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Popular Astronomy and Navigation.


Brinkley's Astronomy, by Stubbs & Brünnow, crown 8vo............................ 68.
Evers's Navigation & Great Circle Sailing, 18mo.
Herschel's Outlines of Astronomy, Twelfth Edition, square crown 8vo.......128.
Jeans's Handbook for the Stars, royal 8vo.......

Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, royal 8vo. Practical, 78. 6d.
Part II. Theoretical, 78. 6d. or the 2 Parts in 1 vol. price 148.

Laughton's Nautical Surveying, small 8vo. .

48. 6d.

............. 68.

Merrifield's Magnetism & Deviation of the Compass, 18mo......................... 1s. 6d. Proctor's Lessons in Elementary Astronomy, fcp. 8vo.

Library Star Atlas, folio....

New Star Atlas for Schools, crown 8vo.
Handbook for the Stars, square fcp. 8vo..

The Stepping-Stone to Astronomy, 18mo.

18. 6d.




Tate's Astronomy and the use of the Globes, for Beginners, 18mo............. 9d. Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, New Edition in preparation.

Bray's Education of the Feelings, crown 8vo.

Animal Physiology and Preservation of Health.

Physiology and the Laws of Health, 11th Thousand, fcp. 8vo. .........
Diagrams for Class Teaching..

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Buckton's Food and Home Cookery, crown 8vo.....

Health in the House, crown 8vo.

Town & Window Gardening, crown 8vo.

Hartley's Air and its Relations to Life, small 8vo.

House I Live In; Structure and Functions of the Human Body, 18mo.
Mapother's Animal Physiology, 18mo.

General Knowledge and Chronology.

Crook's Events of England in Rhyme, square 16mo......
Slater's Sententiæ Chronologica, the Original Work, 12mo...
improved by Miss Sewell, 12mo.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Second Series of the Stepping-Stone to General Knowledge, 18mo............. 18. Sterne's Questions on Generalities, Two Series, each 28. Keys............each 48.

Mythology and Antiquities.

Becker's Gallus, Roman Scenes of the Time of Augustus, post 8vo. ......... 78. 6d.

Charicles, illustrating the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks

Ewald's Antiquities of Israel, translated by Solly, 8vo.

Hort's New Pantheon, 18mo. with 17 Plates...

78. 6d.

2s. 6d,

Bich's Illustrated Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities, post 8vo.... 78. 6d.


Gleig's Life of the Duke of Wellington, crown 8vo.

Jones's Life of Sir Martin Frobisher, crown 8vo.

Macaulay's Clive, annotated by H. C. Bowen, M.A. fcp. 8vo.

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Maunder's Biographical Treasury, re-written by W. L. R. Cates, fcp. 8vo. 68. Stepping-Stone (The) to Biography, 18mo..

Epochs of Modern History.

Church's Beginning of the Middle Ages, fcp. 8vo. Maps..
Cordery's French Revolution to the Battle of Waterloo
Cox's Crusades, fcp. 8vo. Maps


......... 28. 6d. In preparation. 2s. 6d 28. 6d

204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 20

Creighton's Age of Elizabeth, fcp. 8vo. Maps....
Gairdner's Houses of Lancaster & York, fcp. 8vo. Maps...

London, LONGMANS & CO.

28. 6d.

Gardiner's Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648, fcp. 8vo. Maps

28. 6d.

First Two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution, fcp. 8vo. Maps 28. 6d.

Hale's Fall of the Stuarts, fcp. 8vo. Maps

28. 6d.

Johnson's Normans in Europe, fcp. 8vo. Maps..

28. öd

Longman's Frederick the Great and the 7 Years' War... In preparation.
Ludlow's War of American Independence, fcp. 8vo. Maps....
McCarthy's Epoch of Parliamentary Reform

28. 6d.

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Creighton's Shilling History of England, Introductory,
Browning's Modern England, from 1820 to 1876.
Cordery's Struggle against Absolute Monarchy, 1603-1688, fcp. Maps
Creighton's England a Continental Power, 1066-1216, fcp. Maps.

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Tudors and the Reformation, 1485-1603, fcp. 8vo. Maps. Powell's Early England up to the Norman Conquest, fcp. 8vo. Maps.......... 18. Rowley's Rise of the People and Growth of Parliament, 1215-1485, fcp. Maps. 9d. Settlement of the Constitution, 1688-1778, fcp. Maps Tancock's England during the Revolutionary Wars, 1778-1820. Epochs of English History, complete in 1 vol. fcp. 8vo.

