits Harpactes hellebore hospital human Hydrodictyon Ibans ideas important increase individuals influence insane instruction intellect Japan katupong Kayans Kenyahs kieng learning little woodpecker lunatics ment mental methods mind nature nendak never obtain omen animals omen bird organization original parent patients physical plants present probably produce Professor race reason rock Sarawak says schools scientific secondary selection Sengalong Burong sexual Southampton Island species spirit spores structure swarm-spores tendency tion treatment Ulothrix variations varieties wild zinc zoospores