| James Morrison (Accountant) - Accounting - 1813 - 304 pages
...pay the bill when due. In the second draft, Edward Weston is the drawer, and A. Tí. the acceptor. When the TERM of a Bill is expressed in months, calendar months are always understood. Tlnis if a Bill be dated the 1st January, and made payable at one month after date,... | |
| George G. Carey - Arithmetic - 1818 - 602 pages
...Die £b. of discount be improved at interest, it will, at tin- nul of 12 months, amount to £5. 5s. When the term of a bill is expressed in months, calendar months arc always understood. Thus, if a bill be dated the 1st January, and made payable at one month after... | |
| J. Paton - Accounting - 1820 - 86 pages
...the same, as per advice from BENJAMIN ALISON. To Mr Jacob Poison, I Merchant in Hamburgh, j NB — When the term of a bill is expressed in months, calendar months are always understood; thus, if a bill be dated the 4th February, and made payable one month after date,... | |
| James Morrison (accountant.) - 1825 - 288 pages
...Persons who pay the bill when due. In the second draft, Edward Weston is the Drawer, and AB the Acceptor. When the TERM of a Bill is expressed in months, calendar months are always understood. Thus if a Bill be dated the 1st January, and made payable at one month after date,... | |
| Benjamin Franklin Foster - Bookkeeping - 1837 - 262 pages
...days allowed for grace must be added. Others avoid the fractional form by saying "due 10th March." When the term of a bill is expressed in months, calendar months are always understood : — thus if a bill be dated January 1st, and made payable one month after date,... | |
| Arithmetic - 1843 - 142 pages
...including three days of grace, and the interest found for that time is what is called its discount. NOTE. When the term of a bill is expressed in months, calendar months are unders'ood ; thus, if a bill at two months is dated December 29, 30, or 31, the term expires on February... | |
| James Bryce - 1873 - 274 pages
...after date ; and foreign bills, after sight. In Great Britain and Ireland, three days, called Day» of Grace, are allowed after the term expressed in...grace, on the 23d August ; and one dated 29th, 30th, or 31st January, at one month, would become due, not counting days of grace, on the 28th February in common... | |
| Henry Manly - 1875 - 170 pages
...1868. * If the last day of grace falls on a Sunday, the Bill is payable on the preceding Saturday. t When the term of a Bill is expressed in months, calendar months are always understood. J The Payee when he accepts a Bill payable " after eight " always adds tho date... | |
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