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REMARKS on the USE and ABUSE of SOME POLITICAL TERMS. By the late Right Hon. Sir GEORGE CORNEWALL LEWIS, Bart., sometime Student of Christ Church, Oxford. A New Edition, with Notes and Appendix. By Sir ROLAND KNYVET WILSON, Bart., M.A., Barrister-at-Law; late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge; Author of 'History of Modern English Law.' Crown 8vo. 6s.


'The value of the book for educational purposes consists not so much in its positive results, as in the fact that it opens a vein of thought which the student may usefully follow out to any extent for himself, and that it affords an instructive example of a thoughtful, scientific, and in the best sense academical style of treating political questions.

'With regard to my own annotations, the object which I have chiefly kept in view has been to direct attention to such later writings as have expressly undertaken to fix the scientific meaning of the political terms here discussed, and above all "Austin's Lectures on Jurisprudence," to which the present work may be considered as a kind of companion volume.' THOMAS HOBBES, of MALMESBURY, LEVIATHAN;

or, the Matter, Forme, and Power of a Commonwealth. A New Reprint. With a facsimile of the original fine engraved Title. Demy 8vo. glazed cloth, 12s. 6d. A small edition of 250 copies only, on Dutch hand-made paper, demy 8vo. 18s. [Just published.


with References to Adam Smith, Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, Fawcett,
Thorold Rogers, Bonamy Price, Twiss, Senior, Macleod, and others.
Adapted to the Oxford Pass and Honour and the Cambridge Ordinary
B.A. Examinations. Arranged and edited by W. P. EMERTON, M.A.,
B.C.L., Christ Church, Oxford. Crown 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d.

This volume consists of Questions mainly taken from various Examination Papers with references in the case of the easier questions, and hints, and in some cases formal statements of the arguments pro and con. to the more difficult questions. There are also two Appendixes on the debated questions-Is Political Economy a Science?' and Is Political Economy Selfish?'



Law and Political Economy-continued.

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