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The derivative of any power of a function is, therefore, found by multiplying by the exponent and by the derivative of the function, and diminishing the exponent by unity.

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Ans.nxn-1+maxm-1+pbxp-1+ &c.

-4. A+Bx+Cx2 + D x3 + Ex2 + Fx5 + &c.

Ans. B+2Cx+3 Dr2 + 4 Ex3+5 Fx4+&c.

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176. Problem. To find the derivative of the product of two functions.

Solution. Let u and v be the functions, and U and V their derivatives; then, since the derivative is the rate of change of the function to that of the variable, it is evident

The Derivative of a Product.

that when the variable is increased by the infinitesimal i, that the functions will become

u + Ui and v+ Vi.

The product will therefore change from

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(u+Ui) (v+Vi) = uv +vUi+u Vi + UV,

and the increase of the product is

vUi+u Vi+UVi2;

the ratio of which to i is


or, neglecting the infinitesimal U Vi, it is

vU+u V;

that is, the derivative of a product of two functions is equal to the sum of the two products obtained by multiplying each function by the derivative of the other function.

177. Corollary. The derivative of

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Solution of Numerical Equations.


Numerical Equations.

178. Definition. A numerical equation is one all whose coefficients are given in numbers, so that it involves no literal expressions except those denoting the unknown quantities.

179. Problem. To solve a numerical equation. Solution. Let the equation be reduced as in arts. 105 and 118, to the form

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Find by trial a value of the unknown quantity x which nearly satisfies this equation, and let this value be a; substitute this value in the given equation, and let the corresponding value of u be m. correction e in the value of a is then to be found, which shall reduce the value of u from m to zero. Now, if U is the derivative of u, and if M is the value of U which corresponds to

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M is, by art. 165, the rate at which u changes in

comparison with x, so that when

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By this means a value of x is found which is not

Rate of Approximation.

perfectly accurate, because M is not the rate at which u varies during the whole interval from

X a to x = a + e;

but only while a differs infinitely little from a.

Calling, therefore, a' this approximate value of x,

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which may be used in the same way in which a was, in order to find a new approximate value a" of x ; and if m' and M' denote the corresponding values of u and U, we shall have


a" = a'


In the same way, may the approximation be continued to any degree of accuracy.

180. Problem. To determine the rate of approximation in the preceding solution.

Solution. This is a most important, practical point, and the determination of it will be found to facilitate the solution.

Now, it may be observed, that since e is the correction of a, its magnitude shows the degree of accuracy which belongs to a, and the accuracy of e is, obviously, the same with that of

a' = a + e.

The comparative accuracy of the approximate value of a, and the succeeding approximate value a', is, then, the same with the magnitude of e compared with the error of e.

Now, in determining e, M was supposed to be the rate at which a changed throughout the whole interval in the change of z from a to a + e. But if the rate of change of

Rate of Approximation.

M is denoted by N, that is, if N is the derivative of M, the value of M, at the end of this interval when x is a + e, must be increased to

M + Ne.

In the middle of the interval when x is a + + e, the value of Mis

M+ Ne,

which may be regarded as the average value of the rate of u's increase, throughout the interval. When x, therefore,

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which may, therefore, be regarded as the error of e; and its comparison with e gives the rate of approximation.

181. Corollary. If the value of a is accurate to a given place of decimals, as the gth, this will be shown by the magnitude of e, for we shall find

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