British History.




Armitage's Childhood of the English Nation, fcp. 8vo.
Bartle's Synopsis of English History, fcp. 8vo

Catechism of English History, edited by Miss Sewell, 18mo.

Epochs of English History, edited by Creighton, fcp. 8vo.

Cantlay's English History Analysed, fcp. 8vo. .................................................

Gairdner's Richard III, and Perkin Warbeck, crown 8vo......................... 108. 6d. Gleig's School History of England, abridged, 12mo.

28. 6d.

38. 6d.


18. 6d.



First Book of History-England, 18mo. 28. or 2 Parts, 9d, each.
British Colonies, or Second Book of History. 18mo...
British India, or Third Book of History, 18mo.......
Historical Questions on the above Three Histories, 18mo................ 9d.

.............. 18.


English History, revised, crown 8vo....

Littlewood's Essentials of English History, fcp. 8vo.
Lupton's Examination-Papers in History, crown 8vo................................................................................. 18.

Macaulay's History of England, Student's Edition, 2 vols. crown 8vo.......128.
Morris's Class-Book History of England, fcp. 8vo...................................................................................... 88. 6d.
The Stepping-Stone to English History, 18mo....
The Stepping-Stone to Irish History, 18mo.
Turner's Analysis of English and French History, fcp. 8vo. ................................................................. 28. 6d.

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Epochs of Ancient History.

Beesly's Gracchi, Marius and Sulla, fcp. 8vo. Maps ........................................................................ 28. 6d. Capes's Age of the Antonines, fcp. 8vo. Maps

28. 6d.

Early Roman Empire, fcp. 8vo. Maps............................................. 28. 6d.

Cox's Athenian Empire, fcp. 8vo. Maps....

28. 6d.

Greeks & Persians, fcp. 8vo. Maps

28. 6d.

Curteis's Rise of the Macedonian Empire, fcp. 8vo. Maps............
Ihne's Rome to its Capture by the Gauls, fcp. 8vo.Maps....
Merivale's Roman Triumvirates, fcp. 8vo. Maps

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Sankey's Spartan and Theban Supremacies, fcp. 8vo. Maps........................ 28. 6d.

London, LONGMANS & CO.

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History, Ancient and Modern.

Browne's History of Greece, for Beginners, 18mo..........
History of Rome, for Beginners, 18mo.

Gleig's History of France, 18mo.....

Ihne's Roman History, VOLS. I. to III. 8vo.

Macleod's English Battles of the Peninsula, fcp. 8vo.

Mangnall's Historical and Miscellaneous Questions, 12mo..

Maunder's Historical Treasury, with Index, fcp. 8vo.....

Merivale's History of the Romans under the Empire, 8 vols. post 8vo....

Fall of the Roman Republic, 12mo. .....

General History of Rome, crown 8vo. Maps.

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38. 6d.

Puller's School History of Rome, abridged from Merivale, fcp. Maps Rawlinson's Sixth Oriental Monarchy (the Parthians), 8vo. Maps &c. ......168. Seventh Oriental Monarchy (the Sassanians) 8vo. Maps &c. ...288. Sewell's Ancient History of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylonia, fcp. 8vo. ......... 68. Catechism of Grecian History, 18mo...

ls. 6d

Child's First History of Rome, fcp. 8vo.......................................... 2s. 6d.
First History of Greece, fcp. 8vo.

Sa. 6d.

Popular History of France, crown 8vo. Maps

78. 6d.

Smith's Cathage and the Cathaginians, crown 8vo.....
The Stepping-Stone to Grecian History, 18mo.

The Stepping-Stone to Roman History, 18mo.

Taylor's Student's Manual of Ancient History, crown 8vo...

Student's Manual of Modern History, crown 8vo.. Student's Manual of the History of India, crown 8vo... Turner's Analysis of the History of Greece, fcp. 8vo...... Analysis of Roman History, fcp. 8vo.....

Scripture History, Moral and Religious Works.

Ayre's Treasury of Bible Knowledge, fcp. 8vo.....

Boultbee's Commentary on the Thirty-Nine Articles, crown 8vo..
Browne's Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles, 8vo..........................................................................168.
Examination Questions on the above, fcp. 8vo...
Conder's Handbook to the Bible, post 8vo. Maps, &c..

