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From J. S. CILLEY, Principal of Graded School, Brandon, Vt. - "We have used Greenleaf's Arithmetics in the Graded School for five years, and we shall continue to use them in years to come."

From J. H. WALKER, County Examiner, Bergen County, Englewood, N. F.-"Having used Greenleaf's Mathematical Text-books in the school-room for several years, it gives me pleasure to state that I know of no books so well adapted to the wants of our public schools."

From DR. JOHN M. BREwster, Superintendent of Public Schools, Pittsfield, Mass."Greenleaf's Arithmetics were introduced last Fall, by the unanimous vote of the School Committee, into all the public schools of Pittsfield; and all concerned, teachers and pupils, are glad of the change. We feel confident that now we are in possession of the best Arithmetics our pupils have ever used."

From Rev. J. E. ROBINS, S. S. Committee, Hooksett, N. H., Jan. 26, 1876. - "We are using Greenleaf's New Elementary Algebra, and Practical Arithmetic, in the schools of this town. Think that they are the best."

From JOHN H. GOODALE, Superintendent of Schools, Nashua, N. H., June 10, 1876. - "РовERT S. DAVIS & Co. Gentlemen: - After much deliberation, twelve months ago, Greenleaf's Series of Arithmetics was adopted by the School Board of this city. It has given entire satisfaction both in the primary and in the advanced grades. The work, in its statement of principles, in its illustrations, and in its selection of problems, is well adapted to the present condition and future requirements of the scholars of our public schools."

From H. R. BURRINGTON, Chicopee High School, Chicopee, Mass., May 27, 1876. -" We are using Greenleaf's New Series of Mathematics in our schools, and like them very much. I consider his 'Mathematical Course' as now improved inferior to none in use. Clear and Comprehensive, thorough and complete in its treatment of subjects, especially those of the most practical use in life, the course seems to me to include just what is required in a good mathematical education. I have used Greenleaf's Mathematics for several years, and have not yet found any I would exchange for them."

From D. COPELAND, Principal Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., March 7, 1876. - "We have for several years used Greenleaf's New Arithmetics in this Seminary, and find them well suited to the wants of students. We have seen no works on the subject that suited us better."

From D. E. MILLER, Superintendent of Schools, St. Johnsbury, Vt., April 6, 1876. - "From personal acquaintance with Greenleaf's Arithmetics, I can say they are as good as any thing of the kind with which I have met."

From EDWARD A. KINGSLEY, Principal High School, Nashua, N. H., May 17, 1876."Greenleaf's New Series of Arithmetics has been used exclusively in the Nashua public schools for the past school year, and the Algebras of the same series, for several years. These works have given universal satisfaction, and completely supply the needs of our schools in that direction. Their systematic, concise, thorough treatment of the various rules is unequaled by any work I have had the pleasure of examining; and the success of our teachers in using them is the very highest tribute to their real practical value in the school-room."

From WILLIAM C. CRIPPEN, Principal Normal School, Johnson, Vt., Jan. 31, 1876. - "We have readopted Greenleaf's Series of Arithmetics. If there are better books in the market we have not seen them, and we state it as an opinion confirmed by the use of other books, that Greenleaf's mathematical works are as yet unrivaled."


From E. T. HAYWARD, Principal W. District Grammar School, Rockville, Ct., April, 1875. "Having tested Greenleaf's New Arithmetics in my school for a term of fourteen weeks, I cheerfully recommend them to the favorable consideration of all teachers in need of good text-books. The prominence given to the principles embodied in the fundamental rules, and the constant attention to practical applications throughout the works are prominent excellencies."

From R. B. CLARKE, Fitchburg, Jan. 23, 1875.-" We have used Greenleaf's Series, as a whole, or in part, for several years, with entire satisfaction. In my opinion they have not been surpassed in excellence as text-books."

From PERCY S. Bryant, Principal of High School, Thompsonville, Conn.-" I have carefully examined Greenleaf's New Mathematical Series, and consider it superior to any with which I am familiar. I gladly recommend it to all who desire first-class text-books."

From E. D. SANBORN, Professor in Dartmouth College. - "Greenleaf's works have all a deserved popularity, and their general use attests their excellence. The most experienced teachers adopt them."

From I. VAN HOUTEN, President of Board of Education, Paterson, N. F.-" At the last meeting of the Board of Education of this city, Greenleaf's New Series was adopted for exclusive use in our schools."

From ALANSON PALMER, Superintendent of Schools, Long Island City, N. Y.-" A trial of three years has satisfied all our principals of the general superiority of Greenleaf's Arithmetics, and all are favorable to the books. The New Practical we consider perfection, both as to arrangement and on account of new and important matter contained in it."

From GEORGE C. FENN, Principal of Grammar School, Ware, Mass.-" For accuracy and conciseness, Greenleaf's New Series of Arithmetics, now used in all our schools, is unsurpassed."

From A. C. BRACKETT, Principal of Storer Normal School, W. Va.-"We shall hereafter use Greenleaf's Arithmetics, and no others, in this institution."

From D. C. STONE, Professor in Oakland College, Cal.-" I have used Greenleaf's Aritlumetics for several years, and am not disposed to change."


From S. W. LANDON, Principal and Superintendent of Schools, St. Albans, Vt., April 14, 1876. By the unanimous action of the School Board, Greenleaf's New Arithmetics have just been introduced into all of our schools, to the very evident gratification of teachers, pupils, and parents. All who have known the excellences of Greenleaf's books, formerly in use, cannot fail to be perfectly satisfied with the New Arithmetics, presenting as they do many improvements. After a careful examination of the books, I urgently recommended their adoption, and do most heartily indorse the opinion expressed by the action of the Board, that Greenleaf's New Arithmetics are more comprehensive, practical, and better adapted to our public schools, than any others that I have seen."

