with all such power as is usual in courts of record of this state. And said mayor, as a police justice, may, in all matters or causes pending before him, award and issue writs of subpœna ad testificandum into any county of this state. mayor in case of vio lation of city ordinances. 20. And be it enacted, That the said mayor, as a police Power of justice, shall be empowered, on oath, affirmation or affidavit, made according to law, and filed in his office, that any person or persons has or have been guilty of a violation of any ordinance of the said city, to issue a process either in the nature of a warrant, or a summons, against the person or persons so charged, which process shall, when in the nature of a warrant, be returnable forthwith, and when in the nature of a summons, be returnable in not less than five, or more than fifteen days; that such process shall state the cause of complaint, and the time when it may be alleged to have been committed, and that on the return of such process, or at the time to which the said mayor, as police justice, shall have adjourned the same, the said mayor shall proceed to hear testimony and to determine and give judgment in the matter without the filing of any pleadings; and that the said mayor, as police justice, shall, if judgment be rendered for the plaintiff, forthwith issue execution against the goods and chattels and person of the defendant or defendants; provided, that nothing herein contained shall Proviso. prevent the enforcement of the ordinances of the said city in the manner hereinbefore provided, or in the act to which this is a supplement. to 21. And be it enacted, That no warrant, or process in the Complaints nature of a warrant, shall be issued by said mayor, as a under oath. police justice, against any person or persons, on any complaint made as aforesaid, for the violation of any of the ordinances of the said city, unless upon oath or affirmation made and filed before said mayor, establishing to his satisfaction, by one or more particulars mentioned therein, that such process is necessary to secure the due enforcement of the ordinance, in the matter of said complaint, against such person or persons. Persons may 22. And be it enacted, That every person against whom appeal. Proviso. Proviso. Powers of police offi cers. Ordinances to be approved by mayor, or returned to council. judgment may be obtained before said mayor as police justice, for the violation of any of the ordinances of said city, shall have the right of appeal, in common with the city, to the higher courts, as in the case of civil suits before justices of the peace; provided, that so much of section twenty-two of the act to which this is a supplement, as authorizes an appeal to the city council in any cases, be and the same is hereby repealed; provided also, that there shall be elected, at the city annual election, as often as a vacancy may occur, one police justice in each of the wards of said city, who shall possess the like powers in all respects as are herein conferred on the mayor as a police justice, and who shall hold their offices for the like term and be commissioned in like manner as justices of the peace of the counties of this state. 23. And be it enacted, That the police officers appointed by the city council, shall, in addition to the authority conferred upon them by the ordinances, rules, and regulations of the city council, possess, and have all the powers of constables within the city limits, for the purposes of preserving the peace and enforcing the ordinances of the city; and the city council is hereby authorized annually to designate the number of constables to be elected in each ward. 24. And be it enacted, That before any ordinance passed by the said city council shall take effect, it shall be presented, duly certified to the mayor of the city for his approval. If he approve, he shall sign it, if not, he shall return it within ten days thereafter, with his objections, to the city council, or if the said council be not then in session, at its next meeting. The city council shall, after the expiration of not less than ten days after the said ordinance shall be so returned with the said disapproval, proceed to reconsider the same. If, after such reconsideration, at least two-thirds of all the members elected to the said city council shall agree to pass the same, or if the said mayor shall not return the ordinance so presented to him as aforesaid, it shall take effect in the same manner as if he had approved it; so much of the act to which this is a supplement as gives the said mayor a casting vote in the city council, be and the same is hereby repealed. former act 25. And be it enacted, That section five of the "Act to Part of establish the city of Elizabeth," be and the same is hereby amended. amended so as to read after the words "township elections" in the fifth line, as follows: "and the officers of said elections shall be eligible to any office to be voted for at such election." school com 26. And be it enacted, That the mayor and city clerk be Oath of and the same are hereby authorized severally to administer missioners. the oath required to be taken by the school commissioners, in the same manner as the judges or clerk of the late borough court were authorized and required to do. and collec tors not to be board of 27. And be it enacted, That no part of section five of the Assessors act entitled "An act to establish the city of Elizabeth," shall be so construed as to authorize or empower the assessors and collectors of the respective wards to sit as mem. bers of the "board of city canvassers." canvassers. 