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Hiley's Recapitulatory Examples in Arithmetic, 12mo.
...... 18. 6d.
Hunter's Modern Arithmetic for School Work or Private Study, 12mo.38.6d.Key, 58.
Hunter's New Shilling Arithmetic, 18mo.....

....18. Key 28.
18. 6d.


Standard Arithmetic, Three Parts, 2d. each, and Key Isbister's High School Arithmetic, 12mo. 1s. or with Answers.. Johnston's Civil Service Arithmetic, 12mo.......

Civil Service Tots, with Answers and Cross-Tots

....38. 6d. Key 48.

..... each



Liddell's Arithmetic, 18mo. 18.-or Two Parts
Lupton's Arithmetic for Schools and Candidates for Examination, 12mo.
28. 6d. or with Answers, 38. 6d. the Answers separately 18.......Key 68.
Examination-Papers in Arithmetic, crown 8vo.

M'Leod's Manual of Arthmetic, containing 1,750 Questions, 18mo................ 9d.
Mental Arithmetic, I. Whole Numbers, II. Fractions....each 18.
Extended Multiplication and Pence Tables, 18mo....
Merrifield's Technical Arithmetic and Mensuration, small 8vo. Ss. 6d. Key 38. 6d.
Moffatt's Mental Arithmetic, 12mo. 18. or with Key, 18. 6d.
Pix's Miscellaneous Examples in Arithmetic, 12mo........... 28. 6d.
Tate's First Principles of Arithmetic, 12mo.

Book-keeping and Banking.

1s. 6d.

Hunter's Exercises in Book-keeping by Double Entry, 12mo....18. 6d. Key 28. 6d.
Examination-Questions in Book-keeping by Double Entry, 12mo. 28. 6d.
Examination-Questions &c. as above, separate from the Answers 18.
Ruled Paper for Forms of Account Books, 5 sorts...
Self-Instruction in Book-keeping, 12mo........
Studies in Double Entry, crown 8vo.....

Isbister's Book-keeping by Single and Double Entry, 18mo....
Set of Eight Account Books to the above....

Macleod's Economics for Beginners, small crown 8vo.
Elements of Banking, Fourth Edition, crown 8vo.


per quire, 18. 6d.



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Merrifield's Technical Arithmetic & Mensuration, small 8vo.
Nesbit's Treatise on Practical Mensuration, by Hunter, 12mo. 38. 6d. Key 58.


Colenso's Algebra, for National and Adult Schools, 18mo..........18. 6d.
Algebra, for the use of Schools, Part I. 12mo......48. 6d.
Elements of Algebra, for the use of Schools, Part II. 12mo. 68.
Examples and Equation Papers, with the Answers, 12mo.
Student's Algebra, crown 8vo.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Notes on Algebra and Trigonometry, small 8vo. Lund's Short and Easy Course of Algebra, crown 8vo...............28. 6d. Key 2s. 6d. Lupton's Algebra for Army, &c. Examinations, 16m0.

88. 6d,

28. 6d.

Tate's Algebra made Easy, 12mo....

Reynolds's Elementary Algebra for Beginners, 18mo. 9d. Answers, 3d.

Wood's Algebra, modernised by Lund, crown 8vo. ..................................... 78. 6d. Companion to, by Lund, crown 8vo...................

[blocks in formation]

Geometry and Trigonometry.

Booth's New Geometrical Methods, 2 vols. 8vo.

Colenso's Elements of Euclid, 18mo. 48. 6d. or with Key to he Exercises
Geometrical Exercises and Key..

Geometrical Exercises, separately, 18mo.....


68. 6d.

38. 6d.


Trigonometry, 12mo. Part I. 38. 6d. Key 38. 6d. Part II. 2s. 6d. Key 58.

London, LONGMANS & CO.

Griffin's Parabola, Ellipse, and Hyperbola, post 8vo.
Harvey's Euclid for Beginners, Books 1. & II.
Hawtrey's Introduction to Euclid

Hunter's Plane Trigonometry, for Beginners, 18mo..

Treatise on Logarithms, 18mo..


Nearly ready. fcp. 8vo. 28. 6d. .18. Key 9d. .18. Key

Isbister's School Euclid, 12mo. Book I. price 1s. Books I. & II. price 18. 6d.
Books I. to IV. price 2s. 6d.

