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39 PATERNOSTER Row, E.C. LONDON, November 1879.






The School-Books, Atlases, Maps, &c. comprised in this Catalogue may be inspected in the Educational Department of Messrs. LONGMANS and Co. 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. London, where also all other works published by them may be seen.

English Reading-Lesson Books.

Bilton's Infant Primer for School and Home use, 18mo..........

Infant Reader, Narratives and Fables in Monosyllables, 18mo.
First Reading Book, for Standard I. 18mo.
Second Reading Book, for Standard II. 18mo.

Third Reading Book, Boys' Edition and Girls' Edition, fcp. 9d. each
Fourth Reading Book, Boys' Edition and Girls' Edition, fcp. 18. each
Fifth Reading Book, or Poetical Reader, fcp.

Isbister's First Steps in Reading and Learning, 12mo.


Word-Builder, First Standard, 6d. Second Standard, 8d.
Sixth Standard Reader, 12mo.

Laurie & Morell's Graduated Series of Reading-Lesson Books:-
Morell's Elementary Reading Book or Primer, 18mo.

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Book IV. pp. 440

8d. 18. 3d. 18. 6d. 28.

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Book V. comprehending Read-
ings in the best English
Literature, pp. 496..

28. 6d.

M'Leod's Reading Lessons for Infant Schools, 30 Broadside Sheets
First School-Book to teach Reading and Writing, 18mo................
Second School-Book to teach Spelling and Reading, 18mo.

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Stevens's Domestic Economy Series for Girls :-
BOOK I. for Girls' Fourth Standard, crown 8vo.
BOOK II. for Girls' Fifth Standard, crown 8vo.......

BOOK III. for Girls' Sixth Standard, crown 8vo............

Stevens & Hole's Introductory Lesson-Book, 18mo.
Stevens & Hole's Grade Lesson-Book Primer, crown 8vo.

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Stevens & Hole's Grade Lesson Books, in Six Standards, 12mo. :

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Answers to the Arithmetical Exercises in Standards I. II. and III. price 4d. in Standard IV. price 4d. in Standards V. and VI. 4d, or complete, price 18. 2d. Stevens & Hole's Useful Knowledge Reading Books :

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Jones's Secular Early Lesson-Book, 18mo.

Secular Early Lesson-Book. Part II. Proverbs.
Advanced Reading-Book; Lessons in English History, 18mo.
Marcet's Seasons, or Stories for Young Children, 4 vols. 18mo..
Sullivan's Literary Class-Book; Readings in English Literature, fcp.

Writing Books.

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Combes, Stevens, and Hole's Complete Writer: a Set of 16 Graduated Copy-
Books, on Fine Paper, price 48. 6d. per Dozen to Teachers.
Johnston's Civil Service Specimens of Copying MSS. folio
M'Leod's Graduated Series of Nine Copy-Books

Mülhauser's Writing Books, 28. 3d. per Dozen to Teachers.

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The Ready Writer, a Course of 18 Graduated Copy Books
BOOKS I. to VIII. ofthe READY WRITER are printed in PENCIL-INK.

School Poetry Books.

18. 3d. 18. 6d.

Bilton's Poetical Reader for all Classes of Schools, fcp.
Byron's Childe Harold, annotated by W. Hiley, M.A. fcp. 8vo.
Coleridge's Ancient Mariner, by Stevens & Morris, fcp. 4d. sewed, 6d. cloth.
Cook's First Book of Poetry for Elementary Schools, 18mo.
Cowper's Task, The Sofa, by Stevens & Morris, fcp. 9d. sewed, 18. cloth.
Edwards's Poetry Book of Elder Poets, 16mo....

Modern Poets, 16mo.


28. 6d. 28. 6d.

Goldsmith's Deserted Village, by Stevens & Morris, fcp. 4d. sewed or 6d. cloth.
Traveller, by Stevens & Morris, fcp. 8vo. 9d. sewed or 1s. cloth.
Gray's Elegy, edited by Stevens & Morris, fcp. 4d. sewed, 6d. cloth.
Hughes' Select Specimens of English Poetry, 12mo.

Hunter's 35 Plays of Shakespeare, with Explanatory Notes, each Play Is.

