Political Economy neither a purely mental nor a purely
physical inquiry, but referable to a class of studies inter-
mediate between mental and physical inquiries
Proper limits of economic inquiry
Mr. Senior's view criticized
§ 1. Common notion that economic investigation should be con-
ducted according to the 'inductive method'
Latitude of meaning with which the expression 'inductive
method' has been employed by authoritative writers
Examination of the doctrine that 'induction,' in the strict
sense of the term, is the true path of economic inquiry
§ 2. Logical position of the speculator on the physical universe at
the outset of physical inquiry
§ 3. This reason does not hold in economic investigation, because
the ultimate principles of Political Economy, being the con-
clusions and proximate phenomena of other branches of
knowledge, admit of direct proof.
§ 4. The economist, excluded from the use of experiment, but has
at his disposal an inferior substitute.