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Examples in Geometrical Progression.

that is, the last term is zero, and the sum is found by dividing the first term by the difference between unity and the ratio.

264. Corollary. From the equation

[blocks in formation]

either of the quantities a, r, and S may be found, when the other two are known.


1. Find the sum of the infinite progression, of which the

first term is 1, and the ratio

Ans. 2.

2. Find the sum of the infinite progression of which the first term is 0.7, and the ratio 0-1.

Ans. .

3. Find r, in an infinite progression, when a and S are known.

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4. Find the ratio of an infinite progression, of which the first term is 17, and the sum 18.

Ans. T

5. Find a, in an infinite progression, when rand Sare


Ans. a = S (1-r).

6. Find the first term of an infinite progression, of which the ratio is 3, and the sum 6.

Ans. 2.

Form of any Equation.




Composition of Equations.

266. Any equation of the nth degree, with one unknown quantity, when reduced as in art. 118, may be represented by the form

ΑxTM + B xTM-1+Cxn-2 + &c. + M 0.

If this equation is divided by A, and the coefficients BC &c., represented by a, b, &c., m, it is reduced to



x2 + ax-1+bxn-2 + &c. + m = 0.

267. Theorem. If any root of the equation x2 + a xn-1+bxn-2 + &c. + m


is denoted by x', the first member of this equation is a polynomial, divisible by x - x', without regard to the value of x.


Proof. Denote x - x' by x [1], that is,

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If this value of x is substituted in the given equation, if P2[1] is used to denote all the terms multiplied by z[1], or

Form of any Equation.

by any power of [1], and used to denote the remaining

terms, the equation becomes

Pz[1] +


Now the given equation is, by hypothesis, satisfied by the value of x.



x[1] = 0;

by which the preceding equation is reduced to


The terms not multiplied by x [1], or a power of x [1], must, therefore, cancel each other; and the first member of the

given equation becomes

Px [1],

which is divisible by z[1], or its equal z


268. Corollary. The preceding division is easily effected

by subtracting from the polynomial

x2 + axn-1+bxn-2 + &c. + m,

the expression

x'n + ax'n-1 + b x'n-2+ &c. + m = 0, which does not affect its value, but brings it to the form xn-x/n+a(xn-1-x/n-1)+b(x2-2-x/n-2)+&c.,

of which each term is, by art. 49, divisible by x-x'. The quotient is, by art. 50,

xn-1+x/xn-2 + x^2/xn-3 + x/ 3 / x n -4 + &c.





269. Corollary. The first term of the preceding quotient is z-1; and if the coefficients of xn-2, 2-3, &c., are denoted by a', b', &c., the quotient is

xn-1+α'xn-2 +- b'xn-3 + &

Number of the Roots of an Equation.

and the equation of art. 267, is

(x-x') (xn-1 + a' xn-2 + b' x2-3 + &c.) = 0;

which is satisfied either by the value of x,

x = x',

or by the roots of the equation

xn-1 + a' xn-2 + b'xn -3 + &c. = 0.

If now x" is one of the roots of this last equation, we have in the same way

xn-1 + a' xn-2+&c. =(x-x")(xn-2 + a" xn-3+&c.) = 0, and the given equation becomes

(x-x') (x-x'') (xn-2+a" xn-3 + &c.) = 0;

which is satisfied by the value of x",

x = x";

so that z" is a root of the given equation.

By proceeding in this way to find the roots x", x, &c., the given equation may be reduced to the form

(x-x') (x -x") (х -х") (x - x) &c = 0, in which the number of factors x - x, x - x", &c. is the same with the degree n of the given equation; and, therefore, the number of roots of an equation is denoted by the degree of the equation; that is, an equation of the third degree has three roots, one of the fourth degree has four roots, &c. But all these roots are not necessarily real or rational; they may, on the contrary, be irrational or even imaginary.

270. Scholium. Some of the roots x, x, x, &c., are often equal to each other, and in this case the number of unequal roots is less than the degree of the equation.

Imaginary Roots.

Thus the number of unequal roots of the equation of the

9th degree,

(x - 7) (x+4)3 (x - 1)5 = 0,

is but three, namely, 7, -4, and 1, and yet it is to be regarded as having 9 roots, one equal to 7, three equal to -4, and five equal to 1.

271. Corollary. The equation

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would appear to have but one root, that is,

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but it must, by art. 269, have n roots, or rather, the nth root of a must have n different values.

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must be divisible by z - 1, and we have

23- 1 = (x-1) (x2+x+1) = 0.

Now the roots of the equation


x2 + x + 1 = 0

x=(-1+√-3), and = (-1--3).

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