All's Well that ends

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M'Leod's First Poetical Reading Book, fcp. 8vo......

Second Poetical Reading Book, fcp. 8vo.

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M'Leod's Goldsmith's Deserted Village, and Traveller, each Poem, 12mo.
Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, annotated by Wagner, fep. 8vo.

Milton's Lycidas, by Stevens & Morris, fcp. 4d. sewed, or 6d. cloth.

Samson Agonistes and Lycidas, by Hunter, 12mo.


18. 8d. 18. 6d.


L'Allegro, by Stevens & Morris, fcp. 4d. sewed or 6d. cloth.
Il Penseroso, by Stevens & Morris, fcp. 4d. sewed or 6d. cloth.
Comus, L'Allegro and Il Penseroso, by Hunter, 12mo.
Paradise Lost, by Hunter, I. & II. 18. 6d. each; III. to V. 18. each.
Paradise Regained, annotated by Jerram, fcp. 8vo.

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Scott's Lady of the Lake. Canto I. by Stevens & Morris, fcp. 9d. sewed, 18. cloth. Twells' Poetry for Repetition, comprising 200 short pieces, 18mo.....

2s. 6d.

English Spelling-Books..

Johnson's Civil Service Spelling Book, fcp..

Sewell's Dictation Exercises, First Series, 18mo. 18. Second Series...

Sullivan's Spelling-Book Superseded, 18mo.

Words Spelled in Two or More Ways, 18mo...

18. 8d.

28. 6d.

18. 4d.


London, LONGMANS & CO.

Grammar and the English Language.

Arnold's English Authors, crown 8vo......

Manual of English Literature, crown 8vo.

Bain's First or Introductory English Grammar, 18mo.
Higher English Grammar, fcp. 8vo.......

Companion to English Grammar, crown 8vo....

Brewer's Guide to English Composition, fcp. 8vo.

Conway's Treatise on Versification, crown 8vo.

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28. 6d.




Edwards's History of the English Language, with Specimens, 18mo........

(Miss) Prose-Book of Great English Writers, 16mo....

Farrar's Language and Languages, crown 8vo.

Ferrar's Comparative Grammar, Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, VOL. I. 8vo.
Fleming's Analysis of the English Language, crown 8vo........
Gostwick's English Grammar, Historical and Analytical, crown 8vo..........108. 6d.
Graham's English, or the Art of Composition Explained, fcp. 8vo.
Hiley's Child's First English Grammar, 18mo......
Abridgment of Hiley's English Grammar, 18mo.
Hiley's English Grammar and Style, 12mo.

............ 58.

Exercises adapted to his English Grammar, 12mo....... 2s. 6d.
Practical English Composition, Part I. 18mo... 18. 6d.
Part II. 18mo................. 88.

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18. 9d.

Ss. 6d.

Key 48. 6d.
Key 28. 6d.
Key 48.

28. 6d.

18. 6d.

ls. 6d.


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First Book of Grammar, Geography, and History, 12mo.
Johnston's English Composition and Essay-Writing, post 8vo. .................. 88. 6d.
Latham's Handbook of the English Language, crown 8vo.
Elementary English Grammar, crown 8vo.
English Grammar for Classical Schools, fcp. 8vo.
Outlines of Philology, crown 8vo.

Lowres's Grammar of English Grammars, 12mo.
Companion to English Grammar, 12mo.....

M'Leod's Explanatory English Grammar for Beginners, 18mo. .....

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English Grammatical Definitions, for Home Study, 18mo.......... Marcet's Willy's Grammar for the use of Boys, 18mo.....

Mary's Grammar, intended for the use of Girls, 18mo. Morell's Essentials of English Grammar and Analysis, cp. 8vo. Morgan's Learner's Companion to the same, post 8vo. Morell's Grammar of the English Language, post 8vo. 28. or with Exercises 2s. 6d.

Morgan's Key to Morell's Graduated Exercises, 12mo.

Graduated English Exercises, post 8vo. 8d. sewed or 9d. cloth.


Müller's (Max) Lectures on the Science of Language, 2 vols. crown 8vo. ...168 Murison's First Work in English, fcp. 8vo.....

Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, crown 8vo.
The Stepping-Stone to English Grammar, 18mo.

