Notice to be given of first town meeting, and of the place, which shall be some convenient place in the district, when and where the legal voters in the township residing in such district shall assemble for the purpose of such election; and at which time and place such legal voters assembled, having been called to order by any legal voter of the district, shall proceed viva voce, by the holding up of hands, or by count, to elect a moderator of such meeting, by plurality of votes; and being so organized, the town meeting shall proceed as in the election of moderator to elect an overseer of the highway for the district; the moderator of each district meeting shall, at their first meeting after such election, notify the township committee, in writing, of the election of such overseer; in case of a failure of any district to elect an overseer, or of the person so elected to accept the appointment, the township committee shall fill such vacancy; the overseers of the highways shall account to and settle with the township committee, as required to do by law. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the district road township committee, as is required by the second section meetings. Subsequent road meetings. Officers of election. of this act, to give notice of the time and place of holding the first district road meetings under this act, and they shall cause notice thereof to be posted up in some conspicuous place in such district at least five days before the time of holding such meeting. 4. And be it enacted, That all subsequent district road meetings shall be called by the overseers of the respective districts, upon notice posted up in some conspicuous place in such road district, at least ten days from the time of holding such meeting; and all subsequent district road meetings shall be held on the Saturday preceding the annual town meetings; and should the overseer of any district fail to call such meeting, or the individual elected refuse to accept said appointment, or in case of a vacancy arising from any other cause, the township committee shall fill such vacancy. 1 5. And be it enacted, That the judges of election, elected at the last or any future town meeting, shall preside at and conduct the election at the next annual town-meeting, and the clerk of said township shall be the clerk thereof. ducting 6. And be it enacted, That the elections shall open at ten Mode of cono'clock in the morning and close at four o'clock in the election. afternoon of said day, and be conducted in the same manner and be subject to the same rules as elections for state and county officers are or shall be; and the same duties shall devolve upon the judge of election and the clerk as are to be performed by the board of election and the clerk in other elections; they shall take the same oath of affirmation, as far as applicable, be invested with the same powers, and be liable to the same penalties; the same qualifications for voters shall be required, and the results ascertained in the same manner, and stated according to law. mittee to fill 7. And be it enacted, That a plurality of votes shall be Town com sufficient to elect any officer, or to fix the place of holding vacancies, the town meetings or the state and county elections, but a majority of all the votes cast, shall be required to determine an amount of money to be raised or specified; and in case there shall be a neglect or a failure to elect any officer by the town meeting, or to fix the place of holding the next town meeting or the state and county elections, or in case of the refusal of any person elected to accept of the appointment, or if a vacancy occurs from any other cause, or in case two or more have an equal number of votes for the same office, the town committee shall, at their next meeting thereafter, fill such vacancy, determine upon such place, elect between those having an equal number of votes, and determine the amount or sum to be raised or specified, unless they shall deem a special town meeting for these purposes advisable; and in that case shall have power to call such special town meeting as now provided by law. minutes. 8. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the township shall Clerk to keep be clerk of the township committee, and shall keep a book of minutes of the proceedings of said committee, which shall at all times be open to the inspection of the voters of Annual reports to be made. Reports to be filed. Compensation to offi tion. said township; and when the township committee shall fill a vacancy, or elect in case of a tie between candidates, they shall immediately notify the person or persons so appointed or chosen, and transmit a statement thereof to the clerk of the county. 9. And be it enacted, That the overseers of the poor and the town superintendent of public schools shall, at least ten days before the town meeting, prepare and lay before the town committee their annual report, as now required by law to be made to the town meeting; and the town committee shall prepare their annual report, and at least five days before the town meeting shall have copies thereof and of the reports of the overseers of the poor and of the town superintendent, posted up in three of the most public places in the township. 10. And be it enacted, That the reports of the town committee, the overseers of the poor and of the town superintendent of public schools, shall be filed and preserved by the town committee, and they shall, at the expiration of their term of office, surrender the same to their successors; in posting up the list of officers elected, as required by law, the clerk shall add thereto the result of the election in other particulars; the first election under this act shall be held at the place appointed at the last town meeting, unless otherwise changed, and all special town meetings at the place of holding the last annual town meeting; the same ballot box shall be used at the town meetings, and provided by the clerk, which is used at the state and county elections; the judges of election and clerk shall each receive cers of elec- for attending any town meeting the same compensation as for attending a state and county election, and the township committee may allow the clerk such compensation for additional duties required by this act as they may deem reasonable. 11. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 18, 1859. ! ---- CHAPTER CLXXVI. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to the act entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Paterson," approved the nineteenth day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-one. exempted 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Lands the State of New Jersey, That the land and premises, situate, from tax. lying and being in the city of Paterson, beginning at the point where the southerly line of said city intersects the Passaic river at Weazle, running thence (1) westerly along the said southerly line until it intersects the Dwass line, (2) northerly along the Dwass line to a point in line with the northerly line of Lafayette street, (3) westerly in a straight line to and along the northerly line of Lafayette street to the Passaic river, (4) along said river down stream to the beginning; together with the goods and chattels on said premises, be and the same are hereby exempted from being taxed for the purpose of supplying said city with water and gas or either, and for the fire department. former act 2. And be it enacted, That so much of the act to which Part of this is a supplement, and so much of the supplement to repealed. said act, heretofore passed as conflict with this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. exempted 3. And be it enacted, That all the territory added to the other lands city of Paterson by the act entitled "A further supplement from tax. to the act entitled 'An act to incorporate the city of Paterson," approved March thirteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, also be exempt from fire, water and gas tax; provided, that the corporate authorities of said city of Proviso. Paterson, shall by ordinance, determine what proportion shall be deducted from the tax levied for city purposes for or on account of said water, fire, and gas. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 18, 1859. Act repealed as to Salem county. CHAPTER CLXXVII. SUPPLEMENT to the act entitled "An act to define the rights of parties whose property is damaged or taken for public use in cases of the alteration of the grades of streets or highways." 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the act entitled "An act to define the rights of parties where property is damaged or taken for public use, in cases of the alteration of grades of streets or highways," passed March seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, so far as it may in any manner apply to the city of Salem, in the county of Salem, be and the same is hereby repealed. 2. And be it enacted, That this law take effect immediately. Approved March 18, 1859. Names of corporators. CHAPTER CLXXVIII. AN ACT to incorporate the Washington and Raritan Railroad Company. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That John R. Reid, Samuel Whitehead, James Coleman, Thomas Booraem, William Wright, |