OF PLANE GEOMETRY BY W. H. BRUCE, A.M., PH.D. PRESIDENT NORTH TEXAS STATE NORMAL COLLEGE AND C. C. CODY, A.M., PH.D. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS, SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY DALLAS, TEXAS THE SOUTHERN PUBLISHING COMPANY 1910 Educ T 149,10.245 Ј MARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY GINN AND COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY THE SOUTHERN PUBLISHING CO. PREFACE THE plan of this treatise on the elements of Geometry has not departed materially from that of the older texts on the subject. Instead of stating a theorem, or problem, and leading the student to discover the demonstration, or solution, by means of questions and suggestions as is done by many recent texts, each demonstration, or solution, is given in its complete, logical form and is intended as a perfect model of form and logic. Ample opportunity for cultivating the originality and exercising the ingenuity of the student is afforded by the numerous exercises throughout the book. Many numerical exercises testing the student's grasp of the subject, and promoting his familiarity with the facts and principles enunciated, and the careful grading of all exercises perfected by actual test in the classroom, are features of the work. W. H. B., DENTON, TEXAS. C. C. C., GEORGETOWN, TEXAS. |