28. And be it enacted, That in cases where the city council Council may borrow are authorized to make or levy any assessment for any of money. the said improvements under this act, they shall be authorized to borrow the amount of any such assessment in anticipation of the collection thereof; to be expended only in payment of said improvements; provided, that nothing Proviso. herein contained shall confer upon the said city council power to increase the general indebtedness of said city for other purposes, beyond the limit fixed by the act to which this is a supplement. take effect. 29. And be it enacted, That this act shall go into effect on Act, when to the first day of May next. to sub electors at 30. And be it enacted, That this act shall not go into effect Supplement until the electors of the said city of Elizabeth, at public mitted to meetings called in the respective wards for the purpose of an election. approving or rejecting the same, shall by a vote of a majority of the electors present, and voting by ballot, determine to adopt the same; such meeting shall be called forthwith by the mayor of the said city, to be held under the direction of the officers at the last annual state election held in said city, and at the same places and during the same hours, of which time and places, the mayor aforesaid shall give at least one week's previous notice by advertisement in the newspaper of said city, and posting it in the respective wards; and the electors entitled to vote, who are in favor of this act, shall each deposit a ballot with the word "supplement" written or printed thereon; and those who are opposed shall each deposit a ballot with the words "no supplement" written or printed thereon; and a canvass and a return of the votes shall be made by the judges of election, to the mayor of said city, who shall lay the same before the city council at their next meeting, whereupon said council shall by a resolution declare the result. Approved March 15, 1859. : Boundaries of township. CHAPTER CXXIV. AN ACT to set off from the township of East Windsor, in the county of Mercer, a new township, to be called the township of Washington. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That all that part of the township of East Windsor, in the county of Mercer, lying within the following boundaries, that is to say: beginning in the line between the townships of East Windsor and West Windsor, in the middle of the new road leading from Dutch Neck to the Bordentown and South Amboy turnpike, and running from thence along the middle of said new road to the middle of the Bordentown and South Amboy turnpike, and corner to David Gordon, senior's, land; thence along said Gordon's line and a line late of Joel Pullen, deceased, David Silvers, Jonathan Hutchinson, and others, to a stone in the public road leading from Windsor, to Chamberlain's corner, near Ezekiel Dillon's house; thence along said road to a stone in said road near the Allan school house, and corners to lands of James P. Allen and Isaac Pullen; thence along the line between said James P. Allen, Isaac Pullen, John M. Allen, Leonard Hulit, George H. Allen, and others, straight to the Assanpink creek; thence up said creek the several courses thereof to the Monmouth county line; thence along the line of the county of Monmouth to the Hamilton township line; thence along the Hamilton township line to the West Windsor township line; thence along the line of the township of West Windsor to the place of beginning, is hereby set off from the said township of East Windsor and erected into a separate township, to be called and known by the name of the township of Washington. incorporat 2. And be it enacted, That the inhabitants of the said Inhabitants township of Washington are hereby constituted a body'ed. politic and corporate in law, and shall be styled and known by the name of the inhabitants of the township of Washington, in the county of Mercer, shall be vested with and entitled to all the rights, powers, authority, privileges and advantages, and subject to the same regulations, government and liabilities as the inhabitants of the other townships in the said county of Mercer. meeting. 3. And be it enacted, That the inhabitants of the said First town township of Washington shall hold their first annual town meeting at the public house now kept by Elizabeth Miller, in the village of Windsor, on the second Tuesday of March next, and afterwards on the second Tuesday of March annually, at such places in the said township of Washington |