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Sullivan's Manual of Etymology, or First Steps to English, 18mo................

Wadham's English Versification, crown 8vo.......

Weymouth's Answers to Questions on the English Language, fcp. 8vo....... 2s. 6d. Yonge's Short English Grammar, crown 8vo.

Paraphrasing, Parsing, and Analysis.

28. 6d.

38. Cd. 28.

18. Sd. Key 18. 8d.



Hunter's Indexing & Précis of Correspondence, 12mo.
Introduction to Précis-Writing, 12mo......
Paraphrasing and Analysis of Sentences, 12mo.
Progressive Exercises in English Parsing, 12mo. .........
Questions on Paradise Lost, Books I. & II. 12mo.

London, LONGMANS & CO.


Hunter's Questions on the Merchant of Venice, 12mo. ...........
Johnston's Civil Service Précis, 12mo.

Lowres's System of English Parsing and Derivation, 18mo...
Morell's Analysis of Sentences Explained and Systematised, 12mo.....
Morgan's Training Examiner, First Course, 4d. Second Course, 18.

Dictionaries; with Manuals of Etymology.

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Black's Student's Manual of Words derived from the Greek, 18m....................... 18. 6d. Latin, 18m0.... .......................

Student's Manual, Greek and Latin, complete, 18mo.

28. 6d.

Ss. 6d.


Graham's English Synonyms, Classified and Explained, fcp. 8vo.
Latham's English Dictionary, founded on Dr. Johnson's, 4 vols. 4to. price £7.
Abridged English Dictionary, 1 vol. medium 8vo......................... 248.

Maunder's Scientific and Literary Treasury, fcp. 8vo.

Bullivan's Dictionary of the English Language, 12mo...

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Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Reference, fcp. 8vo................. 68.

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Dictionary of Derivations, or Introduction to Etymology, fcp.... 28. Whately's English Synonyms, fcp. 8vo.

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Bilton's Repetition and Reading Book, crown 8vo.

2s. 6d.

Hughes's Select Specimens of English Poetry, 12mo.

88. 6d.

Isbister's Illustrated Public School Speaker and Reader, 12mo...

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Twells's Poetry for Repetition, 200 short Pieces and Extracts, 18mo.

The London Series of English Classics.

Bacon's Essays, annotated by E. A. Abbott, D.D., 2 vols. fcp........
The same, Text and Index only, without Notes, 1 vol.
Ben Jonson's Every Man in his Humour, by H. B. Wheatley, F.S.A.
Macaulay's Essay on Lord Clive, annotated by H. C. Bowen, M.A.
Marlowe's Dr. Faustus, annotated by Wilhelm Wagner, Ph.D.
Milton's Paradise Regained, annotated by C. S. Jerram, M.A.
Selections from Pope's Poems, annotated by T. Arnold, M.A.


Anderson's Arithmetic for the Army, 18mo.

Calder's Familiar Arithmetic, 12mo. 48. 6d. or with Answers, 58. 6d. the
Answers separately, 18. the Questions in Part II. separately..

Calder's Smaller Arithmetic for Schools, 18mo......

Colenso's Arithmetic designed for the use of Schools, 12mo.

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48. 6d.


Key to Colenso's Arithmetic for Schools, by Rev. J. Hunter, M.A. 12mo. Colenso's Shilling Elementary Arithmetic, 18mo. 18. with Answers ............18. 6d. Arithmetic for National, Adult, and Commercial Schools:6d. 3. Examples, Part II. Compound Arithmetic 4d. 2. Examples, Part I. Simple 4. Examples, Part III. Fractions, Decimals

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5. Answers to Examples, with Solutions of the difficult Questions 18. Colenso's Arithmetical Tables, on a Card

Combes and Hines' Standard Arithmetical Copy-Books, Nine Books, 4d. each.
Combes and Hines' Complete Arithmetical Copy-Books; in Nine Books, on
Fine Paper, 4d. to 6d. each. Price 48. 6d. per dozen to Teachers.
Harris's Graduated Exercises in Arithmetic and Mensuration, crown 8vo.
28. 6d. or with Answers, 3s. the Answers separately, 9d.............Full Key 68.

London, LONGMANS & CO.

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