The Book-buyer's Guide: Being a List of the Principal Books Published in the Various Departments of Literature1870 - Bibliography |
Common terms and phrases
2nd edition 3rd edition Adventures Æneid Æschylus Aphra Behn Arithmetic Atlas Author Battle of Dorking Bible Book British Cassell's Charles Charles Dickens Christ Christian Church Class cloth gilt coloured Illustrations coloured plates Crown 8vo 24 Diary Dictionary Ditto Edward English Engravings Essays Fcap France French French Grammar Geography George German gilt edges Government Grammar graphy Greek Guide Handbook Henry History of England History of Greece Home Illus India James John labour Lady Language late Latin Lectures Lessons lish Literature Little London Lord Lord Byron lustrations Manual Maps Margate Memoir ment Messrs Miss Modern Notes novel numerous Pilgrim's Progress Poems Poetical Poetry post 8vo Prayer price s. d. published readers revised Robert royal 8vo School Science Scotland Scripture Sermons Sketches Small 4to Stories Tale Testament Thomas tion tory translated Treatise vols volume William Woodcuts Young ΙΟ ΟΙ ΟΙΟ
Popular passages
Page 42 - A New Star Atlas, for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, in 12 Circular Maps (with 2 Index Plates]. Intended as a Companion to ' Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes!
Page 54 - Builders' and Surveyors Technical Guide. THE POCKET TECHNICAL GUIDE AND MEASURER FOR BUILDERS AND SURVEYORS: containing a Complete Explanation of the Terms used in Building Construction, Memoranda for Reference, Technical Directions for Measuring Work in all the Building Trades, with a Treatise on the Measurement of Timbers, and Complete Specifications for Houses, Roads, and Drains. By AC BEATON, Author of
Page 1 - This England never did (nor never shall) Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror, But when it first did help to wound itself. Now these her princes are come home again, Come the three corners of the world in arms, And we shall shock them : Nought shall make us rue, if England to itself do rest but true.
Page 30 - SCHELLEN'S SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, in its application to Terrestrial Substances and the Physical Constitution of the Heavenly Bodies. Translated by JANE and C. LASSELL; edited, with Notes, by W. HUGGINS, LL.D. FRS With 13 Plates (6 coloured) and 223 Woodcuts. 8vo. price 28s. CELESTIAL OBJECTS for COMMON TELESCOPES.
Page 14 - I reached my own quiet fireside, on retiring from the scene of reiterated shouts and plaudits. I was half dead; and my joy and thankfulness were of too solemn and overpowering a nature to admit of words, or even tears. My father, my husband, and myself, sat down to a frugal neat supper, in a silence uninterrupted, except by exclamations of gladness from Mr Siddons.
Page 40 - Maps, exhibiting clearly the more important Physical Features of the Countries delineated, and Noting all the Chief Places of Historical, Commercial, or Social Interest. Edited, with an Introduction, by the Rev. G. BUTLER, MA Imperial 8vo.
Page 55 - BACON'S ESSAYS AND COLOURS OF GOOD AND EVIL. With Notes and Glossarial Index. By W. ALDIS WRIGHT, MA THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS from this World to that which is to come.