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Common terms and phrases
activity aether Ameghino antitoxic effects Association atom atomic ions attraction average become called catalytic action cause characters Chellean Chelles chemical child chromosomes coelectrons colloidal color conductors contact-mass contains contractions copper corpuscles drug elec electric charge electric current electrified electrolyte electronic theory electrons Elephas energy Eocene experiment explanation eyes fact ferments flint free electrons gases half haschisch Hence hydrogen Indians individual influence kathode layer lead chamber process light little baby magnetic mass ment mescal metal molecules motion negative electricity neurasthenia neutral atom observed occur offspring optical isomer oxygen parents particles phenomena physical physiological plant platinum Pleistocene Pliocene positive present probably produced Professor pulse quantity radiation reproductive cells salt scientific seems seen sensory Society sodium chloride solution straight-tusked elephant substances sulfur dioxid sulfuric acid tendency Tertiary tion transmitted unit valency violet visions visual vocabulary zinc