AN INTELLECTUAL WRITTEN ARITHMETIC HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY 1888 PREFACE. SECOND LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC is the result of an attempt to prepare a text-book which, by its method of developing the mind of the learner, by the emphasis that it places on fundamental principles, and by the omission of useless subjects and arithmetical terms known only in the school-room, will meet the wants of those teachers and business men throughout the United States who demand that the essentials of Arithmetic shall be better taught than heretofore, and that the nonessentials shall be omitted. I believe that there can be no better preparation either for the business of life or for advanced intellectual work than a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Decimals, and Percentage (including Interest), coupled with a self-reliant power of analysis sufficient to enable one to deduce what is required from what is given by the aid of his own understanding rather than by the aid of his memory of rules or |