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Conybeare and Howson's Life and Epistles of St. Paul, 1 vol. crown 8vo. ... 98. Drummoud's Jewish Messiah, 8vo......


Gleig's Sacred History, or Fourth Book of History, 18mo. 28. or 2 Parts, each 9d. Kalisch's Bible Studies, Part I. the Prophecies of Balaam, 8vo. ............

Part II. the Book of Jonah

Kalisch's Commentary on the Old Testament; with a New Translation.
Vol. I. Genesis, 8vo. 188. or adapted for the General Reader, 128. Vol. II.
Exodus, 158. or adapted for the General Reader, 128. Vol. III.
Leviticus, Part I. 158. or adapted for the General Reader, 8s. Vol. IV.
Leviticus, Part II. 158. or adapted for the General Reader, 88.

Norris's Catechist's Manual, 18mo.

Potts's Paley's Evidences and Hore Paulinæ, 8vo.....

Pulliblank's Teacher's Handbook of the Bible, crown 8vo.

Riddle's Manual of Scripture History, fcp. 8vo...........

[blocks in formation]

108. 6d.

108. 6d.

18. Sd. .10s. 6d.

38. 6d.


2s. 6d.


Rogers's School and Children's Bible, crown 8vo.

Rothschild's History and Literature of the Israelites, 2 vols. crown 8vo......12s. 6d. Abridged, fcp. 8vo... Ss. 6d.

[blocks in formation]

Sewell's Preparation for the Holy Communion, 32mo... ......
The Stepping-Stone to Bible Knowledge, 18mo.
Whately's Introductory Lessons on Christian Evidences, 18mo................................................
Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Civil Law.

..10s. 6d.


= Primer of English Constitution and Government, crown 8vo. ...... 63.

Amos's Fifty Years of the British Constitution

Science of Jurisprudence, 8v0.

London, LONGMANS & CO.

Bacon's Essays, with Annotations by Archbishop Whately, 8vo. ..............108. 6d. annotated by Hunter, crown 8vo. ....... annotated by Abbott, 2 vols. fcp. 8vo.....

with References and Notes by Markby, fcp. 8vo.

Bain's Rhetoric and English Composition, crown 8vo.
Mental and Moral Science, crown 8vo......


Essays, by the same Editors, 2 vols. 8vo.

[ocr errors]

................ 38. 6d. 68.

1s. 6d.


....108. 6d.

.288. ..108. 6d. .828.

Hume's Treatise on Human Nature, by Green and Grose, 2 vols. 8vo...288.

Leslie's Political and Moral Philosophy, 8vo.



Lewes's History of Philosophy from Thales to Comte, 2 vols. 8vo............
Lewis's Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion, 8vo........
Mill's System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive, 2 vols. 8vo.....
Killick's Student's Handbook of Mill's System of Logic, crown 8vo....... 38. 6d.
Morell's Handbook of Logic, for Schools and Teachers, fcp. 8vo.
Bandars's Institutes of Justinian, 8vo..........



Stebbing's Analysis of Mill's Logic, 12mo.................................................... 88. 6d. Swinbourne's Picture Logic, crown 8vo.

Thomson's Outline of the Necessary Laws of Thought, post 8vo. .............. 68. Ueberweg's Logic, translated by Lindsay, 8vo.

Whately's Elements of Logic, 8vo. 108. 6d. crown 8vo.

Elements of Rhetoric, 8vo. 108. 6d. crown 8vo....
Lessons on Reasoning, fcp. 8vo. .......

Principles of Teaching, &c.

[blocks in formation]

Gill's Text-Book of Education, Method and School Management, fcp. 8vo. 38. Systems of Education, fcp. 8vo.

Art of Religious Instruction, fcp. 8vo.

2s. 6d.


..... 28.

Art of Teaching to Observe and Think, fcp. 8vo....... Johnston's (Miss) Ladies' College and School Examiner, fcp, 18. 6d. Key 2s. 6d. Johnston's (R.) Army and Civil Service Guide, crown 8vo.........

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Lake's Book of Oral Object Lessons on Common Things, 18mo. ............... 18. 6d. Potts's Liber Cantabrigiensis, fcp. 8vo.........

58. 6d.

Account of Cambridge Scholarships and Exhibitions, fcp. 8vo......... 18. 6d.
Maxims, Aphorisms, &c. for Learners, crown 8vo.