From J. G. DEARBORN, Superintendent of Schools, Manchester, N. H., June 14, 1875. -"I have always felt very friendly to Greenleaf's Mathematics, and know of none superior."

From LUTHER EMERSON, Member of School Committee, Haverhill, Mass., April 14, 1876." I believe Greenleaf's Arithmetics have never been excelled. The New Arithmetics and Algebras are giving universal satisfaction in our schools."

From JOHN B. THURSTON, Superintendent of Schools, Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 3, 1876. - "The Arithmetics sent me were duly received, and their merits readily seen. They have since been adopted for all the schools of this town."

From J. C. STOCKWELL, Principal Grammar School, Hartford, Conn., Feb. 9, 1876. "I like Greenleaf's New Arithmetics, but am especially pleased with the combination of mental and written work."

From AUGUSTUS MORSE, Principal of Grammar School, Hartford, Conn., Feb. 12, 1876. "Greenleaf's New Arithmetics are admirable books, and well adapted to the class of pupils for which they are prepared."

From GEO. E. NICHOLS, Principal High School, Webster, Mass., Sept. 1, 1875. - "Greenleaf's Series of Mathematics have won their high reputation justly, upon their merits. In matter, method, and form, they are incomparable. After six years' use and comparison with competing text books, I unhesitatingly pronounce them the best. Within the past year, with the full indorsement of our teachers, and with the unanimous vote of our School Board, Greenleaf's New Series have been introduced into all our schools."

From HANNAH E. CHOATE, Principal of Bently Grammar School, Salem, Mass., Feb. 23, 1876.-" I have used Greenleaf's Practical Arithmetic, and like it much."





This is a well-known popular favorite, and admitted on all hands to be a work of rare excellence. Its extraordinary success has led to the publication of a number of imitation treatises, but all falling far short of the merit of the original.


The increased attention given of late to the application of Geometry in Elementary Education, has made a necessity a brief course like this. It contains all the more important theories and problems of the science, with exercises for original thought and practical applications. The success of this work shows that it is meeting a general want.


From HORATIO O. LADD, Principal State Normal School, Plymouth, N. H., July 14, 1875."We have used Greenleaf's New Elementary Algebra in our Normal School with very general acceptance to teachers and pupils. It holds an honorable place in the excellent Mathematical Series which the author has so long furnished to the schools of our land."

From EDWARD G. Ward, Principal of Public School No. 11, Jersey City, N. F.-" My experience with Greenleaf's Mathematics justifies me in speaking of them in terms of the highest commendation. The Geometry, the Algebra, the Arithmetic, are all good."

From J. D. Smith, Principal of Worcester Academy, Mass.-" My experience has convinced me that Greenleaf's Elementary Algebra stands among the very best works on the subject. We use the work in this institution."

From GEORGE A. WENTWORTH, Professor of Mathematics, Phillips Academy, Exeter, N.H. - "I have used Greenleaf's New Elementary Algebra for more than six years. It has proved so satisfactory that I have no desire or inclination to change for any other."

From ISAAC N. CARLETON, Principal of Normal School, Conn.-" Although sorely pressed to adopt some other Algebra, we still continue to use Greenleaf's in the Normal School, and consider it the best.





This work, lately published, has recently been introduced into the Boston University, Boston Institute of Technology, Tufts College, Amherst Agricultural College, Iowa College, Cornell College (Preparatory Department).

Elements of Geometry.

Its arrangement is the simple order adopted by LEGENDRE. The acknowledged improvements of M. DeCunha have been carefully incorporated into the work. Numerous Miscellaneous Geometrical Exercises are a distinctive feature, and make the course both complete and practical.

Elements of Trigonometry.

In this comparatively short course, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry is analytically treated and practically applied. The Trigonometric Functions, in accordance with the modern method, have been regarded as ratios. The work is full and comprehensive, containing the most useful applications, with full tables.


From C. O. THOMPSON, now Principal of Institute of Technical Science, Worcester, Mass. "Greenleaf's Algebras work well in my school. The New Elementary is logical, lucid, progressive, and dignified."

From CHARLES H. SMITH, Professor of Mathematics, Bowdoin College, Me. - "I have carefully examined Greenleaf's Algebras, Geometry, and Trigonometry of the New Comprehensive Series, and find they are admirably adapted to the purpose for which they are designed. Clear, sufficiently concise, and printed in excellent taste, they can hardly be surpassed as introductory text-books."

From J. D. RUNKLE, Professor of Mathematics, Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston. - "The greatest care has evidently been taken with the style of the Geometry. After a careful search we have not been able to find one expression which we felt sure could be improved."

From W. B. GRAVES, Professor of Mathematics, Mass. Agricultu, al College, Amherst. - "I have taken a class of eighty-five through the University Algebra, to Logarithms. I am more than satisfied with the book. I am delighted with it. The views which I expressed after examining the manuscript have been strengthened by a closer acquaintance with the printed volume."

From E. J. THOMPSON, Professor of Mathematics, University of Minnesota. - " I have examined Greenleaf's Trigonometry, and like it well. I am pleased with its systematic and logical treatment of the subject, and also with the practical work it introduces to the student. I shall use it in my future classes."

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