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Company authorized


labor not exceeding two years, or both, provided such criminal prosecution shall not in anywise impair the rights of action for damages by a civil suit hereby authorized to be brought for any such injury as aforesaid, by and in the name of said corporation, in any court of this state having cognizance of the same.

9. And be it enacted, That said company be and they are to lay down hereby fully authorized and empowered to lay their pipes beneath such public roads, streets, avenues, and alleys, as they may deem necessary for the purposes aforesaid, free of all charge to be made by any person or persons, or body politic whatsoever, for said privilege, and also such hydrants at the crossings or intersections of said streets and alleys, provided that the said pipes shall be laid at least two feet below the surface of the same, and shall not in anywise unnecessarily obstruct or interfere with the public travel, or damage public or private property.

Water rents.

Time of commencement of works.

10. And be it enacted, That said company may sell and dispose of the water issuing from reservoirs, aqueducts, or pipes, for such price or prices, or quarterly or annual rents, and such restrictions as they may think proper.

11. And be it enacted, That if the work of constructing said reservoirs and appendages shall not be commenced in good faith, in four years from the date of the approval of this act, the same shall be null and void.

12. And be it enacted, That this act shall go into effect immediately.

Approved March 1, 1859.


SUPPLEMENT to an act entitled "An act for laying out, opening and improving certain roads in the counties of Cumberland, Salem, Gloucester and Burlington, in this state," passed February fifteenth, seventeen hundred and ninety-four.

WHEREAS, by the act to which this is a supplement, the Preamble. commissioners therein named, were authorized and empowered amongst other things, to lay out a public road, four rods in width, from the village of Roadstown, in the county of Cumberland, to Mullica Hill, in the county of Gloucester, which said road cannot be removed, relaid, altered or vacated, except by an act of the legislature of the state; AND WHEREAS, it appears to the legislature that a large majority of those most interested in said road, are desirous of having the width of said road, from the village of Roadstown, in the county of Cumberland, to the Pittsgrove Presbyterian meeting house, in the county of Salem, changed and narrowed to three rods; therefore,

sioners to

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Commisthe State of New Jersey, That Belford M. Bonham and alter road. Daniel M. Woodruff, of the county of Cumberland, and Emmer Reeve, of the county of Salem, be and they hereby are appointed commissioners to alter the width of said public road, to three rods, from the village of Roadstown, in the county of Cumberland, to the Pittsgrove Presbyterian meeting house, in the county of Salem.

2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall cause an exact and accurate return of the courses and distances of the said road, so altered, to be made, which return shall be signed by the said commissioners respectively, or a majority of them, and recorded in the road books of the counties of Cumberland and Salem, which said road so altered and recorded as aforesaid, shall be and remain a

lawful highway, until changed, altered, or vacated according to law.

3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved March 1, 1859.

Former acts continued in force, &c.


A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to the act entitled "An act to incorporate the Elizabethtown Mutual Assurance Fire Company," passed the 10th day of November, A. D. eighteen hundred and twelve.

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the act entitled "An act to incorporate the Elizabethtown Mutual Assurance Fire Company," passed the tenth day of November, A. D. eighteen hundred and twelve; and the supplement thereto, passed the twentieth day of February, A. D. eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, and the acts to amend said supplement passed the first, on the second day of February, A. D. eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and the other the fifteenth day of February, A. D. eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, and all the provisions thereof, except so far as the same shall be modified, amended, altered, or repealed by this act, are hereby extended and continued in force until the first day of April, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-one.


2. And be it enacted, That the said "The Elizabethtown Corporate Mutual Assurance Fire Company" shall hereafter be known changed. and designated by the name and style of "The Elizabeth Mutual Insurance Company," and by that name have and exercise all the powers and privileges conferred by the said original act and the said supplement, and acts to amend the same, and be liable to all the duties and obligations therein contained.

fix rates, &c.

3. And be it enacted, That the directors of the said com- Directors to pany shall have power to fix and determine the rate or advance to be paid by persons applying to become members of the company.

former act

4. And be it enacted, That the third section of the said ori- Part of ginal act, and all after the words "as directors" in the fifth repealed. section, be and the same are hereby repealed; also so much of the said act as requires monthly meetings of the directors, and as fixes the first meeting of the directors in every year, and that requires the seal of the company to the policies.

5. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved March 1, 1859.


Part of former act repealed.

City Council

may author

ize forma

tion of fire companies, &c.



A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to an act entitled "An act to incorporate the fire department of the township of Hoboken, in the county of Hudson," approved March fifteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four.

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That section second of said act is hereby repealed.

2. And be it enacted, That the council of the city of Hoboken shall have the power to authorize the formation of so many fire engine, hose, and hook and ladder companies as they may deem desirable, for the purpose of protecting the property in said city from damage or destruction by fire; provided, that no engine company shall be composed of more than fifty men, or hose or hook and ladder company of more than forty members.

3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved March 1, 1859.

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