Jeans's Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, 12mo. Part I. 5s., Part II. 48.
or the 2 Parts in 1 vol. price 88. 6d.

Potts's Euclid, University Edition, 8vo......



Intermediate Edition, Books I. to IV. 38. Books I. to III. 28. 6d.
Books I. II. 18. 6d. Book I. 18.

Enunciations of Euclid, 12mo.....

Salmon on Conic Sections, 6th Edition, Svo.
Tate's Differential and Integral Calculus, 18mo...........
First Three Books of Euclid, 18mo.

Practical Geometry, with 261 Woodcuts, 18mo..
Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, &c. 12mo....
Thomson's Euclid, Books I. to VI. and XI. &XII. 12mo...
Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, 8vo.
Differential and Integral Calculus, 12mo.

Watson's Plane and Solid Geometry, small 8vo........................
Williamson on Differential Calculus, crown 8vo.

on Integral Calculus, crown 8vo,...

Willock's Elementary Geometry of the Right Line, crown 8vo..
Wright's Elements of Plane Geometry, crown 8vo......

[blocks in formation]

Land Surveying, Drawing, and Practical Mathematics.

Binns's Orthographic Projection and Isometrical Drawing, 18mo............... 18. Kimber's Mathematical Course for the University of London, 8vo. .....


PART I. for Matriculation, separately, 1s. 6d. Key, in 2 Parts, 58. each. Nesbit's Practical Land Surveying, 8vo....


Pierce's Solid or Descriptive Geometry, post 4to.
Salmon's Treatise on Conic Sections, 8vo.
Winter's Mathematical Exercises, post 8vo...

.128. 6d.

0 0 0 0 10...128.

68. 6d.

Winter's Elementary Geometrical Drawing, Part I. post 8vo. 88. 6d. Part II. 68. 6d. Wrigley's Examples in Pure and Mixed Mathematics, 8vo.

88. 6d.

Musical Works by John Hullah, LL.D.

Chromatic Scale, with the Inflected Syllables, on Large Sheet....... 18. 6d. Card of Chromatic Scale, price ld.

Exercises for the Cultivation of the Voice. For Soprano or Tenor

28. 6d.

Grammar of Musical Harmony, royal 8vo. Two Parts........................................ each 18. 6d. Exercises to Grammar of Musical Harmony


Grammar of Counterpoint. Part I. super-royal 8vo.

28. 6d.


Hullah's Manual of Singing. Parts I. & II. 28. 6d. or together...................
Exercises and Figures contained in Parts I. & II. Books I. & II. ......each
Large Sheets, containing the Figures in Part I. Nos. 1 to 8 in a Parcel... 68.
Large Sheets, containing the Exercises in Part I. Nos. 9 to 40, in Four
Parcels of Eight Nos. each

Large Sheets, the Figures in Part II. Nos. 41 to 52 in a Parcel
Hymns for the Young, set to Music, royal 8vo.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Time and Tune in the Elementary School, crown 8vo.....

28. 6d.

Notation, the Musical Alphabet, crown 8vo................
Old English Songs for Schools, Harmonised
Rudiments of Musical Grammar, royal 8vo.

Exercises and Figures in the same, crown 8vo. 18. or 2 Parts, 6d. each.

London, LONGMANS & CO.

Political and Historical Geography.

Questions 18.

..................... In the press.

Burbury's Mary's Geography, 18mo. 2s. 6d.
Butler's Public Schools Manual of Modern Geography
Ancient and Modern Geography, post 8vo.
Sketch of Modern Geography, post 8vo.
Sketch of Ancient Geography, post 8vo...

Hiley's Child's First Geography, 18mo.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


13. 6d.

[ocr errors]

Elementary Geography for Beginners, 18mo.
Compendium of European Geography and History, 12mo................ 38. 6d.
Asiatic, African, American and Australian Geography, 12mo.

Hughes's Child's First Book of Geography, 18mo.

Geography of the British Einpire, for Beginners, 18mo.
General Geography, for Beginners, 18mo.

Questions on Hughes's General Geography, for Beginners, 18mo.
Hughes's Geography of British History, fcp. 8vo.

......... 38.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


78. 6d.

