THE CAMBRIDGE EXAMINER VOLUME II. MAR London EDWARD STANFORD, 55, CHARING CROSS, S.W. CAMBRIDGE: MACMILLAN AND BOWES 1882 INDEX. Religious Knowledge: 1, 49, 97, 145, 193, 241, 289, 337, 385, 433. English History and Geography: 5, 53, 101, 149, 197, 244, 293, 341, 389, English Literature and Grammar: 8, 56, 104, 152, 200, 247, 296, 344, 392, English Language: 12, 60, 108, 156, 204, 250, 300, 348, 396, 441. Latin: 13, 61, 109, 157, 205, 251, 301, 349, 397, 442. Greek: 16, 64, 112, 160, 208, 253, 304, 352, 400, 442. French: 19, 67, 115, 163, 211, 256, 307, 355, 403, 446. German: 22, 70, 118, 166, 214, 258, 310, 358, 406, 448. Arithmetic and Geometry: 25, 73, 121, 169, 217, 261, 313, 361, 409, 450. Natural Philosophy: 34, 82, 130, 178, 226, 269, 322, 370, 418, 459. Logic: 41, 89, 137, 185, 233, 273, 329, 377, 425, 464. French History: 330, 378, 426, 465. Constitutional History: 42, 90, 138, 186, 234, 274, 331, 379, 427, 466. Music: 44, 92, 140, 188, 236, 276, 333, 381, 429, 468. Education, Theory and Practice of: 46, 94, 142, 190, 238, 278, 383, 431, General Examination Papers: 279, 471. Editorial: 47, 95, 143, 191, 239, 335, 384, 432. Recommendations and Rules for Examinees: 48. |