Spirit and mind polarity, or The disentanglement of ideas |
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action active Affection analogy Analysis animal Appetite applied Aristotle Axis betwixt the Ideas body Body-Sense called centre chap Co-ordinate Poles complete induction conceive conception connexion consciousness considered Deduction degree desire distinction doctrine domestic emotions exert existence experience expression external fact faculties feeling Free-Will fundamental Generalisation habits Hamilton's human implies individual Induction Inductive Inference inference Instinct Intellect labour Lecture on Metaphysics Logic magnet mean betwixt Memory mental Method mind Miss Martineau mode Moral motive nature necessary necessity negative pole Not-Self notion objects observation organic perception phenomena Philanthropy Plate Plato pleasure polar political polytheism positive Mind Positive Philosophy positive pole Principles of Psychology race reason recognised regard relations Self-law-giving-Energy sensation sensibility Sir William Hamilton Smell social Social Statics society Soul-Affection speculative Spencer's Principles Spirit spontaneous synthesis Taste term things thought tion TISM Touch truth Vocabulary of Philosophy volition word
Popular passages
Page 2 - When you have proved that the three angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles...
Page 93 - I would be understood to mean that notice which the mind takes of its own operations, and the manner of them, by reason whereof there come to be ideas of these operations in the understanding.
Page 115 - Induction is that operation of the mind by which we infer that what we know to be true in a particular case or cases, will be true in all cases which resemble the former in certain assignable respects.
Page 22 - For this is the essential attribute of a will, and contained in the very idea, that whatever determines the will acquires this power from a previous determination of the will itself. The will is ultimately self-determined, or it is no longer a will under the law of perfect freedom, but a nature under the mechanism of cause and effect.
Page 149 - We may be free, and yet another may have reason to be perfectly certain what use we shall make of our freedom. It is not, therefore, the doctrine that our volitions and actions are invariable consequents of our antecedent states of mind, that is either contradicted by our consciousness, or felt to be degrading. But the doctrine of causation, when considered as obtaining between our volitions and their antecedents, is almost universally conceived as involving more than this.
Page 22 - THE question, whether the law of causality applies in the same strict sense to human actions as to other phenomena, is the celebrated controversy concerning the freedom of the will.- which, from at least as far back as the time of Pelagius, has divided both the philosophical and the religious world.
Page 93 - These two, I say, viz., external material things, as the objects of sensation; and the operations of our own minds within, as the objects of reflection ; are to me the only originals from whence all our ideas take their beginnings.
Page 127 - an agreement or likeness between things in some circumstances or effects, when the things are otherwise entirely different...
Page 49 - When the sick man has been visited and everything done which skill and assiduity can do to cure him, modern charity will go on to consider the causes of his malady, what noxious influence besetting his life, what contempt of the laws of health in his diet or habits, may have caused it, and then to enquire whether others incur the same dangers and may be warned in time.
Page 92 - The latter, that is, a conception, consists in a conscious act of the understanding, bringing any given object or impression into the same class with any number of other objects or impressions by means of some character or characters common to them all.