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To determine when there are two triangles, and also when there is but one, let us consider the second of equations (8.) R2 cos B-sin A sin C cos b-R cos A cos C,

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Now, if cos B be greater than cos A we shall have

R2 cos B>R cos A cos C,

which gives

and hence the sign of the second member of the equation will depend on that of cos B, and consequently cos b and cos B will have the same algebraic sign, or b and B will be of the same species. But when cos B>cos A the sin B<sin A: hence

If the sine of the angle opposite the required side be less than the sine of the other given angle, there will be but one solution.

If, however, sin B>sin A, the cos B will be less than cos A, and it is plain that such a value may then be given to cos C, as to render

R2 cos BR cos A cos C,

or the sign of the second member of the equation may be made to depend on cos C. We can therefore give such values to C as to satisfy the two equations

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Hence, if the sine of the angle opposite the required side be greater than the sine of the other given angle there will be two


Let us first suppose the side b to be less than 90°, or equal

to 79° 12′ 10′′.

If now, we let fall from the angle C a perpendicular on the base BA, the triangle will be divided into two right angled triangles, in each of which there will be two parts known besides the right angle.

Calculating the parts by Napier's rules we find,

C=130° 54' 26"

c=119° 03′ 26′′.

If we take the side b=100° 47' 50", we shall find

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Ex. 2. In a spherical triangle ABC there are given A=103° 59′ 57′′, B=46° ‍18′ 7′′, and a=42° 8′ 48′′; required the remaining parts.

There will but one triangle, since sin B<sin A.

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Having given the three sides of a spherical triangle to find the angles.

For this case we use equations (3.).

cos & A=R√sin §-s sin (§s—a)

sin b sin c

Ex. 1. In an oblique angled spherical triangle there are given a 56° 40', b=83° 13' and c-114° 30'; required the

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The addition of twice the logarithm of radius, or 20, to the numerator of the quantity under the radical just cancels the 20 which is to be subtracted on account of the arithmetical complements, that the 20, in both cases, may be omitted.

Applying the same formulas to the angles B and C, we find,

B= 62° 55′ 46"
C-125° 19' 02".

Ex. 2. In a spherical triangle there are given a 40° 18′ 29′′, b=67° 14′ 28′′, and c=89° 47′ 6": required the three angles.

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Having given the three angles of a spherical triangle, to find the three sides.

For this case we employ equations (7.)


cos la R

sin B sin C

Ex. 1. In a spherical triangle ABC there are given A=48° 30′, B=125° 20′, and C=62° 54′; required the sides.

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Ex. 2. In a spherical triangle ABC, there are given A=109° 55' 42", B=116° 38′ 33", and C-120° 43' 37"; required the three sides.

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Having given in a spherical triangle, two sides and their included angle, to find the remaining parts.


For this case we employ the two first of Napier's Analogies

cos (a+b): cos (a-b) :: cot C: tang (A+B)

sin (a+b) sin (a—b) : : cot C: tang (A-B). Having found the half sum and the half difference of the angles A and B, the angles themselves become known; for, the greater angle is equal to the half sum plus the half difference, and the lesser is equal to the half sum minus the half diffe.


The greater angle is then to be placed opposite the greater side. The remaining side of the triangle can then be found by Case II.

Ex. 1. In a spherical triangle ABC, there are given a=68° 46' 2", b=37° 10', and C-39° 23'; to find the remaining parts (a+b)=52° 58′ 1′′, (a—b)=15° 48′ 1′′, C=19° 41′ 30′′.

As cos

(a+b) 52° 58' 1" log. ar.-comp. 0.220210

Is to cos(ab) 15° 48′ 1′′


So is cot C 19° 41' 30"


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Totang (A-B) 43° 37′ 21′′

Hence, A=77° 22′ 25′′ +43° 37′ 21′′-120° 59′ 46′′

B-77° 22′ 25′′-43° 37′ 21′′ 33° 45′ 04′′

side c


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Ex. 2. In a spherical triangle ABC, there are given b=83° 19′ 42′′, c=23° 27′ 46′′, the contained angle A=20° 39′ 48′′; to find the remaining parts.

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In a spherical triangle, having given two angles and the included side to find the remaining parts.

For this case we employ the second of Napier's Analogies. cos (A+B): cos (A—B) :: tang c: tang (a+b) sin (A+B) : sin † (A—B) `: : tang c: tang (a—b). From which a and b are found as in the last case. The re maining angle can then be found by Case I.

Ex. 1. In a spherical triangle ABC, there are given A=81° 38′ 20′′, B=70° 9′ 38′′, c=59° 16′ 23′′; to find the remaining parts.

}(A+B)=75° 53′ 59′′,1(A—B)=5° 44′ 21′′, c=29° 38′ 11′′ (A+B) 75° 53' 59" log. ar.-comp. 0.613287 (A-B) 5° 44′ 21′′




As cos To cos

So is tang

c 29° 38' 11"

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As sin

(A+B) 75° 53′ 59′′ log. ar.-comp. 0.013286

To sin

(A-B) 5° 14' 21"

So is tang

c 29° 38′ 11′′

To tang


(a-b) 3° 21′ 25′′




a=66° 42′ 52"+3° 21′ 25′′ 70° 04′ 17′′

b=66° 42′ 52"-3° 21′ 25′′-63° 21′ 27′′

angle C

=64° 46′ 33".

Ex. 2. In a spherical triangle ABC, there are given A=34°` 15′ 3′′, B=42° 15′ 13′′, and c=76° 35′ 36′′; to find the remaining parts.

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