Manual of Geography, with Six Coloured Maps, fcp. 8vo. ............
Or in Two Parts:-1. Europe, 88. 6d. II. Asia, Africa, America, &c.................... 48.
Hughes's Manual of British Geography, fcp. 8vo.

Keith Johnston's Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary, 8vo.....................428.
Lupton's Examination-Papers in Geography, crown 8vo.
M'Leod's Geography of Palestine or the Holy Land, 12mo. ................................................
Maunder's Treasury of Geography, fcp. 8vo.

The Stepping-Stone to Geography, 18mo.

Sullivan's Geography Generalised, fcp. 28. or with Maps, 28. 6d.

Introduction to Ancient and Modern Geography, 18mo. ............

Physical Geography and Geology.

Cotta's Rocks Classified and Described, by Lawrence, post 8vo.....
Hughes's (E.) Outlines of Physical Geography, 12mo. 88. 6d. Questions, 6d.
(W.) Physical Geography for Beginners, 18mo.



13. 6d.






Keith's Treatise on the Use of the Globes, 12mo.
Maury's Physical Geography for Schools and General Readers, fcp. 8vo. ....
Nicols's Puzzle of Life (Elementary Geology), crown 8vo............
Proctor's Elementary Physical Geography, fcp. 8vo..........
Woodward's Geology of England and Wales, crown 8vo.

...68. 6d. Key 2s. 6d.

28. 6d.

38. 6d.

18. 6d.


School Atlases and Maps.

Butler's Atlas of Modern Geography, royal 8vo.

Junior Modern Atlas, comprising 12 Maps, royal 8vo.
Atlas of Ancient Geography, royal 8vo.

Junior Ancient Atlas, comprising 12 Maps, royal 8vo.
General Atlas, Modern & Ancient, royal 4to.

Public Schools Atlas of Ancient Geography, 25 entirely New Coloured Maps, imperial 8vo. or imperial 4to. 78. 6d. cloth.

.108. 6d. 48. 6d. .128. 48. 6d.

Public Schools Atlas of Modern Geography, 81 entirely New Coloured Maps, imperial 8vo. or imperial 4to. 58. cloth.

Natural History and Botany.

Lindley and Moore's Treasury of Botany. Two Parts, fcp. 8vo...
Macalister's Systematic Zoology of Vertebrates, 8vo....



108. 6d.

Maunder's Treasury of Natural History, revised by Holdsworth, fcp. 8vo. 68. Owen's Natural History for Beginners, 18mo. Two Parts 9d. each, or 1 vol. 28. Stepping-Stone to Natural History, 18mo.

28. 6d.

Or in Two Parts.-I. Mammalia, 18. II. Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes 18.

London, LONGMANS & CO.


[blocks in formation]

................. 78. 6d.

[ocr errors]

Strange Dwellings, crown 8vo.....

Chemistry and Telegraphy.

Armstrong's Organic Chemistry, small 8vo.

Crookes's Select Methods in Chemical Analysis, crown 8vo......

Culley's Practical Telegraphy, 8vo.....

Miller's Elements of Chemistry, 8 vols. 8vo.

......... 88. 6d ..................12s. 6d. ...............168.

Ss. 6d.

Part I.-Chemical Physics, Sixth Edition, 168. Part II.-Inorganic Chemistry, Sixth Edition, 248. Part III.--Organic Chemistry, Sixth Edition in the press. Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry, small 8vo. Odling's Course of Practical Chemistry, for Medical Students, crown 8vo... 68. Preece and Sivewright's Telegraphy, crown 8vo.......................................................................... 88. 6d. Tate's Outlines of Experimental Chemistry, 18mo............................................................................. 9d. Thorpe's Quantitative Chemical Analysis, small 8vo

................................... 48. 6d. Thorpe and Muir's Qualitative Chemical Analysis, small 8vo....................... 88. 6d. Tilden's Theoretical and Systematic Chemistry, small 8vo.

Natural Philosophy and Natural Science.

88. 6d.

Bloxam's Metals, their Properties and Treatment, small 8vo.................... 88. 6d. Day's Numerical Examples in Heat, crown 8vo.

Downing's Practical Hydraulics, Part I. 8vo....

18. 6d.

Electrical & Magnetic Measurement, 16mo....

