Private Laws-act to renew charter of Rahway Mutual Insurance Company, act to authorize Paterson and Ramapo Rail- act to incorporate the Jersey City Locomo- act to incorporate the Elizabeth Orphan act to incorporate the Sussex County Agri- act to incorporate the Bordentown Machine supplement to act to incorporate the Hills- supplement to charter of Dundee Manufac- act to incorporate the Vincentown Fire En- supplement to act to incorporate the Newark act to change place of business of Iron Bank, Company, at Newark, act to incorporate the South Amboy and act to incorporate the Monmouth Mutual In- act to incorporate the Democratic Associa- supplement to charter of Burlington and act for relief of the Puddle Dock and Wyatt act to incorporate the Orange Hotel Com- Page 36 37 39 41 45 48 50 53 61 70 70 72 76 80 86 90 92 96 Page Private Laws-act to incorporate the Union Manufac- turing Company, act to confirm sale of the Mount Pleasant act to incorporate the River View Cemetery 99 102 142 act to incorporate the Constables Hook and 145 act to incorporate the Freehold and Smith- 147 act confirming deed from S. R. Wetherell 158 act to change name of Second Presbyterian 169 supplement to act to incorporate the Jersey act to incorporate the Merchants' Insurance 189 189 supplement to act to incorporate the Hudson act for relief of the Old Causeway Meadow 208 supplement to charter of Northern Railroad 212 supplement to charter of Hackensack and act to incorporate the Bridgeton and Fairfield supplement to Princeton Mutual Insurance 213 223 236 act to incorporate the Howell Turnpike Com- 239 act to incorporate the United States Patent Grain Huller Company, 250 act to authorize Betsey Ayre to make a will, 261 Page Private Laws-act to authorize assessment of pews in Second Presbyterian Church, at Orange, 262 275 act to authorize trustees of Methodist Epis- copal church at Hightstown, to sell land, 277 act to incorporate the Perth Amboy and Boundbrook Railroad Company, act to incorporate the Mechanics' Insurance act to incorporate the Upper Clonmel Mea- supplement to act to incorporate the Bergen Point and Staten Island Ferry Company, 310 278 289 292 further supplement to charter of Long Dock 311 act authorizing trustees of Methodist Epis- 314 327 act to incorporate the Holmdel Insurance act to authorize trustees of First Presbyte- supplement to charter of Reformed Protest- 336 County Mutual Insurance Company, 338 act to incorporate the National Fertilizing act to incorporate the Florence and Jobstown act to incorporate the Burlington and Be- 354 357 367 Private Laws-act to incorporate the Allentown and act to confirm deed by Daniel Black for land, supplement to charter of the Mercer County supplement to charter of the Mercer County supplement to charter of the Hudson and act to change the name of the Trenton Patent Page 377 401 405 405 407 412 act to incorporate the Girard Hotel Company 413 supplement to charter of the Hackensack and New York Railroad Company, 417 supplement to act to incorporate the Trenton Patent Promoting Company, 418 act to incorporate the Gloucester China Com- act to incorporate the Native American As- act to incorporate the Hainesport Boarding act to incorporate the Lawrence Turnpike supplement to act to incorporate the Wee- act to authorize Albert M. Zabriskie to build supplement to charter of Raritan and Dela- supplement to charter of Hoboken and Hud- supplement to charter of the Miners', Manu- 418 421 425 427 439 451 470 471 pany, 473 Private Laws-supplement to charter of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company, Public Buildings in Trenton-joint resolution relative to erection of, by general government, Lands-joint resolution relative to, Public Laws-supplement to charter of borough of Bordentown, act relative to election of overseers of high- act concerning firemen in borough of Bor- act to authorize construction of bridge over act to change name of Independent Essex Page 480 496 503 3 4 5 act to alter boundary line between Somerset 6 10 act relative to will of Francis Miles, deceased, 14 act relative to firemen in Jersey city, 17 act to create township of Clayton, 26 and Middlesex counties, 29 31 33 49 34 89 act respecting proof of deeds, &c. &c., here- act relating to courts for the trial of small act relating to courts for the trial of small act relating to rate of interest in Bergen act relating to rate of interest in Union act relating to assignments by debtors- law to Hunterdon county, 35 44 47 59 |