Robinson's Manual of Method and Organisation, fcp. 8vo............
Bewell's Principles of Education, 2 vols, fcp. 8vo........
Sullivan's Papers on Education and School-Keeping, 12mo.

The Greek Language.

Bloomfield's College and School Greek Testament, fcp. 8vo.
Bolland & Lang's Politics of Aristotle, post 8vo....

18. 6d. .... 88. 6d. ........128. 6d.



78. 6d.


Bullinger's Lexicon and Concordance to Greek Testament, medium 8vo....308. Collis's Chief Tenses of the Greek Irregular Verbs, 8vo.....

Pontes Græci, Stepping Stone to Greek Grammar, 12mo. ............... 88. 6d.
Praxis Græca, Etymology, 12mo.

28. 6d.

Greek Verse-Book, Praxis Iambica, 12mo....................................... 48. 6d. Congreve's Politics of Aristotle, translated, 8vo. ................................. Cooper's Tales from Euripides, fcp. 8vo........ Donaldson's New Cratylus, Fourth Edition, 8vo..... Pindar's Epicinian or Triumphal Odes, 8vo. Farrar's Brief Greek Syntax and Accidence, 12mo. Greek Grammar Rules for Harrow School, 12mo. Fowle's Short and Easy Greek Book, 12mo.................. Eton Greek Reading-Book, 12mo.. First Easy Greek Reading-Book, 12mo.

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Grant's Ethics of Aristotle, with Essays and Notes, 2 vols. 8vo..

London, LONGMANS & CO.


Hewitt's Greek Examination-Papers, 12mo.
Isbister's Xenophon's Anabasis, Books I. o III. with Notes, 12mo.
Kennedy's Greek Grammar, 12mo..

Liddell and Scott's Larger Greek-Lexicon, crown 4to....

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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78. 6d.

Greek-English Lexicon abridged, square 12mo.......... Linwood's Sophocles, Greek Text, Latin Notes, 4th Edition, 8vo................ 1 .168. Theban Triology of Sophocles literally explained, crown 8vo.... 78. 6d. .Part I. 28. 6d. Part II. 18.


38. 6d. 78. 6d.

.108. 6d.

Morris's Greek Lessons, square 18mo.
Parry's Elementary Greek Grammar, 12mo. ..........
Sheppard and Evans's Notes on Thucydides, crown 8vo....
Thucydides' Peloponnesian War, translated by Crawley, 8vo.
Valpy's Greek Delectus, improved by the Rev. Dr. White, 12mo. 28. 6d. Key 28. 6d.
White's Xenophon's Expedition of Cyrus, with English Notes, 12mo.......... 78. 6d.
Wilkins's Manual of Greek Prose Composition, crown 8vo. ......78. 6d.
Exercises in Greek Prose Composition, crown 8vo. ...48. 6d.
Progressive Greek Delectus, 12mo.
Progressive Greek Anthology, 12mo.


Key 58. Key 2s. 6d. Key 2s. 6d.


Scriptores Attici, Excerpts with English Notes, crown 8vo. ...... 78. 6d.
Speeches from Thucydides translated, post 8vo......


Williams's Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle translated, crown 8vo............. 78. 6d.
Wright's Plato's Phædrus, Lysis and Protagoras, translated, fcp. 8vo......... 48. 6d.
Yonge's Larger English-Greek Lexicon, 4to..... .......................................................................218.
English-Greek Lexicon abridged, square 12mo.....
Zeller's Plato and the Older Academy, by Alleyne & Goodwin, cr. 8vo. ......183.
Socrates, translated by Reichel, crown 8vo.

88. 6d.

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The Four Gospels in Greek, with Greek-English Lexicon. Edited by John T. White, D.D. Oxon. Square 32mo. price 58.

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Livy, Books XXII, and XXIII.

Nepos, Miltiades, Cimon, Pau-
sanias, Aristides

Price 9d.

Ovid, Selections from Epistles
and Fasti




Is. 6d.

Ovid, Select Myths from Meta-

Phædrus, Select Easy Fables
Phædrus, Fables, Book I. & II. 1s.
Sallust, Bellum Catilinarium
Virgil, Georgics, Book IV. 18.
Virgil, Eneid, Books I. to VI.




The Latin Text with English Explanatory and Grammatical Notes, and a Vocabulary of Proper Names. Edited by John T. White, D.D. Oxon. 12mo. price 2s. 6d. each Book.

London, LONGMANS & CO.

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