[ocr errors]

Ganot's Physics, translated by Prof. E. Atkinson, large crown 8vo. ............158. Natural Philosophy, translated by the same, crown 8vo.

Gore's Art of Scientific Discovery, crown 8vo...

78. 6d. ..158.

Helmholtz' Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects, 8vo.

04. 128. 6d.

Irving's Short Manual of Heat, small 8vo.....

28. 6d.

78. 6d.

88. 6d.

Jenkin's Electricity & Magnetism, small 8vo.

Marcet's Conversations on Natural Philosophy, fcp. 8vo.....

Maxwell's Theory of Heat, small 8vo.

Merrifield's Natural Science Reading Books.

Minchin's Treatise on Statics, crown 8vo.

Tate's Light & Heat, for the use of Beginners, 18mo....
Hydrostatics, Hydraulics & Pneumatics, 18mo..

Electricity, explained for the use of Beginners, 18mo.....
Magnetism, Voltaic Electricity & Electro-Dynamics, 18mo.
Tyndall's Lesson in Electricity, with 58 Woodcuts, crown 8vo.


Notes of Lectures on Electricity, 18. sewed, 18. 6d. cloth. Notes of Lectures on Light, 18. sewed, 18. 6d. cloth. Weinhold's Introduction to Experimental Physics, 8vo..





28. 6d.

.31s. 6d.

Text-Books of Science, Mechanical and Physical.

Abney's Treatise on Photography, small 8vo.

38. 6d.

Anderson's (Sir John) Strength of Materials.........................................................................

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The London Science Class-Books, Elementary Series.

Astronomy, by R. S. Ball, LL.D. F.R.S.

Botany, Morphology and Physiology, by W. R. McNab, M.D.

the Classification of Plants, by W. R. McNab, M.D.

Geometry, Congruent Figures, by O. Henrici, F.R.S.

Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, by P. Magnus, B.Sc. 18. 6d. or with Answers 28.
Mechanics, by R. S. Ball, LL.D. F.R.S.

18. 6d.

18. 6d.

18. 6d.

18. 6d.

18. 6d.

Practical Physics: Molecular Physics & Sound, by F. Guthrie, F.R.S....... 18. 6d. Thermodynamics, by R. Wormell, M.A. D.Sc.

18. 6d.

Zoology of Vertebrate Animals, by A. McAlister, M.D.

18. 6d.

Zoology of Invertebrate Animals, by A. McAlister, M.D.

Mechanics and Mechanism.

Barry's Railway Appliances, small 8vo. Woodcuts........................................ Ss. 6d. Goodeve's Elements of Mechanism, small 8vo. ................................................................................................. Ss. 6d.

Principles of Mechanics, small 8vo.

Haughton's Animal Mechanics, 8vo..

[ocr errors]

88. 6d.

So. 6d.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Magnus's Lessons in Elementary Mechanics, small 8vo.
Shelley's Workshop Appliances, small 8vo. Woodcuts
Tate's Exercises on Mechanics and Natural Philosophy, 12mo. 28. Key Ss. 6d.
3- Mechanics and the Steam-Engine, for Beginners, 18mo...................
Twisden's Introduction to Practical Mechanics, crown 8vo. .......................108. 6d.
First Lessons in Theoretical Mechanics, crown 8vo. ................................................
Willis's Principles of Mechanism, 8vo.

Engineering, Architecture, &c.

Anderson on the Strength of Materials and Structures, small 8vo.
Bourne's Treatise on the Steam-Engine, 4to.......

Catechism of the Steam-Engine, fcp. 8vo........

Recent Improvements in the Steam-Engine, fcp. 8vo.
Handbook of the Steam-Engine, fcp. 8vo.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Downing's Elements of Practical Construction, PART I. 8vo. Plates .........148.
Fairbairn's Mills and Millwork, 1 vol. 8vo.

Useful Information for Engineers. 8 vols. crown 8vo................ 81s. 6d.

Gwilt's Encyclopædia of Architecture, 8vo......

Main and Brown's Marine Steam-Engine, 8vo........

Indicator & Dynamometer, 8vo. ................................................................................ 48. 6d.
Questions on the Steam-Engine, 8vo.

58. 6d.

Mitchell's Stepping-Stone to Architecture, 18mo. Woodcuts........................ 18.

London, LONGMANS & CO.


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