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" Any two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. "
The elements of plane geometry - Page 31
by Mathematical association - 1884
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Elements of Geometry: Containing the First Six Books of Euclid, with a ...

John Playfair - Mathematics - 1806 - 320 pages
...-the angle ACD, is greater than the angle ABC. Therefore, if one side, &c. Q. E, D. PROP. XVII. THEOR. ANY two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. Let ABC be any triangle j any two of its angles together are less than two right angles. Produce BC to D; and...
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The Elements of Euclid: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have Long Ago ...

Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1806 - 548 pages
...d, the angle ACD, is greater than the angle ABC. Therefore, if one side, &c. QED PROP. XVII. THEOR. ANY two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. A Let ABC be any triangle ; any two of its angles together are less than two right angles. Produce...
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Elements of Geometry, Geometrical Analysis, and Plane Trigonometry ...

Sir John Leslie - Geometry, Analytic - 1809 - 542 pages
...angle BCF (Def. 10.), and hence BCF must be greater than either the angle CBA-orCAB, PROP. XI. THEOR. Any two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. The two angles BAC and BCA of the triangle ABC are together less than two right angles. For produce...
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The Elements of Euclid: Viz. the First Six Books, Together with the Eleventh ...

Euclid - Geometry - 1810 - 554 pages
...d, the angle ACD, is greater than the angle ABC. ThereTore, if one side, &c. QED PROP. XVII. THEOR. ANY two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. Let ABC be any triangle; any A . two of its angles together are less than two right angles. . Produce BC to D;...
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The Elements of Euclid: Viz. the First Six Books, Together with the Eleventh ...

Euclides - 1816 - 592 pages*, the angle ACD, is greater than the angle ABC. Therefore, if one side,&c. QED PROP. XVII. THEOR. ANY two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. Let ABC beany triangle;any two of its angles together are less than two right angles. Produce BC to D ; and...
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Elements of Geometry and Plane Trigonometry: With an Appendix, and Copious ...

Sir John Leslie - Geometry - 1817 - 456 pages
...triangle are greater than the interior, and likewise greater than three right angles. PROP. IX. THEOR. Any two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. The two angles BAC and BCA of the triangle ABC are, together less than two right angles. For produce...
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Elements of Geometry: Containing the First Six Books of Euclid: With a ...

John Playfair - 1819 - 354 pages
...the angle ACD, is greater than the angle ABC. Therefore, if one side, &c. Q, ED PROP. XVII. THEOR. - Any two angles of a triangle are together less than' two right angle*. Let A BC be any triangle ; any two of its angles together are less than two right angles. Produce...
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The Youth's instructer [sic] and guardian, Volume 14

1854 - 1112 pages
...proved hereafter, it is here inserted in order to facilitate the theory of parallel lines. Cor. 2. Any two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. For either is less than the supplement of the other. Cor. 3. If any angle of a triangle is right or...
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A Popular Course of Pure and Mixed Mathematics ...: With Tables of ...

Peter Nicholson - Mathematics - 1825 - 1058 pages
...ACD, is greater than the angle ABC. Therefore, if one side, &c. Q. Ë. D. Proposiiio» XVII. Theorem. Any two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. Let ABC be any triangle ; any two of its angles together are less than two right angles. Produce BC to D ; and...
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Elements of Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry

George Lees - 1826 - 276 pages
...that the angle BCG, that is, ACD% is e 5. 1. greater than ABC. Therefore, if one side, &c. QED Cor. Any two angles of a triangle, are together less than two right angles. For, since by the proposition, the exterior angle ACD is greater than the interior and opposite angle...
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