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stock shall entitle its owner to one vote at each election, to
be given either in person or by proxy; and that the office
and records of the company shall be kept in the township
of Bridgewater, in the county of Somerset.


4. And be it enacted, That the board of directors shall Officers of have power to appoint a president, secretary, and treasurer, and such other officers and agents as they may deem necessary for carrying on the business of the company, and to allow them respectively such compensation for their services as may, in their judgment, be deemed reasonable.

sioners to re


5. And be it enacted, That William G. Steele, Samuel S. CommisHartwell, and Alexander E. Donaldson are hereby appoint- ceive subed commissioners to open books for subscription to the capital stock of said company at Bridgewater, in the county of Somerset, upon three weeks' notice published in the newspapers printed at Somerville; and as soon as two thousand shares are subscribed, the said commissioners shall, by like notice, appoint the hour and place for holding the first election for directors.


6. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for what prothe said company to insure houses and other buildings and be insured. property against loss or damage by fire, upon such terms and conditions as shall be contained in the policy of insurance, and may also insure ships and other vessels, rights, interests, and property, against every description of casualty incident to marine and inland transportation.


7. And be it enacted, That all policies, or contracts found- Policies of ed thereon, which shall be made or entered into by said company, may be made either under or without the seal thereof, and shall be subscribed by the president, or by such other officer as may be designated by the company for that purpose, and attested by the secretary, and, being so subscribed and attested, shall be obligatory upon the company, according to the tenor, intent, and meaning of this act, and of such policies or contracts.

estate may

8. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for what real said company to purchase and hold such and so much real be held. estate as shall be necessary for their convenient accommo

Stock transferable.

Company may make dividends.



dation in the transaction of their business, and also to take and hold any real estate, or securities bona fide mortgaged or pledged to said company to secure the payment of any debt which may be contracted with them, and also to proceed on said mortgage or other securities, for the recovery of the moneys thereby secured, either at law or in equity, and to purchase on sales made under such proceedings, or otherwise to take and receive any real estate in payment or towards satisfaction of any debt previously contracted with or due to said company, and the said real estate, to mortgage, sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of; and said company may invest their capital and accumulating premiums, from time to time, in public stocks, bonds, and mortgages, and such other securities as the directors may approve.

9. And be it enacted, That the stock of said company shall be deemed to be personal property, and shall be assignable and transferable according to such rules and regulations as the directors may establish from time to time in the by-laws of said company.

10. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the directors to make dividends of so much of the profits of the company as shall appear advisable, among the stockholders, upon such ratio as shall be established by the by-laws, which dividends shall be paid out semi-annually to the parties entitled thereto, or to their legal representatives.

11. And be it enacted, That this act shall continue in force twenty years; provided, that no contract made by said corporation before the repeal or expiration of this charter shall be affected thereby; and the said corporation shall have a reasonable time to bring its accounts to a final settlement. Approved March 4, 1858.


AN ACT to authorize the Governor and Commander in chief to confer the brevet rank of Major General for long and meritorious service in the militia.


brevet major

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Governor the State of New Jersey, That the governor and commander to appoint in chief be, and he is hereby authorized to confer upon such generals. citizens of this state, not exceeding three, as shall appear to him to have served long and meritoriously as adjutant generals, quarter master generals, or brigadier generals of the militia of this state, the rank of brevet major generals of said militia; provided, that the governor shall nominate Proviso the said officers to the senate, and they shall be appointed by and with the advice and consent of the senate.

2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved March 4, 1858.


AN ACT to prevent horses, cattle, sheep, and swine from running at large in the township of Clinton, in the county of Essex, and the township of Rahway, in the county of Union.

tle, &c., relarge may be may be sold to pay charges.

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Horses, catthe State of New Jersey, That it shall be lawful for any per- maining at son who may reside within the limits of the township of impounded.

Fees of poundkeeper

Clinton, in the county of Essex, and the township of Rahway, in the county of Union, except any person or persons under the age of sixteen years, for whom it shall not be lawful unless authorized by a written order from their parents or guardians, to drive or convey to any public pound which may be in the townships aforesaid, any horses, cattle, sheep, or swine, found running at large in the public highways or otherwise, within the bounds aforesaid, and impound the same; and the keeper or keepers of any public pound in said townships is, and are hereby required and authorized to receive such horses, cattle, sheep, and swine, and the party (or the pound-keeper, if the duty be performed by him) shall have twelve cents per head for impounding each horse or head of cattle, five cents per head for each sheep, and twenty-five cents per head for each swine; and the keeper shall also have twelve cents per head for every horse or head of cattle, five cents for every sheep, and twenty-five cents for every swine, for letting in the pound, and shall also have twelve cents per head for every horse or head of cattle, five cents for every sheep, and twenty-five cents for every swine, for letting out of the pound; and for feeding and attending ten cents per head for horses and cattle, five cents per head for sheep, and ten cents per head for swine, for every twenty-four hours they shall continue in said pound; and if the owner or owners of said horses, cattle, sheep, or swine, so impounded, shall not pay the charges of impounding and keeping within four days after such beasts shall be impounded, and take the same away, it shall then be the duty of the pound-keeper to set up advertisements in five of the most public places in said townships, describing such horses,

cattle, sheep, or swine, and giving at least ten days' notice Cattle, &c., of an intended day and place of sale; and if the owner or owners of such horses, cattle, sheep, or swine, do not appear and redeem the said beasts before the time so notified, the said pound-keeper shall sell the same accordingly, and out of the money arising from such sale shall pay the charges of conveying to the pound, and retain in his hands his fees for impounding, keeping, and feeding said horses, cattle, sheep, or swine, and twenty-five cents for advertising sale, and collecting the money for each horse, cattle, or swine, and ten cents for each sheep, and return the overplus to the owner or owners of the beasts if they shall appear to claim the same; and if no owner or owners shall appear and claim such surplus within six months after such sale, the same shall be paid to the overseer or overseers of the poor of the townships wherein such beasts were found running at large as aforesaid, to be expended for and towards the support of the poor in said townships.


2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect imme- Former acts diately, and that all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved March 4, 1858.


A SUPPLEMENT to an act entitled "An act to enable two-thirds of the owners in value of any body or tract of salt marsh or meadow, within this state, using a common road to the fast land, to support the same."

meeting to

1. BE IT ENACTED, by the Senate and General Assembly of Notice of the State of New Jersey, That the meeting authorized by the be given. first section of the act to which this is a supplement, may be called by any three of the owners of any salt marsh or meadow, by serving a notice on the other owners thereof, or in case they cannot be found, or giving four weeks' notice of the time and place of meeting to the other owners thereof,

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